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Platinum Boss Says PlayStation All-Stars Is “Just A Rip-Off”

Sony has said numerous times that PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is its own beast; it is not a rip-off of Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. series. Those who have played Battle Royale do tend to agree.

But one veteran designer isn't buying it. The man who helped bring you Bayonetta , Vanquish , and Okami , Platinum Games boss Hideki Kamiya, doesn't think too highly of the new brawler. In a series of Tweets (as summarized at Gaming Everything ), Kamiya labeled PlayStation All-Stars a "rip-off," as you can see.

"No, I don't like that game," "It's just a rip-off" and "I don't like rip-off" are pretty obvious, wouldn't you say? There's no doubt that the game had to have been at least inspired by Nintendo's popular franchise, but current beta testers are basically all saying that in terms of gameplay and style, it's definitely quite a bit different. One of those, "gotta play it to understand" situations, perhaps?

Related Game(s): PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

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11 years ago

As much as I am a fan of Okami, I do think he may be mistaken on this one. As you said on the article, people who played the beta have gone off the record to say that PSABR actually plays differently than Smash Brothers. The folks at SuperBot also said that they are aiming to give the game its own identity. So why not wait until the game comes out, play it, and actually say something before judging?

11 years ago

rip off my ass! that's like saying okami is a rip off because it has similarities with zelda, an utter trash! or was it nintendo who forced him to say it?

11 years ago

yeah bayonetta is a dmc rip off, vanquish is a gears of war rip off, okami is a zelda rip off! Such an idiot, lost all the respect i had for platinum

11 years ago

Yeah, it's utterly stupid to take this kind of stance toward games like that.

Smash may have created/popularized (Powerstone, anyone?) the genre, but that doesn't mean other devs can't put their spin on it.
I'm glad Street Fighter isn't the only fighting game out there. Even if that's my favourite, I still enjoy MK from time to time. An other spin on the genre.

If all developers thought the same as he does, we would have one single game franchise for any given game type. So much for healthy competition, eh?

Anyway, his comment is hypocritical. Look at his games, and you'll notice how all the games he developed fall under very strict game types that other devs had done before, only with different coating.

Last edited by Hynad on 8/6/2012 4:16:53 PM

11 years ago

Doesn't matter this is for long time Sony fans and a tribute to the characters. Anyone else who plays it it would be for pure enjoyment.

Smash bros WAS awesome, time to move on. Hopefully this delivers.

11 years ago

Who even cares if it's a rip-off. There's nothing like it on the PS3 and that's all that matters. I liked Smash Bros. but I don't like playing on the Wii so this will make up for it.

I'm pretty sure most PS3 gamers wouldn't care if it was a carbon copy. It's a fighting game with characters from great PS3 games that we all love and now we can beat each other up with them.

11 years ago
11 years ago

What a d**k.

11 years ago

Agreed. What a dork.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

Yeah, he sure is quacking mindlessly like a duck.

11 years ago

All right I'm gonna go all out and say even SSB copied Digimon Rumble Arena so all can just shut it.

In these days and age, I really really hate the term "Rip-Off".
You want originality? Well go make a Barbie FPS and call it original!!!

I'd rather call it inspiration and innovation, people inspire one another to make similar product because it's a successful formula.

And besides, PSABR is for the fans!!!!! Not for the sake of copying SSB!!

Last edited by Snaaaake on 8/5/2012 11:43:30 PM

11 years ago

And for the record, I still respect Hideki for giving us Bayonetta.

11 years ago

A Barbie FPS? Somehow that sounded strangely appealing…!

11 years ago

Its a wait in see situation. just because its a borrowed idea doesn't mean its a rip-off.

Still what an ass.

11 years ago

Wasn't Okami heavily inspired by Zelda games. I don't think he has any right to say the game is a "Rip off" when he hasn't played it.

They are both 4 player mascot Arena brawlers, that is literally were the similarity end as the core game mechanics are completely different.

11 years ago

To naked eye yes it is a rip off.

To be fair nothing is truly original and draws inspiration from something.

11 years ago

Yeah leave it to the developer who makes subpar ps3 version of games to criticize.

11 years ago

quite the opposite actually.
platinum are one of the few studios who actually put out better work on the ps3 than they do on the 360!

11 years ago

To be fair, the PS3 version wasn't handled by Platinum Games. At the time, the team didn't know how to develop for the PS3 so they developed for the 360 while Sega outsourced the PS3 version to another company (who messed it up).

11 years ago

Well to be fair they did let Bayonetta have the crappiest port EVER on PS3 compared to the 360 version they delivered.

They are responsible for it even if they gave the porting work to someone else. In the end it was their say and they messed up bad. There is no excuse.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 8/6/2012 9:22:22 AM

11 years ago

He might want to look in the mirror before making a statement like that. I mean none of their games are completely original, at least none that I know of.

