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Dead Space 3: New Features Inspired By Fan, Critic Feedback

You shouldn't have too many problems with Dead Space 3 , because EA listened to both fans and critics when preparing this new installment.

According to what executive producer Steve Papoutsis told OPM UK , most of the significant new features are a result of fan feedback and criticism.

For example, in regards to the critically acclaimed Dead Space 2 , he believes they could've "varied the pace" better from start to finish. It got relentless toward the end and he believes more variety could've been implemented. There's also a brand new weapon system in DS3 (yet to be fully unveiled), which boasts a crafting or customization element that wasn't included in the first two titles. Lastly, in regards to linearity in the games, Papoutsis said:

"One of the knocks was: ‘well Dead Space 1 and 2 were very enclosed and very linear,’ so in Dead Space 3 we’re looking to open that up and give that idea of the beta path content (side quests) and more stuff to explore. We just want to continue to evolve what we’ve done. We felt like we did a lot of good things, we should keep doing those, but we should continue to push ourselves."

There's no doubt that Dead Space 3 will be one of the most anticipated titles of the generation. And if you have issues with it, speak up. They're obviously listening.

Related Game(s): Dead Space 3

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11 years ago

‘well Dead Space 1 and 2 were very enclosed and very linear…'

… *Facepalm*
This is exactly the type of nonsense which is forming game companies to betray their routes. I really cannot stand people slapping the linear label on a game. How the f*** was Dead Space 1 linear you had a whole ship to explore!

This is just sounding like it will be another Bethesda game (Open world, riddled with sidequests which take over the main plot.) It just feels like every game is trying to recycle from one another leading to every game feeling the same.

Why does every game have to have an open world with a massive scale. 'Linear' games have structure, if developers work at it and make the game feel like it isn't going through a tube then it is fine. Take most early platforming games, they we're 'linear' but great fun. I would prefer that than being stuck in a world with nothing but landscapes **cough FFXII**. Seriously, the mentality of a lot (not all) modern gamers is appalling. I really cannot express how much this infuriates me. Everything I have heard about this game seems to be sucking up to the general appeal of modern gaming – think about it did Dead Space 2 really need an online mode. Then DS3 with Co-op & open world maps. this just seems to go against everything Dead Space 1 stood for.

11 years ago

It was linear in that there's a pre-determined path. I mean you could bring that path up as guidance as well. But that doesn't mean I don't agree with you. In fact I hear ya loud and clear. The developers don't need to change a thing. If you have places to run the scare factor drops also. There's nothing more intense than being backed in to a corner with limited ammo.

11 years ago

how did you have a whole ship to explore?
9 out of 10 doors were locked forcing you to go in a particular path, you cant get any more linear!
but thats what made the original work so well, it was a claustrophobic corridor shooter.
it was so easy to get outnumbered and panic because you were in such a small area you had little room to move.
dead space 2 however had much larger levels which completely destroyed that claustrophobic feel!
as soon as you go back to the ship of the first one all the memories and feelings of DS1 came flooding back!

11 years ago

Well said, Ultima. I was a bit worried about DS2 because of the multiplayer. I was in the beta, and after 15 minutes I was sure it was a huge mistake. Thankfully it didn't make the campaign less amazing. However, I never redeemed my Online Pass.

Now it seems they're messing with the SP, and with that I have a big problem and it makes me very concerned about the third installment. Unfortunately, it will be the first Dead Space in which I will be awaiting reviews before purchase. Any serious gamer would never complain about the issues EA states as problems with the previous games.

And also, Visceral needs to get Glen Schofield back on the team.

11 years ago

Seems like whenever a developer says they're using gamer feedback to add features to a game the features end up being things I would never want in a game.

11 years ago

I'm starting to think its all a lie…much like the cake was.

That or they take a poll from random non gamers who they want to attract and input what they want into the game.

I've been seeing this with Tribes:Ascend on the PC. Every patch they say they release stuff that everyone has been asking for…then on the forums and in game everyone is like okay wait who asked for this and no one can figure out who.

Oh well, the worlds supposed to end soon isnt it?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

That should tell us that we're in the shrinking minority, LV, and that the casuals are ruling the gaming world. 🙁

11 years ago

Exactly LV. Apparently everyone is a game designer now. Who new?

11 years ago

Seems like the fan they were listening to was Beamboom.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I haven't noticed Beamboom recently – something happen while I was away for the last two weeks?

11 years ago

@cloud: Haha! Actually it could.
But, more exploration and a less linear experience… What is there *not* to like about that? And on top of that they added the option of enjoying the campaign in coop… I mean… This is the very formula of success! 😀

@Teddie: I'm still around, Ben's not been able to shake me off yet 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/31/2012 4:31:03 AM

11 years ago

I'll no doubt get this and hopefully give the game a good send off. Not sure if they should take it away from the usual gaming survival horror that it started off and turn it into some fpd/Skyrim/RPG thing, don't get me wrong I like RPG's but I like my survival horror too.

11 years ago

I know I will be buying this D! and playing the crap out of it. DS is one my all-time favorite series. I doubt part 3 will disappoint. Well at least in my opinion.

11 years ago

EA, again totally missing the point!
"listening to the fans" is EXACTLY the problem!
i wish developers would go back to their caves, and forget the internet actually exists and go back to making games THEY want to play!
not games they THINK customers want to play!
key word there being THINK!
what they THINK we want, and what we ACTUALLY want are 2 very different things!
pisses me off to no end when i hear people say oh dead space was too scary i could not finish it.
jesus tap dancing christ have we really become that much of a shrieking violet society!?
christ, what would of these babies done if they lived in the era of TRUE horror!
its so sad how a single uni student can make games that make people sh*t their pants, where the industries biggest developers with infinite budgets cant!
pretty pathetic!!!!!!!!

developers SERIOUSLY need to stop making games they THINK people want, and actually make games THEY want!
so many games this gen have been destroyed by "fans"!
AC another perfect example, so many droned about the lengthy death sequences of AC so ubisoft removed them.
they were the best part of the game!
they gave you a insight into your victims ways and explains why they did what they did.
added a layer of personality and believability to the story.
and actually made you contemplate maybe there right, maybe im the bad guy.
i guess thinking has become illegal in this shoot first ask questions later society!

11 years ago

Funny how lost planet 3 feel more like a survival horror then dead space 3 who look more like an action shooter .

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