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Borderlands 2 Golden…Almost Officially

It's about that time, peeps.

The first was oodles of fun, especially for those who took to the dangerous wastelands with some buddies. And the second effort is going to be even bigger…and it'll have 96.5% more Wub-Wub, which makes it an automatic must-buy.

Gearbox Software boss Randy Pitchford has Tweeted that Borderlands 2 has gone gold, which means it's on track to launch on September 18 in North America for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC (and three days later in Europe). This isn't official until "all the ballots are in," but it certainly appears inevitable. This is great news 'cuz if you're not a fighting fan ( Tekken Tag Tournament 2 , Dead or Alive 5 ), September is kinda sparse.

For more information on the hotly anticipated sequel, check out our in-depth preview . I just want a more robust campaign…

Related Game(s): Borderlands 2

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11 years ago

Not my thing but the more work Gearbox finishes the better. I'll be bouncing around in DOA5.

11 years ago

Loved B1, so I'm more than sure that I'll also love B2.

11 years ago

I can't wait to pick this up! Although, I may pick it up on PC since I just saw a Physx trailer the other day and the effects look pretty awesome! I just hope I have enough Amazon credit to pick it up on release day!

11 years ago

Does this game have you hunting for 'millions' of pre-set weapons or can you customise your weapons with millions of parts. I never understood why they did that, I saw my flatmates play it and they were so excited upon finding new weapons with all these stats… I just didn't get it. What is the point in have all these pre-set weapons with all these different parts-stats which you cannot change. But in my opinion it seems this feature of weapons seems to be the main objective of the game, the main story is flat and all the missions looked like side-quests.

11 years ago

For some it's great fun to be found in looting objects and compare stats and collect and try out stuff, and maybe end up with something unique that not everyone else has or could have had or made.

It's that simple, really. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/18/2012 8:31:31 AM

11 years ago

shame this is really the only game available next month thats not a fighter!
time for some DL games to come in and rescue what is normally one of the fullest months of the year!

11 years ago

so excited that it drops on my birthday, deff getting it at the midnight release and playing straight through the day…screw turning 21 im gonna have Borderlands 2

11 years ago

Great news since nothing else interesting coming out in september beside fighters which i m tired off .

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