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Bioshock Infinite Loses Multiplayer Modes, But Levine Mollifies

Yesterday, we learned that a couple key members of the talented Irrational Games staff jumped ship .

With the hotly anticipated title set for February 26, 2013, those eagerly awaiting its release began to worry. After all, the game has already been delayed once…bad news?

But Irrational boss and Bioshock guru Ken Levine tried to appease those concerned fans when speaking to Kotaku . Unfortunately, it seems the team has been forced to cut some multiplayer modes (we're not sure if this means all multiplayer has been eliminated), but Levine says sometimes, people leave big companies. And they've still got some big-time talent hanging around.

"As far as the team itself, the lead artist, the art director, the creative director, the lead effects artist, the senior sound guy, the lead programer and the lead AI programmer from BioShock 1 are all on BioShock Infinite. I don't think there's a single senior BioShock team member that isn't here, which I think is amazing and a testament to their commitment to the studio. And there are a ton of amazing people who weren't on BioShock 1 that are on BioShock Infinite."

We also learn that Gears of War executive producer Rod Fergusson has left Epic to join the team at Irrational, so that's a big addition. So should we be worried? Well, the axing of those multiplayer modes is a little troublesome, but we believe in Levine's vision, and we also believe Irrational will make the requisite push to put Infinite on store shelves.

Related Game(s): Bioshock Infinite

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11 years ago

This game is about the single player anyway. They could always add the modes in later in an update. Or maybe not. Don't matter.

11 years ago

uhh I see the cutting of the MP modes a positive. Now they can focus on what is truly more important, the single player campaign.

Last edited by cLoudou on 8/9/2012 10:39:12 PM

11 years ago

Give me a 20+ hour singleplayer over a 10 hour singleplayer with multiplayer any day, thank you very much.

11 years ago

That doesn't trouble me at all, it just means the SP gets more focus. I think the game would benefit from having fewer MP modes that are strong than just a plethora of them.

As long as it's still coming Levine can do no wrong in my eyes.

11 years ago

i am not worried about this at all. in my mind i have not even thought about a mp mode one bit. im not sure if i knew there was one. they did it for bioshock 2 so makes sense they would for this. but if they dont. i wont be upset at all.

11 years ago

I'll admit that I am a little bit worried. When key employees leaves right before the final stretch of a project it is almost never a good sign.

So worried? Yes. But I sincerely hope this only affects multi-player.

11 years ago

hes not a key developer, hes a art designer.
there one of the first people to be done with a game!
ken said his work with the game is completed, so why stay at a studio when you have no more work to do?
guys been there for 13 years, i dont blame him for leaving id get so boring entering the same office for 13 years!

11 years ago

If that is so then why the talk about multiplayer modes they have to skip? What's the relation?

11 years ago

Maybe there's no relation and it's just because of the upcoming deadline.

11 years ago

kens a perfectionist hes not going to put something into a game if hes not happy with it.
plus he said hes looking at a few different things so maybe the supposed 2 MP features were replaced with something he thought would fit better.
or maybe this was just someone plucking things out of the air.

11 years ago

Then I'll take you guys word for it. 🙂
Cause I want and expect this game to be *the* grand finale for the current gen consoles as far as I am concerned. Th big salute.

11 years ago

dunno why people are so worried about this!
i mean when has ken let us down?
bioshock is still to this day one of the industries best games!
not to mention rod fergusson from epic games has also switched over.
so one of the most talented guys in the industry moves to a studio headed by one of the most talented guys in the industry!
all making a game that won game of show at E3 last year, all who made a game that is still one of the best games ever made, and creating a game which frankly looks so freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!
i cant see how this can go wrong!

11 years ago

Levine is one of the best in the business, and Bioshock is a masterpiece. Bioshock 2's MP is fun, but isn't necessary. Infinite doesn't need MP, and I'm fine with it not having it. If it did, fine, I mean U2 didn't lose anything from having MP in it. But since it doesn't, no skin off my nose.

11 years ago

yep! I just about agree with how everybody else feel's about the MP. Don't add a MP mode just because the majority of gamer's out there are playing more MP than SP. I say, don't let production push you around, just because they put up the money and they feel the game would sell better with an MP mode. I just feel that, from what I've seen so far from Bio.In, it won't benefit from having an MP mode. might even hurt it on review's and that in turn would make it that much harder to secure money to make a next bioshock title. I don't know about anyone else but i would really like to see what a new bioshock game would look like on the next gen. of console's.

Last edited by dbrasco75 on 8/13/2012 10:06:04 PM

11 years ago

You know I actually like this pale as a news site but, your opinions suck.
How come every time it's like we back the developer and not the gamer? How come every time it's like we believe in his vision?

You guys are antigamer. You are pro-developer really at best and don't have your supporters back you just write crap and smut in our faces.

11 years ago

I have a friend who is an animator at the studio and I even tried to work there myself. There is nothing to worry about. The game is in post-production work anyways, meaning they're just polishing levels, graphics, AI and such so all the work Nate Wells and the gang put into creating the world and game itself is long done. Nothing large will change at this point.

Also, as many said, the mp being removed is a *better* thing. I don't want some piece of crud mode I'll never touch anyways unless I want to plat the game and am required to play online for a couple of mp trophies to do so.

They're actually hiring upwards of 10-20 new employees right now. Companies in trouble don't do that ;]

Last edited by Jotun on 8/14/2012 3:19:26 PM

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