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Lucky, Lucky Gamers…You Get Two Holiday Seasons

It used to be that most all the year's best games launched in the fourth quarter to take advantage of the holiday rush.

But these days, with so many damn games coming out and everyone wanting a piece of that prodigious holiday pie, it only makes sense to bump a few promising titles into 2013. And over the past couple of years, those "few" have turned into a deluge for the first quarter of the following year.

So now, it's not just October and November that are nuts; January through March are jam packed, too. Just look at what is scheduled to arrive on store shelves in the first quarter of 2013; most of these have concrete release dates and only a few, like The Last Of Us , hold vague "Q1 2013" estimations.

The Last Of Us may not make it for the first quarter but even without it, that's still a pretty ridiculous lineup and I'd say easily rivals that of the holiday list. Beyond: Two Souls probably won't hit in the first quarter but what about Grand Theft Auto V ? Seems quite likely, doesn't it? And maybe even Final Fantasy XIII-3 , which now appears inevitable and would make sense, as FFXIII-2 launched in January of this year.

It's just surprising how many games we're getting in the supposed "doldrums" of the first quarter this generation.

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Metal Head
Metal Head
11 years ago

Dead Space 3,Ni No Kuni,Beyond,The Last of Us, are must buy full price for me. The rest can wait for a price drop. I'm glad that for the holiday season I have very few games on my radar. Still having trouble keeping up with too many games to finish.

11 years ago

Gonna have to sell a kidney.

11 years ago

I'm gonna have to sell both.

11 years ago

no, xombito dont do that. listen to World. You do need both kidneys to live. Well, unless you're a cyborg.. you sort of look like one. but even then you'd have to use tylenol (acetaminophen) instead of ibuprofen when you feel pain. sucks to not have options.

11 years ago

Dang, what a time not have any expendable income…

11 years ago

hehe my brother and i would always refer to gaming droughts as gaming doldrums growing up =)
These days though, jeesh there's way more games than I could ever play.
It doesn't help with games like VF5: FS around. I told myself I'd lay off of it this week… but didn't. but hey, I made Raider class tonight. woo hoo

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/16/2012 12:57:31 AM

11 years ago

Its looking hectic the games I gotta have is Ni No Kuni,Tomb Raider,DMC and Bioshock Infinite. MG Revengeance and SC Blacklist I can wait awhile. Im really curious to see how everything goes with DMC. Beyond is most anticipated game from Sony so I hope the wait isn't too long.

11 years ago

Let's not forget borderlands 2 this fall also.

11 years ago

B2 is my #1 most wanted game! Little over a month to go!

11 years ago

… And there's even more! Games like

– Watch dogs
– Crysis 3

should also be worthy of an entry on that list!

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/16/2012 3:29:32 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Good for some, but I really wish that these releases were staggered throughout the year. I mean, I get it, a game is done when it is done, but what's the problem with pushing it back a few months to help pad out the middle of the year? Why can't it be holiday season all year 'round, so that we don't suddenly get mauled with must-have releases that can cost a TON in one hit? Out of touch…

11 years ago

… Or to flip it the other way around: A game is released when it's released, but what's the problem with waiting a few months before buying it, to help pad out the middle of the year?

You don't *have* to pay a ton to get them. There are good money to be saved by waiting…

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/16/2012 6:06:39 AM

11 years ago


Not only that but devs worried about competing against the crush of games can release their product at a more quieter month when less is coming out.


"You don't *have* to pay a ton to get them. There are good money to be saved by waiting…"

I am very impatient & this thing you call *waiting* is not an option for me. 😉

Last edited by Kevin555 on 8/16/2012 8:39:11 AM

11 years ago

Then thy shall pay for thee impatience, young padowan!

11 years ago

jans aways deserted, its feb march and may which are jam packed!
one thing that really is weird about the industry its all over the place!
why cant we instead of having 10 games releasing in march why cant we split them up for 5 in march and 5 in april?
january april, june, july, august are always the slowest months.
sometimes september depends on the year, sometimes its quiet like this year only borderlands 2 releasing, and others its quite the opposite.
exactly why i have so many games on my backlog its not funny!
theres so many games releasing 90% of them get pushed to the quiet months and when they finally come along there hard to find or whatever.
took me freaking weeks to find a copy of CLOS!

11 years ago

2013 Must haves:
Ni No Kuni
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Space 3
Tomb Raider
God of War Ascension
The Last of Us

The others I can get anytime. Sheesh, it's going to be quite the new year!

11 years ago

Same list as mine, but Im holding off on Dead Space 3 and Tomb raider. The others I need.

11 years ago

That list stresses me out.

Can't we space them out abit?

September this year is going to be my personal fave month with two fighting giants released; TTT2 & Dead or Alive 5. Then a few weeks beyond that you have Resi Evil 6 & Hitman Absolution, not to mention that HD Hitman collection coming soon after.

Forget selling your kidneys, i'm selling my limbs! If you see a head attached to a torso being carted around on a wheelchair when you come into your nearest game shop this coming months. That will be me.

No, really.

11 years ago

I can understand selling your legs, but how are you gonna play the games without hands?

11 years ago

DmC, MGR:R, GoW:A are my big 3

11 years ago

This list is exciting and saddening. Anyone else hate when so many great games come out at once 🙁

I only say that because if I don't get a game at launch or around it I sometimes never end up playing it.

I need The last of us, Bioshock and Ni No Kuni, the rest I want but nothing tops those three.

11 years ago

thats a nice list, guess i better start saving.

11 years ago

it's begin to look a lot like christmas

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