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BioWare: Day One DLC Is Something Most Gamers Want

Some gamers see day-one downloadable content as a little suspicious; i.e., why am I paying extra for something that seemingly could've been included in the game?

But obviously, day-one DLC still seems to work, and BioWare views this tactic as a perfectly viable way of monetizing players. In speaking at GDC Europe and as summarized at Eurogamer , BioWare online development director Fernando Melo said that in point of fact, gamers want that extra stuff.

"Fans do want more content. From the moment the game launches. They tend to say 'I want it now!' So it needs to be there when it's ready. They choose when to pick it up, day one or later."

Mass Effect 3 launched alongside the From Ashes DLC pack, and the earlier gamers bought that extra content, the more dialogue options and content there was available for each squad member. Melo added that day-one DLC also makes sense from a development standpoint, because writers and concept artists who were finished with their work on the main game can just keep working on more content.

Further, Melo believes the Online Pass is just another iteration of day-one DLC, and says 11% of all revenue earned from Mass Effect 2 came from EA's Online Pass. He also said an "analogue" to the Pass system is free-to-play, which features a premium layer of service. But what's your take on the idea of DLC being available immediately upon a game's launch? And how's about "freemium?"

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11 years ago

Who do these people talk to? Yet again another statement that in my opinion goes completely against reality.

11 years ago

Heh, no joke. I'm not sure where their consensus comes from, but I'm certainly not involved.

11 years ago

I read more of the statements from this guy and its mostly a load of crap. First he says sales spike at launch then taper off. But he fails to mention Dragon Age:Origins sales, which actually have sold more than DA2, and constantly went up and down over the years it was out and this was with NO DLC. I know this article is just about day one DLC but I read the whole interview with him and his logic and reasoning is pretty terrible.

Day one DLC is obviously a slap to the face and a boot to the anus. Especially when a lot of games feel like they cut that stuff out of the game. Day 1 DLC always feels like this. A cheap trick to get an extra 10 bucks from the customer. According to their stats we want this? Its either a lie or gamers everywhere are giving in to this unethical practice.

Likewise CDProjekt was interviewed and they said ALL DLC should be free to the customer. They used sound logic to prove why this is profitable and good for business. Actually they noticed that by releasing free DLC people would buy a full copy of their game, and they were honest in saying that there DLC was not expensive to make.

CDProjekt has taken over Bioware as the kind of WRPGs. I hope The Witcher 2 is released on the PS3 soon because it will show you just how superior it is to almost anything Bioware has put out in the last several years.

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago

These people don't talk to anyone. They look at purchasing behavior trends.

Message boards like this one can be flooded with comments about how much people hate Day 1 DLC, and it won't matter one jot. It's what customers do with their wallets that matters, not what they say with their mouths. That's how the thinking goes, folks.

And who can blame them? These aren't non-profits we're talking about here. It's a business.

Here's what gets me… many of the same people who will shake their fists at a company like Bioware for not listening to fans about Day 1 DLC will be the same ones who cluck their tongues at "entitled gamers" whenever someone tries to organize a boycott.

The thing to understand is this: profits trump outrage. If fans don't translate their disgust at Day 1 DLC into real, measurable changes in the marketplace, then companies like Bioware will (rightfully) assume that all this complaining is just so much hot air.

11 years ago

They must be living in the Mass Effect world.

11 years ago

I see day 1 DLC as a slap in the face. And you don't slap a man. Even back in the day when slapping was fashionable they'd have a gunfight after that. Somebody had to go!

11 years ago

I don't see this as truth. I see it as fans buying it because it's there and Bioware taking it as, this is what people want. Fact is they are releasing content that should be in the game. The from ashes dlc was pointless if the player had beat the game first. It offered a new character in a story that was taking place. Not *after* that story.

It is a ploy to get people to purchase this stuff and it certainly should be in the game. Anything that is being developed along side the retail version of the same game should atleast be free. Sure I can understand not having time to put it on the disc but don't make me pay for it. That's why some DLC like the from ashes dlc is released same day, because eventhough it's not a crucial part of the story, it does fit in the timeline and can make the story more intriguing and people feel the need to buy that up. I did, Da****!

