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Gamescom May See Sony Announce “Until Dawn,” “Rain”

We're coming up on one of the biggest trade shows of the year, and we already know that Sony plans to announce at least a couple new titles.

No idea what they could be, but perhaps we have a hint: According to OnlySP , Sony has filed two trademarks for some upcoming software. One is for a game known as "Until Dawn," which was initially registered back in 2010 as a horror experience of some kind for the PlayStation Move. The other is "Rain," which doesn't appear to have anything to do with the existing Heavy Rain . Quantic Dream's new project has already been revealed as Beyond: Two Souls .

Maybe we'll learn the truth in a few weeks time but for now, it's always interesting to consider slick new potential exclusives. Not that the PS3 is short on exclusives and not that we're greedy or anything, but still…

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11 years ago

Can't wait to see what they announce this year. Always look forward to what sony has in store for us.

11 years ago

Really hope they have some huge Vita announcements. I really want that machine to do at least reasonably well, and it's do or die time heading into the holiday season for them to make a convincing case that $250 — plus memory sticks — is a fine price for what you're getting.

At the VERY least, they'd better put PS1 Classics compatibility up and running 🙂

11 years ago

Sweet, I'll be there during my Eurotrip.

11 years ago

Rain? Finally!! The prequal to Heavy Rain.

11 years ago

i remember seeing some leaked screenshots of until dawn, looked so freaking cool!
was wondering what happened to the game i was starting to think it was canned!
$ony should do everything they can to bring those 2 games and whatever else they can out this year!
we really have NO core exclusives this year!
first time ninty and M$ actually have more on offer!
never thought id be saying that…………..
Ferrari made to look amateurish by Suzuki, how embarrassing!!!!!!!

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