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Top GotY Contenders: Dishonored And Assassin’s Creed III

While I still say Journey has a legitimate shot at Game of the Year, the second half of 2012 features two titles that may eventually vie for the overall highly prestigious crown.

One is no surprise (to me, anyway): Assassin's Creed III is not only the next entry in one of the best new franchises of the generation, it also takes the requisite steps to separate itself from past iterations. It's not Brotherhood or Revelations ; it boasts an entirely new setting and main character, and that character is more complex and diverse than ever before. You've got the fantastic new AnvilNext engine, an environment that should be intriguing to any American (or indeed, anyone interested in history), and a level of freedom and seamless gameplay that may be unparalleled.

And then you've got Dishonored , which is technically a new IP but easily reminds one of Bethesda's massively popular Elder Scrolls series. However, the new project from Arkane Studios may not be quite as vast and wide open, and it seems to implement more elements from different genres. This wickedly interesting blend of Bioshock , Fallout , and yes, maybe even Assassin's Creed , could be downright intoxicating. Like ACIII, you can probably approach most any given obstacle or mission however you see fit, but at the same time, the various storylines could be excellent as well.

These are two games that could, theoretically, have it all.

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11 years ago

You don't think Black Ops II will be a contender??? hahaha 😛

I think you're probably spot on here, but I think, if Medal of Honor's campaign and story live up to the developers words of being an emotional experience and exploring the human side of war, it could very well be a contender as well.

11 years ago

Personally, Dishonored reminds me a lot more of Thief than it does of the Elder Scrolls games. But either way, it looks absolutely fantastic.

If I am to guess here my gut feeling tells me that AC will harvest the most GOTY awards but my personal GOTY award will go to Dishonored, both for gameplay, setting and story reasons.

Man, this will be great.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/3/2012 12:11:55 PM

11 years ago

I think some THief designers are on the game.

I'm hopeful for this game to be good. GotY good? Lofty to expect that, but who knows?

I'd say AC3, ME3, Halo 4, and possibly Blops 2 will tie up GotY slots from most gaming critics.
I suspect Journey's micro-sized offering will be contained as a download only winner. Something I think I probably agree with.

11 years ago

Yeah, AC3 will be a major winner this year. The safest bet of the year.

But I'm afraid ME3 will only receive half the amount of GOTYs as ME2 did.

And I agree it's a wildcard, Dishonored. I just got a feeling it will be "this years Deus Ex:HR", sort to say. I was greatly surprised by last years DE:HR. I'm hoping for the same with Dishonored.
There's nothing better than unexpected surprises. And this time it's even a new IP. Double-win!

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/3/2012 4:27:41 PM

11 years ago

I think that's what Dishonored has going for it best. New IP and interesting design. I think it has the right ingredients already to get itself to that status. My question is whether the quality of it's offering will be up to snuff. The Kingdoms of Amular team talked big stuff, rumored even to be better than Skyrim. We all saw how that resolved.
I may seem cynical, but I think it's more staying level headed with expectations. I can't say this team is necessarily triple AAA judging by past efforts from key team members. In fact, I see several guys on board who haven't come from highly reputable past projects (my brother thought Arx Fatalis was pretty cool). Perhaps all they need is funding and marketing to make them stars. We'll see. I want and like new IP's =)

ANd Deus Ex has always been awesome 😉
Well, Invisible War suffered the memory crunch of former consoles at the time, but it's latest offering seems to have got it right.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

So far the best game this year that i played is Max Payne 3
The story is ten times better than any hollywood flick i've seen in the last year.
The sound track is superb,like the story it gets better as the game progresses.
Still haven't tried the online part yet….so much replay value in story & arcade mode!!

'If its good enough for a professional athlete,then its good enough for me 'max's thoughts on pain killers he found in a locker room 🙂

11 years ago

MP3 is good its my favorite tps this gen. I think it will certainly be a nominee for goty.

11 years ago

I think Darksiders II is going to be a good competitor too. I think the game is going to be amazing and fun as hell.