The only way I would use the term rip-off anymore is if you copy something and do a really bad job with it. Unfortunately as time goes on it is becoming nearly impossible to come up with something completely orignal.

11 years ago

I had the chance to try out the game this past weekend, definately a different experience playing the game instead of making comparisons based on what little had been shown previously.

Also had a chance to play little big planet on vita, SO excited for it to come out next month. For any LBP fan, I am certain it won't disappoint!

11 years ago

hes got a point, it totally is a shameless rip off!
but that said whats new?
every game is a rip off of another game these days!
as the saying goes only he without sin may cast the first stone.

Last edited by ___________ on 8/6/2012 6:17:19 AM

11 years ago

The way you say it sounds WAY to harsh. The game is in no way shameless and it is not a copy apart from the fact that they are doing 4 player battles.

So you can say it was inspired by Smash and the likes (remember POWER STONE?). It is a type of game.

I know you said all games are *rip offs* so it would make it *ok* to call this one a rip off too but you also said Hideki Kamiya had a point which is not true. You view all games as rip offs for using the same genre. But he does not see his own games as rip offs. He just plainly hates on PlayStation All-Stars. So he has no point.

11 years ago

Bayonetta? the guy who created bayonetta is calling other games a rip off?

11 years ago

I really don't find his comment surprising because I remember many gamers said same thing when Playstation Allstars was announced. IMO both games look boring. Id be interested if it was like Project X or just a straight up fighter.

11 years ago

Well saying they *Look* boring I wonder if you ever played them? At least for Brawl, it is a lot of fun to go 4 players all out battle. We always end up playing a bit during parties lol.

It is getting old though and I really hope PS All Stars delivers 😀 I could finally put the Wii to rest since it looks like crap on my tv lol

11 years ago

Sure. Just like how Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble is a "ripoff" of Super Smash Bros as well, right?

I like Kamiya but I feel as though he's saying this to kiss up to Nintendo since they're publishing his next game. Unless he seriously think it's a ripoff, which is a very ignorant statement since he hasn't even played the game yet. But whatever.

11 years ago

He's just an angry Nintendog. Leave him rot in a corner. Hopefully he will still deliver nice games.

11 years ago

It is a rip-off and if MS did a Xbox one(well kinda hard with the variety of characters they have xD) majority of people here would say the same…Now it could turn a bless in disguise because all the eyes are on the game.

If the game ends being good it gonna shut all of those people mouths.

11 years ago

ROTFLMAO. Vanquish is hardly a beacon of originality. Seriously this dude comes across as a Nintendo fanboy with his panties in a wad. The makers of the game have acknowledged similarities to other brawlers but have also said that the game will be it's own thing, and not a clone of another game. Sounds like this person simply wanted more followers of their twitter account.

11 years ago

I'm not interested in PSABR but it does look cool. I would say it does have similarities to Smash Bros as well. I still respect kamiya. Do people not have a right to their own opinion anymore??? Just because he said it doesn't mean it's true. It's his opinion!!! I mean geez… Can anyone speak their mind anymore?!? This is just getting ridiculous. People tend to make opinions facts. The smallest things get blown out of proportion on an epic scale. Not everyone is going to like every single game. One mans junk is another mans treasure. This whole idea that if the mass majority of people think it's great, everyone should think it's great is just getting out of hand.

11 years ago

Kamiya don't hate the game,
just hate on the person in your own mirror

11 years ago

The game is really similar "looking" to smash bros, and I kind of wish they had have went for a more power stones 3d type party brawler.

That being said, I think this game looks pretty fun, and there has been nothing really like it on the Playstation platform so who cares if it is similar to smash bros. If someone doesn't have a nintendo console there is no way to experience smash bros type gameplay.

And like others have said, this is for the fans, just look at the character selection and it becomes pretty obvious.

11 years ago

The similarities are uncanny. But I've been waiting for a PS Smash Bros. forever. I have a feeling this'll be a guilty pleasure.

Unoriginal, rip off? Sure. But I bet the feeling, weight, and the moves will all be a different from Smash Bros.

Snake better be in the game, or I swear…. Having Raiden in the game, but I haven't seen an official confirmation on Snake. I'd be quite upset.

11 years ago

I hate it when people get pissy when a game is in the same genre/plays similar to another game. It's not like Nintendo copyrighted the damn concept of taking iconic characters from your console(s) and have them duke it out. It would be like Disney calling Time Warner out on making a Justice League movie since it involves superheroes from previous movies teaming up.

11 years ago

Talk about throwing bricks from glass houses, I would say that okami is a much clearer rip off of Zelda and Bayonetta is a clearer ripoff of DMC than allstars is of smash bros.

All stars stands on it own because of how incredibly well the characters feel like their own franchise while still being balanced and flowing together. Also the Super only KO system is genius.

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