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Dante Still Has An Attitude, But Is It The Right Attitude?

A few things: Firstly, I'm a long-time Devil May Cry fan, and I believe each entry (with the exception of the second) has been stellar. Secondly, I was one of the first to see Dante's new look in Ninja Theory's reboot and go, "…uh, wait a minute…what's this?"

That being said, I have accepted the developer's explanation concerning the cosmetic overhaul, and we all have to remember that Capcom agreed with the team's new artistic direction. And after seeing plenty of gameplay footage and knowing Ninja Theory's relative success with action games (yeah, just two this generation, but still), I'm convinced we'll get, at the very least, a pretty good game in DMC .

But as Dante's style and personality were a big part of what drew me to this franchise in the first place, I've been wondering if he has maintained that flash, panache and attitude. On the surface, it appears he has. He's still a brash, cocky, "I'm gonna beat the sh** out of you and spit on your corpse" demon slayer. When I first saw this back in the PS2 days, I thought it was a refreshing departure from the cliched reluctant hero, the guy who's borderline whining and going, "but do I have to?"

Dante does this for fun . This isn't about revenge or honor or anything else. If you could sit down for an interview with the original Dante, he'd probably even tell you that if it wasn't fun, he wouldn't care if humanity hung in the balance. He's selfish and bad-ass and proud of it. Now, I think Ninja Theory has captured this again…to some extent. Maybe it's due to his younger age, but I find the new Dante to be more of a punk than a bad-ass. More of a smart-mouthed brat than a cool-as-a-cucumber, I know how awesome I am manly man. It's a tad off-putting.

Still, even if that's true, I can live with it. We still need this in-your-face attitude, regardless of the undertones. Provided the gameplay is there and his personality is consistent, I'm good with this punk-ish Dante. And besides, I think it's easy to imagine Dante being like this when he was younger, so it's actually realistic if you really start to think about it.

Related Game(s): DMC

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11 years ago

I agree it makes a great deal of sense for his earlier age and since we know the dev team is a hot story teller it probably makes sense in their setting of Limbo City. I'm hoping for something kind of bleak-1980s-Robocop future there.

That trailer where he's naked and things cover his schvanz is kind lame, but whatever I'm looking forward to getting riled up and blazing the ol hair white and coat red.

11 years ago

I wonder if they will throw in an unlockable costume that looks more like old Dante? I know devil trigger makes you look kind of like him but still what are your thoughts on this? Or do you think we are past unlockable costumes being in games and not DLC 😛

11 years ago

I expected that kind of attitude, not gonna ruin the game for me.

11 years ago

Never liked the series just couldn't get into it.

11 years ago

I'm not directly opposed to the direction itself, it's just the have that it is Dante and it is Devil May Cry, a character & a series which has already established itself. To see it rebooted just makes me feel sour against the whole project. If it was unrelated to DMC – if it did not try overshadow a well established series – I would probably take some interest as Ninja Theory can make good games.

It's not a game I am intending to buy anytime soon. In all honesty, I am still waiting for DMC5.

11 years ago

I'm going to have to burst your bubble. I'm sorry.

11 years ago

this falls into the same catagory as MG rising.
yea its a totally different game from what you would expect, but hey i just dont care!
im really looking forward to it simply because NT have a fantastic track reccord!
heavenly sword was a awesome game, and enslaved was a freaking masterpiece!
so im expecting nothing less from this!
BUT that said, crapcom better take us back to the old dante, the old DMC next time!
we need a proper DMC 5!
maybe they can do a COD, and release the traditional japanese DMC one year, and the westernized DMC the next.

11 years ago

I reckon i must be one of a very small few that actually enjoyed Devil May Cry 2, i mean i still own my PS2 copy.

I loved acting Trish after beating the game on hard mode.

11 years ago

give me a demo already so I can decide whether or not I want this! I still think dmc3 was the best for the franchise. And I absolutely need to get that dmc hd collection

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