11 years ago

That's exactly what it is, they are seeing it sell and saying "Hey people must want this" When in fact they just want THE WHOLE GAME.

11 years ago

Agreed, but the point is that people buy less DLC the further it is from the game's release because they're done playing the game.

edit: I, on the other hand, generally wait to play the game until all the content has been released (as other people have stated below), but we're the minority…the majority still seem to be buying the game at release and they only buy DLC if it's released quickly.

Now if you want to argue against *all* paid DLC….

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/14/2012 2:28:00 PM

11 years ago

That's exactly right world, Exactly!

Fane- well in the case of day one dlc – and I'll use the from ashes dlc again as an example – it was bought up early because it literally could be considered part of the game. Can you beat the game with out it? Sure… But is it any good after you've beaten it? Not really, for the reasons I explained. Like world said consumers want the whole game so of course they will buy it closer to release, if it is released on day one.

11 years ago

I call BS on Bioware.

My Spidey senses tell me that if the DLC is available in the same time-frame as the game, then Bioware(and any others) should have been put that inside as part of their main game, and not used as a DLC device for extra sales.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/13/2012 10:32:04 PM

11 years ago

If you say something often enough, there's a lot of people who are going to start to believe it after a while. Targeting the young impressionables has always been a popular tactic. One that is seemingly very effective i'm afraid. Day 1 DLC – so they finished the game, polished it off and everything, then decided to create some extra side quests to milk … sorry my bad, to appease gamers' ravenous appetites for more content. Hmm … methinks i am not ravenous-y enough, probably i need to get with the times.

11 years ago

I've never bought Day one DLC, or any DLC that "adds to the story"
If I feel the dlc is needed to play the full game I have always waited for the GOTY edition or similar.

I havn't even bought other dlc since uncharted 2.

11 years ago

It's funny with big games you get punished for buying it day 1 since there will be a full edition later (with all DLC) at the same price or less.

11 years ago

Almost always at a 10-20 dollar price reduction. Its a load of garbage and why most games aren't day one purchases for me anymore.

11 years ago

One reason I started buying all my games a year late. I either get the complete all dlc included edition for $30 or less, or if no new edition comes out, I buy the original for about $15 and get all the dlc on sale and still don't spend more than $30.

11 years ago

Nonsense, whenever I buy a game on release and this happens (& it's not included in pre-order deal) I feel absolutely cheated! It's probably why I am rarely buying titles on launch day now, in fear that I am not getting my moneys worth. When I buy a game I like to get everything that games has to offer. DLC has been one of the many downfalls in gaming this gen, while at heart it is a lovely idea, in execution it has just been exploited.

11 years ago

of course they do!
whats the point of releasing DLC, especially story based DLC a few months later when everyones moved on, theres a million other games to play, and everyones forgotten the story?
i still havent played the DLC for allot of my favorite games like bioshock 2, fallout 3, fallout new vegas, CLOS or even gravity rush, simply because it came out so late!
if it was to release within a few weeks or so i probably would of, but once ive finished a game its sayonara!

11 years ago

He's right, gamers do want more content… ON THE DISC YOU RETARD!

11 years ago

stuff like this is why i am done with suporting them

IF i ever play one i will get it USED

11 years ago

Nah. He hopes it's true. He just thinks that if he says something enough times that his hope will come true. It's just another form of marketing.

The only truth is that if a game is great, people will buy the DLC. If the game isn't great, people wont.

I couldn't get enough of DA:O. I never even finished DA2.

I'm not interested in F2P games.

11 years ago

Well, I guess he didn't ask anyone in these comments because the vote seems unanimous: Day-1 DLC is a horrible idea.

11 years ago

Thats why i rarely buy games day 1, when i see a day 1 DLC i feel im not getting the complete game, thats why i waited for Arkham City and got the GOTY edition new for 30 from amazon.

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