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PlayStation Plus Members Can Join The DUST 514 Beta Fun

PlayStation Plus members always get a little preferential treatment thrown their way. And rightfully so.

Developer CCP has revealed a special closed beta test for Plus subscribers, who will get to play DUST 514 between August 21 and September 4. They will join those who have purchased a Mercenary Pack and gamers who were already in thanks to the All-Access Pass.

A statement from CCP:

"August 21 marks an important milestone in the Dust 514 beta as it ushers in the “Precursor” release. This update includes the first live Dust/Eve Online integration, Orbital Strike framework, instant battle matchmaking, new environments, keyboard and mouse support, and tons of other enhancements. As a bonus, PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive a 50 percent discount on the Mercenary Pack for Dust 514 during the beta event. The Mercenary Pack gives players unlimited beta access, as well as in-game currency, skill boosts, and exclusive gear. Those interested can learn more about the Mercenary Pack by visiting"

DUST 514 is essentially a MMOFPS, which a never-ending online multiplayer structure that allows players to explore a vast sci-fi universe from a number of different perspectives. Definitely a game you could get lost in for many, many hours so set aside a big chunk of time.

Related Game(s): DUST 514

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11 years ago


Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago


11 years ago

Put on the dunce hat and sit in the corner 🙂

11 years ago

This is one thing I really liked not seeing on this site.

11 years ago

ethird??? No, not here…

World… i laughed heartily when reading your comment 🙂



11 years ago

It will be nice to see even more players come into the beta, hopefully they are a little better then the last group they let in as they were just cannon fodder for most of us.

11 years ago

This is interesting, I was hoping to hear more of the game. As it seems that you are in the Beta, what is it like?

If you had to compare the engines used between Dust and KZ3, how do they compare graphically and game play wise? Does Dust feel quick and responsive, is there lag, etc?

Please elaborate if you have some spare time on your hands, I would love to know a bit more about it…



Last edited by Qubex on 8/19/2012 1:58:27 AM

11 years ago

Graphics aren't comparable to KZ2 or 3 at the moment. It has decent art direction though. Gameplay feels interesting its responsive but there are hit detection issues. Remember this is beta, although sometimes it feels like an alpha.

I think they need a good single player tutorial or something visual as the tutorial in game is all text and kind of confusing.

Rogue probably has a better handle on the game than me though, but that is just my experience with the game so far. Its pretty good and oozes potential.

11 years ago

I am loving it! It isn't a mindless shooter in anyway, you need to be familiar with RPGs as well as shooters to get a grasp of the game, and any EVE experience is an obvious plus. It has one hell of a learning curve but once you manage to figure it out it becomes really rewarding. A lot of people who have got access through the weekend passes have either hated it or found it to be too hard, but really I think it is because the players they are going against have superior tech and it makes killing them somewhat difficult(at least at first). Some people will be put off by the fact that you build your character over time, so those that invest more time or are better players will effectivily have better equipment. However tactics and teamwork can overcome a lot of those obstacles as well.

I like CCPs approach to where if it goes in it needs to have a full explanation behind it, they are building this game on the back of EVE and are really going all out with it.

I never played KZ3 so I really can't draw any comparisons to the two, and because of the NDA I am trying to be really careful on what I do say. It does have lag and hit detection issues but each subsequent build has made it better. I fully agree with Xenris that it oozes potential.

11 years ago

One other thing to note is that specializing is the key to success, if you take a jack-of-all-trades approach you will always be someone elses target practice. So know what you like to do before even starting your main character, there are 3 slots available so use them if you need too to see what area you like best, be it certain weapons or even vehicles.

11 years ago

Thank you guys for this information and the effort it took to write it up… much appreciated really 🙂



11 years ago

I'd love to try it, but with that small of a window I don't think it will even finish downloading by the time it's over.

11 years ago

World, do you have Plus?

I too would love to give it a go…



11 years ago

I'll be trying it out. If I like it enough I may purchase the mercenary pack. The last article I read about this really got me interested.

11 years ago

Ah, I love having PS+. Gonna give this a try for sure.

11 years ago

I was slightly disappointed with the beta, however I think its because a lack of tutorial. Also I find some of the vehicles really over powered, then again I had a hard time understanding the marketplace and things like that.