11 years ago

The Last Story does it for me, It's been out a while in the UK but I only just gotten around to it and it was fantastic! The battle system is cation orientated but very different to what you may think, your still in a party and it requires you to work tactically with them all. The story itself was okay, but it is the characters themselves which make the journey worth while.

The only game I bought for the PS3 this year is Final Fantasy XIII-2, while I enjoyed it, I wouldn't nominate it for GotY.

11 years ago

AC III will likely be my GOTY. so far the only games i've played this year are. journey. Max Payne 3. And the walking dead. (episode 1&2) i would say of the three walking dead is my favorite so far this year.

11 years ago

Maybe ass 3 but i can t see dishonored having a shot at it , got a feeling it will be average/good at best .

Hopefully i m wrong( i like the concept )but i doubt it .

Borderlands 2 have a better shot if you ask me .

11 years ago

I think dishonoured is going to be a hidden gem. The great game that few people played. Which is sad because it looks all sorts of awesome.

Its not that I don't expect this though, everyone is going to be into CoD or MoH or the Dozens of other sequels and probably wont bat an eye to this game.

I'm sure both games will get GoTY on some sites, unless dishonoured is mechanically broken and AC3 just crashes a lot or is in some way broken also.

If they both deliver what they I dunno Dishonoured gets the edge for me, even though I reaaaallly loved AC1 and 2.

11 years ago

Pffft, that's all fluff. BIRDS OF STEEL for GOTY 2012 :).

More seriously, unless the only people voting are flight sim fans, other contenders not already mentioned above are:
– ME3 (ending was bollocks, even with extended cut, but rest of the game was tops).
– Gravity Rush
– Sly 4 (outside chance, but the Sly games have always been excellent).

11 years ago

I'm a history freak, love the fact that will be experiencing American Revolution next.

Now, if only they brought to life Nikolai Orelov from the "The Fall" and "The Chain"… probably won't be happening because there is already a comic about him, but man, I wish.

11 years ago

AC3 so far. We know how that franchise plays and what they put into it. Dishonoured as you said is a new IP but time will tell. It's looking really good.

My only little whine is it's Bethesda, who are not known to hold the ps3 in high regard. Hope they prove me wrong.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I think AC 3 has the inside track and unlike Bethesda, who treats PS3 owners like crap, you know Ubisoft will put full effort into its game across all platforms. As awesome as AC 3 is looking though, Darksiders 2 and Borderlands 2 are a couple of serious darkhorse contenders. Mass Effect 3 deserves attention as well however the uproar over the ending will probably mean the game gets left out in the cold. I'm a big fan of Gravity Rush and Uncharted: Golden Abyss and I have high hopes for Hitman: Absolution, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time and Little Big Planet Vita but I don't know if these games will get considered for GOTY by mainstream outlets.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 8/4/2012 4:26:57 AM

11 years ago

dishonoured definitely i will be very shocked and disappointed if it at least does not get nominated!
AC3 im not so sure, it looks FAR too different than previous AC games.
i want assassins creed 3, not red dead redemption 2!

2 other games id like to think will be up for GOTY are darksiders 2 and sleeping dogs.
dunno if the latter will have the quality required for GOTY, but come on how often do we get open world games?
and how often do we get martial arts focused open world games?
and how often do we get open world games set in hong kong?
and how often do we get open world games with such brutal combat systems?
i mean come on which other game out there lets you use a air conditioning duct fan to slice up someones face!?
ok, if not GOTY, than definitely most unique game of the decade!

id love to think sly 4 would be another one, but in all honesty that has about a 1:10000000000 shot of happening!
not to say its looking crap, its looking okay but thats the problem.
its so sad 3D cartoon platformers have declined so much!
i mean they were the bees knees in the ps1, and even ps2 days!
and now suddenly there almost extinct!

oh and of course halo 4 will definitely be there, looking so freaking cool!
loved the E3 demo, the new prothean enemies look so cool!
orange glowing goo skulls oh hell yeah!
forza horizon too, i mean how often do we get a open world racing sim game?
if they add the car customization and little features from test drive unlimited 2 it would be THE PERFECT racing game!
oh clarkson better be back with the auto vista mode too, that was so freaking cool!

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