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Assassin’s Creed III PS3 Boasts An Hour Of Exclusive Gameplay

Ubisoft has given us reasons in the past for getting the PlayStation 3 version of a new Assassin's Creed installment.

This time, as noticed by CVG citing an Amazon UK box shot of Assassin's Creed III , those who opt to play the hotly anticipated title on Sony's machine will get "60 minutes of exclusive gameplay."

It's also worth mentioning that during Sony's E3 press conference, they revealed that ACIII will be getting launch-day DLC, and there will even be an ACIII hardware bundle, too. Lastly, Assassin's Creed III: Liberation , an off-shoot of the tale told in ACIII for consoles, will be coming exclusively to the PlayStation Vita. So in short, there's really no better platform on which to experience the esteemed Assassin's Creed series, and that goes double for this year.

Of course, we don't know what that bonus 60 minutes includes, but we assume we'll find out in due time. Besides, an extra hour is an extra hour…nothin' wrong withthat.

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11 years ago

That's kind of stupid. Should be fair to folks. Just make the PS3 version better and without screen tearing.

11 years ago

im ok with it considering how many other games get the same treatment on 360.

11 years ago

Like Dawnguard Add-On for Skyrim being on the Xbox first, for example.

11 years ago

… Still, it is annoying this platform exclusive content stuff. I agree with World.

11 years ago

Well we don't know bout that World, this is after AnvilNext so we'll see.

11 years ago

well it sure is nice to see this kind of marketing ploy favour the ps3 for once but im still not in favour of it. its such a massive slap in the face to anyone who "bought the wrong console"

11 years ago

Like most of those above, I'm opposed to this sort of exclusivity BS when M$ does it and I won't be a hypocrite and praise it now.

An obvious exception to the rule would be instances like Cole in SF X Tekken; those are perfectly legit IMO, even when only one version gets the bonus.

Otherwise, I say give everyone the whole damn game.

I still want the (relatively minor) bits excluded from the PS3 version of Oblivion.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/7/2012 8:15:40 PM

11 years ago

Wonder what kind of content is that, never mind that, I'm getting it first day, I have never been so excited ever since FFXIII.

11 years ago

gotta love it how when a company announces exclusive content for M$ its the end of the world!
and its usual M$ throwing around their briefcases.
i still remember when skyrim was announced to have exclusive content!
hell dawngard STILL is not out for the ps3.
but when $ony does it, who cares!

back on topic i hope its not something taken out of the campaign like they did with AC2!
now that REALLY pissed me off!
exactly why i refuse to buy any ubisoft DLC!

11 years ago

If you had read most of the comments above you would have noticed that most are not in favor of this.

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