I am still extremely interested in the game as it has some really ambitious ideas, I just hope they tighten up the aiming and hit detection. I am also really glad I can use a mouse and keyboard as once this game goes live I will use that over a controller.

11 years ago

A properly setup vehicle is powerful but to me not overpowered. I loved the cross-coms glitch in the previous build as I would hear the other team sometimes crying about the Forge Gun user(which was me), I would make them run for cover evertime I brought out my Forge Gun as it was fully upgraded. Teamwork makes quick work of even the most powerful vehicles, but when you can't get a team to work together the vehicles will rule the field. And yeah the hit detection still needs work though it is a thousand times better then it was in the first build.

11 years ago

Any tips for me as I am just starting out. I think I wasted some skill points but I am not against starting a new character. I decided to get the merc pack because I know this game will at least become something worth 20 bucks to me.

I come from PC shooters like CS, and Tribes to when something doesn't die fast I sometimes get frustrated and I find it happens a lot in Dust. I'm not sure if its a bug, but I almost consistently leave enemies with not shields and a sliver of health and just can't connect the last bullet.

I like rifles and assault armor, but I have no idea how to deal with vehicles so tips for that would be nice too. But yeah tips for a loadout would be nice, also I assume there will be a character wipe before launch so I'm not against experimenting.

11 years ago

For the vehicles I had a 1st tier Heavy Suit and equipped the Proto Forge Gun(Kaalakiota SP?), an Advanced Breach SMG, along with 2 Complex Heavy Damage Modifiers, a Complex Armor Repair Module and I think I needed a CPU Upgrade Module, also had AV grenades. They did not like me at all! However if no one helped me with a properly set up Sagaris then I was nothing more than an annoyance.

In a way you can't really waste skill points, but you can use them at the wrong time. So I wouldn't worry to much about that, plus since it is the beta I guess this is the best possible time to test the waters.

As far as the Assualt that is my other main fitting and I love it. One thing I would suggest is making sure you take advantage of the "Handheld Weapon Upgrades". Obviously you would want the Weapon Operation, Proficiency, and Weaponry all at level 5, and then make sure to get the Light Weapon Sharpshooter up as far as you can, I also found the Light Weapon Upgrade and Reload speed to be very effective. The biggest thing I would stress though is getting Nanocircuitry to LV. 4 so you can use the k/17 nanohives as they will repair your armor as well as resupply you, though this can wait till your weapon is at a sufficient level. Having those along with a complex Armor Rep can make you a beast on the field. Also make sure to have a well upgraded sidearm of your choice, I would suggest the SMG as the Handheld Weapon Upgrades are then useful for both of your weapons, though the pistol is awesome it would then require the Sidearm Upgrades as well using up your SP that could go to better things.

The best way to extend your lifespan(outside of better dropsuits) on the field is to make sure to level up Mechanics, Engineering, & Electronics all to Lv. 5. And then look into leveling Repair Systems, Electronics Upgrades, Shield Management, Shield Operation, and Shield Upgrades as these all give either permanent boost to shields, armor, or recharge rates for the 2. These will also allow you to use the better modules which will also make you more powerful, just remember to upgrade the Light or Heavy Weapon Upgrade for those weapons so you have the CPU and PGU available for the better modules.

I know you probably already know about most of the things I put in here, but if not they should help. As far as I know there will be a character wipe right before the game launches. It is a lot of fun building up the characters in here and I can honestly say I haven't had this much fun with a shooter in quite awhile, it probably also helps that I love both RPGs and FPSs 🙂

11 years ago

Thanks for the tips, believe it or not I didn't know some of those tricks. I know I will really love this game once I wrap my head around some of its nuances. I think they really need a good visual tutorial to let people know what they should equip etc.

I will test some of this stuff out next time the beta is up. Thank you a bunch 😀

11 years ago

Oh man reading you guys comments here makes me realize this game looks totally awesome.

All that's missing is TIME… *sigh*

11 years ago

For those of us who don't have PSN Plus we can watch this instead

(non-PSN plus members may only access this link)

11 years ago

Just awesome, thanks for posting up that link Temjin… 🙂



11 years ago

Uninteresting/empty map , so so control , the weapons are bland and boring to use , ps3 early days graphics .This is MY OPINION and i stand by it .

Love the customization tho , only reason why i still have interest in the game .Knowing it s just a beta and being 100 percent sure it will get better in all department in the coming months help keeping my interest too tho .

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