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Darksiders II May Begin THQ’s Return To Financial Solidarity

I'm all for being optimistic and positive. Aren't you?

THQ has had its difficulties recently; those difficulties have been well documented in everything from the NASDAQ threatening to de-list the veteran publisher to interviews where company executives discuss the issues.

They have said their focus needs to be on top-quality products going forward. Clearly, their belief is that only great games can really save them and push them forward, which is probably true. And this month, the highly anticipated Darksiders II arrives, which could very well be the boost THQ needs. The embargo date for reviews is August 14 (launch day), but one very positive review is already circulating and people are definitely paying attention.

Some forget that the first Darksiders gained quite the loyal following. Although it didn't leap off the critic or sales charts, it still fared quite well, and from what we've heard of the sequel, the second effort should be bigger and better in almost every possible way. Developer Vigil Games had a very ambitious plan for number two and if they come through, gamers everywhere should be plenty satisfied. Also, don't forget that the timing isn't bad. Not much is coming out and the only potentially tough competition comes in the form of Sleeping Dogs , which releases the same day. But that doesn't appear to be a blockbuster so DSII seems to be in excellent shape.

I haven't been the biggest fan of THQ products this generation but I'm not the only one. That's part of the reason why the company is in the position it's in. But they've been around for a long time and I'd hate to see them go.

Related Game(s): Darksiders II

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11 years ago

Can't say I ever thought much of this game, I played it around a friends for a bit. But I've really gone off 'hack n' slash' games this gen. Also I am not fond of the bulky character designs. I can't say i have ever heard anyone become truly excited for the game, but I wish THQ all the best.

11 years ago

Same here…I'm really turned off by bulky character designs. While I did finish the first Gears of War I hated the character designs.

11 years ago

I too don't like bulky characters but the overall quality of Darksiders is well worth dealing with how bulky war is. He actually moves pretty quick for his size.

11 years ago


I'm excited!!! 😀


I think it should be reminded that Death is slim and from the footage I've seen of the combat in-game it matches his physique (slick and flowing).

11 years ago

Yes Death is a much more nimble fighter it would appear. I was just explaining how Darksiders 1 shouldnt be missed just because of a bulky protagonist 😛

11 years ago

woo hoo. I love great games. I like the look of this game mag. It has both Darksiders and VF/DOA on the cover. My kinda stuff 😉

11 years ago

Did you hear that people who played the first game will start this game with a piece of armour and a unique weapon if they beat the game?

I'm so excited for that, it reminds me of the PS2 days when my Xenosaga saves would carry over to the next game with bonuses!!

Hopefully other companies follow this trend, it would give people reason to buy earlier games in the series.

11 years ago

Great. It seems like I remember something like that. I have the game finished on Hard, too. I've contemplated going through and cleaning up for a Platinum trophy.

11 years ago

Its one of the games I got the platinum for. I usually only platinum games that I really like. I don't recall it being too bad, except for one part where I grinded on spiders but I can't remember what that was for :

11 years ago


I was reluctant to play it actually. In fact, I didn't want to at first. I remember trying the demo and thinking blah about it. I thought the visuals were sub-par and it just seemed not that spetacular. But a guy I worked with at the time wouldm't stop talking about how cool it was. I entertained the conversation just to be nice, but I ddin't really have a desire to play it. He kept insisting I should etc. Well, as it turned out, he fell on hard times financially and was looking to make some cash, he pleaded with me to buy his Darksiders game (he played it twice at that point) for $40. Because I wanted to help him out I bought the game, even if I had little intention to play it.

As it turned out, I gave it a chance and it grew on me and ended up being quite a bit more enthralling than I anticipated and while it still always looked sort of sub-par, graphically, I really got into the adventure aspect of it's design. It also has that robust fighting mechanic that holds up pretty well.

The sequel looks like a full improvement across the board. I do look forward to playing it.

11 years ago

The random loot system alone is going to make playing it that much more exciting for me. But other than that we have deeper combat, and a more realized world to adventure in.

I'm really excited for it.

11 years ago

I loved Darksiders 1. I remember the box art looked great so I got it, the only problem was the last mission it just destroyed the game and dragged on and on and on and on to the point I never finished the game.

Last edited by oONewcloudOo on 8/2/2012 4:11:32 PM

11 years ago

I know what you mean that puzzle level where you had to direct all the light sources to that one room was especially aggravating considering that the game was flying before that point.

I did however enjoy the final boss fight with it starting on horseback and then the duel.

11 years ago

Not a fan of this game but i will try my best to buy it. I think THQ deserves to stay alive and so i will do my part. I just moved into my own place and the security deposit really screwed me. No new games for me for the next couple of months otherwise id head over and get it paid for now.

11 years ago

I Loved the first darksiders and since I haven't had anything new since Dragon's Dogma I'm practically counting down the days now.

Darksiders never brought anything new to the field but the core combat was still brutally satisfying, the gameplay was varied, the level design showed some intelligence (and brought forth some mild frustration), and the story was still worth following. Not to mention I recall getting alot of hours out of the title. Something we don't usually find with most action titles these days.

And if 2 is meant to be larger….

11 years ago

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cant wait till this launches!
tossing up whether i should start this first though, or if i should start sleeping dogs.
been waiting so freaking long for this, i was so pissed it got delayed from june to august!
dying to play it!
but that said i think ill start with sleeping dogs, simply because 1 i love open world games and we have not had one in quite a while!
2 the combat system looks so freaking cool!
i mean come on how often do you get to slam a guys head into a air conditioning duct fan!?
just the martial arts combat system looks freaking sweet!
3 it will be allot shorter, darksiders 2 apparently takes around 35-40 hours to finish!
god i HATE it when 2 games youve been dying to play release on the same day!
why couldent one of them released a week earlier?
or even now, im bored sh*tless waiting for these!
nothing to do!!!!!!!!!!

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