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Bioshock Infinite Developer Loses A Couple Key Members

Hey…where ya goin'? Isn't this a bad time to disappear?

As first evidenced by LinkedIn profiles and later confirmed by Irrational Games boss Ken Levine, a few key members of the development team have left the Bioshock Infinite project .

Director of product development Tim Gerritsen and art director Nate Wells have moved on; Wells had been with Irrational for the past 13 years. There was a rumor that he had joined the Uncharted team at Naughty Dog but there's nothing official about his new destination. As for Gerritsen, he previously worked at Human Head Studios before joining Irrational and there's no knowing where he went, either.

So does this affect the status of Infinite ? Well, Levine Tweeted about the situation, saying that the art director from the first Bioshock , Scott Sinclair, had replaced Wells. We all know Levine is one of those perfectionists, who had this to say about the game being pushed to February 26:

"I won’t kid you: Bioshock Infinite is a very big game, and we’re doing things that no one has ever done in a first-person shooter," Levine wrote. "We had a similar experience with the original Bioshock, which was delayed several months as our original ship date drew near. Why? Because the Big Daddies weren’t the Big Daddies you’ve since come to know and love. Because Andrew Ryan’s golf club didn’t have exactly the right swing. Because Rapture needed one more coat of grimy Art Deco. The same principle now applies to Bioshock Infinite."

Related Game(s): Bioshock Infinite

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11 years ago

Sad but Levine's a badass. No doubt it will turn out as great as Bioshock 1.

11 years ago

I would only worry if Levine was the one who left.

11 years ago

Now that the Mass Effect trilogy is over Bioshock is my new dream franchise. I can not wait!

11 years ago

If you haven't gotten Minerva's Den it's well worth it.

11 years ago

god i love this guy!
irrational are one of the very few developers where they can do whatever they want, and fans will still have infinite faith in them!
ill be extremley shocked and disappointed if bioshock infinite is not at least GOTY contender!
bioshock was a f*cking masterpiece, so were expecting nothing less for its sequel!

11 years ago

I like this guy.

11 years ago

I'd love the game ASAP but hey let the man take the time it takes to make it perfect I say.

11 years ago

Hear, hear.

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