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Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC Confirmed

Commander Shepard's adventure isn't quite over yet.

It has been confirmed that Mass Effect 3 will be getting a big piece of appreciated single-player downlaodable content called Leviathan.

EA has revealed that it's coming to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, but we don't have a price or a date. That being said, we're always behind any extra content that expands upon the single-player experience, just because the vast majority of available DLC is only for multiplayer. It'll also be interesting to see how (or if) Leviathan somehow ties into the recently released Extended Cut, which was released to pacify those who complained about the game's endings.

We'll let you know when Leviathan for ME3 is set to become available. Chances are, the fans are lying in wait for more info concerning BioWare's new Dragon Age but hey, if gamers can get more ME3 love, they probably won't turn it down.

Related Game(s): Mass Effect 3

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11 years ago

I'm probably just going to wait for the inevitable GOTY version of ME3, but it's good to see something that expands the story.

11 years ago

Have to say, that is a good point!



11 years ago

hope this is the first of many!
this is EXACTLY why people were so pissed off when bioware announced the game would have MP!
they knew that MP would take precedence and we wouldent see any SP DLC for a while, well, 5 months to be exact!

11 years ago


What planet you been hanging out at, Uranus?

You didn't see any DLC because they had to interrupt their plans & put all of it on hold due to all the negativity concerning the ending, in which they just added to, DUH.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/3/2012 10:43:41 AM

11 years ago

oh bull sh*t!
you seriously should get a job as their PR team, your very good at piss poor excuses!
they have released multiple MP packs before a single bit of SP DLC simply because their in the BS mindset that this is COD, and because that is most popular with the MP crowd every game will be!
developers fail to understand that just because 1 game is mostly successful in a particular area, it does not mean their title will be the same.

The Matt
The Matt
11 years ago

They usually have a team working on Multiplayer and another working on single player content.

11 years ago

I must say I did enjoy all the DLC for Mass Effect 2 so Mass Effect 3's DLC should be great. Looking forward to more single player of ME3, playing the multiplayer is only entertaining up to a point.

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