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Brief Okami HD Clip: “Oooh, Preeetty”

If there's one game that would look just so damn pretty with a high-definition update…

And PlayStation 3 owners will get it this fall, too. Okami was one of the more artistically accomplished and wholly original titles of the previous generation, and loyal fans will still applaud its gorgeous look even today.

If you're one of those fans, or you missed out the first time around (shame on you!), you've got to check out Okami HD . Capcom Japan has tossed up a brief clip of the high-def upgrade; it doesn't offer anything in the way of actual gameplay, but it's still achingly beautiful. At the very least, it'll remind everyone that we don't necessarily require huge processing power to create something that is visually memorable.

Okami HD is set to arrive in North America this fall for $19.99; it will support both PlayStation Move and 1080p HD, and it'll include Trophies, too.

Related Game(s): Okami HD

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11 years ago

I just restarted that game last week… maybe I should put it on hold until it gets re-released in HD. It is plenty pretty as it is, but I really like the idea of seeing it in widescreen instead of just 4:3, as it was on the ps2. The extra pixels will help its beauty shine, too. It really is a brilliant and gorgeous game.

11 years ago

This game always looked great to me but I never played it. I was worried about playing as a wolf. I really didn't like the forced wolf segments in The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. This game always reminded me of those parts.

Can anyone convince me I am wrong? Because I am open to an Okami conversion…:) The presentation is right up my alley.

11 years ago

Okami is awesome. If you're into Zelda, you'll thoroughly enjoy this title. It follows a similar style to Zelda, but there are clear differences. The way you use your powers is to stop time and draw them on the screen with your "celestial brush". This is quite fun, and it can be used to solve puzzles and also in battle. Fighting is also quite fun, as you have to figure out how to defeat enemies with specific uses of your powers, combined with your 3 normal weapons. The 3 normal weapons are an absolute blast to use too, and have quite a lot of depth to them. The only problem is you never really have to master the game as it's quite easy.

As for the world itself, it's so packed full of stuff to do it can be downright overwhelming, but since it's so much fun, it doesn't feel annoying or tacked on. I guess I should mention the soundtrack now because it's one of those soundtracks that just absolutely mesh with the world so perfectly. Every moment I felt in tune with the world, as if I was actually there.

Personally Okami is my 2nd favourite game of all time, but I might be a bit biased because I love the fact it's based on Japanese mythology. Regardless, even full price it's worth it. For $19, it's a steal. Considering this HD production looks amazing (so far it looks like the best HD overhaul of a PS2 game I've seen), you should really buy this game!

Edit: Also, even though you play as a wolf, she has a lot of personality and the interaction between Issun and you (kind of like Navi and Link) is very well done and makes you really care about their fates.

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 7/30/2012 1:38:21 AM

11 years ago

Completely agree, Zen.

Truly one of the greatest games of all time.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 7/30/2012 6:05:15 AM

11 years ago

Word. Thanks guys. I'll get it when it hits PSN.

11 years ago

Zen said it the best. I think its easily one of the best ps2 games of all time. Music, graphics, game play, and the game is epic in length. At least I remember thinking I was done and then that was actually the half way mark.

11 years ago

I still have the PS2 version sitting on myself. I really need to get around to it, I just platinumed the MGS HD Collection & finished The Last Story, so this could be a heavy contender for my next game to play.

11 years ago

Gotta say, this is one of the most artful, if not the #1 top games, ever put out.

And even though I already have a mint PS2 version in my collection, this upgrade will be a "must-have" for me.

BTW, I wish they had added, but included, a whole separate soundtrack for it too.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/30/2012 5:14:15 PM

11 years ago

Never played when it 1st came out but I'll give it a ho this time around.

Also hey Capcom when are we gonna get an Onimusha HD collection and new Sequel or reboot??????

Last edited by GuyverLT on 7/31/2012 12:30:37 PM

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