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Haunting Ground Likely To Hit PSN

If you're annoyed at all this "dramatic horror" and action-based horror going on in this generation, and you want some true old-school survival/horror, we've got some good news.

As noted by multiple sources, including Siliconera , a Capcom horror classic for the PS2, Haunting Ground , has been rated by the ESRB, which likely indicates a forthcoming PlayStation Network release.

For those who enjoyed the creepy and somewhat strategic Clock Tower and Deception titles, this one is a must. Fiona and her dog Hewie must escape a freakish castle in which enemies and traps lurk around every turn, and you shouldn't expect Fiona to have access to heavy weaponry. Siliconera also mentions Rule of Rose , which is another decent – and exceedingly rare – horror title that suffered from sub-par control but still delivered on the spine-tingling goods.

Hey, we gotta look out for all those hardcore horror aficionados out there. They're kinda starving this generation.

Related Game(s): Haunting Ground

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12 years ago

I haven't played either of them but I'm still dying for more horror! Color my interested. I'm planning to start Fatal Frame II Directors Cut soon, it's too bad that franchise doesn't come to PS3 and do more amazing things.

Also looking for good Horror anime if anyone here can recommend any (not just blood and guts but actual horror).

12 years ago

Have you tried Corpse Party? It's a download-only PSP game. It's basically a text based horror/adventure game. If you're into horror anime it's worth a look.

12 years ago


May i suggest Forbidden Siren & Forbidden Siren 2 which were quite possibly the weirdest Japanese horror games in memory. Forbidden Siren 2 had giggling, psychotic blood-soaked schoolgirls trying to slice you with swords, massive faces with lank hair rolling after you whilst screaming & had cloaked nun enemies with giant human faces peering from their crotch regions. & that's just to name a few! This shite gets weirder!! The final boss is just out of this world, youtube if you dare.

Why noone brings the Siren games up when survival horror is mentioned is beyond me. The sight-jacking feature was brilliant idea which allowed you to see the sight of vision from enemies nearby to see what they were doing & where they were located. Furthermore the visuals, especially the characters faces looked real-life like due to the digital facial tech Team Siren used which allowed for convincing facial expression.

They're wonderful games but can be very complex because you're acting various characters at different time slots with each scenario having to be replayed in order to unlock more objectives to progress to the next story arc.

Track them down if you can but you may have problems getting Forbidden Siren 2 as it was never released in North America, assuming that is where you reside

I'd rank the Siren games right up there with Silent Hill for different reasons, & that is saying alot coming from a SH gimp that worships all the titles ever churned out, including Homecoming.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 7/25/2012 5:16:48 AM

12 years ago

Are those in the same world as Siren: Blood Curse?

12 years ago

Yes. Siren Blood Curse is a remake of the first Forbidden Siren game that was originally released for the PS2.

12 years ago

That s good , it took me forever to find a copy and i was glad that it was worth the effort .Definitely a must for anyone who loved Clock Tower .

12 years ago

Is this game any good? Has anyone here played it? Is there anything which makes it stand out from other horror titles? I have never been able to play it, it's a real rarity here in the UK.

12 years ago

I played it. It's good but not without it's share of flaws.

Haunting Ground is the spiritual successor to the Clock Tower series. In all of these games you basically play as a vulnerable young girl who is being stalked by a bunch of psychotic killers across a sprawling mansion estate. You have no real means of defending yourself. If you are found by one of your pursuers you have no choice but to run and hide from them. The hide and seek gameplay can be tense at times, but it also gets frustrating. Particularly when you are busy solving a puzzle ,only to be discovered by one of your stalkers. Which often initiates a lengthy chase sequence. When you finally lose them you'll have to backtrack all the way back to whatever task you were busy with and hope that you aren't found again as this will repeat the process.

Haunting Ground differs from the Clock Tower games by giving you a canine companion. Hewie can help you solve puzzles, sniff out useful items and distract your stalkers long enough for you to get away.

All in all it's a good ,but ultimately niche game. If you prefer slower paced horror games , this one should be right up your alley.

12 years ago

Thanks for the insight 🙂

Yes, puzzles are challenging enough on it's own, last thing you need its an enemy pestering you. But I did love the Nemesis in RE3, he made that game what it was in my eye. I found the game tense all the way, so maybe I will like it 🙂

12 years ago

"so maybe I will like it :)"

Oh you will. 😉

12 years ago

I still have my PS2 copy of this & it's bloody great.

The dreamy visuals are step above most PS2 games & if you're a fan of stalker horror similar to Clock Tower (This was originally supposed to be Clock Tower 4 according to Capcom) then this is the game for you.

If you like the idea of acting a vulnerable, wide-eyed milky faced lass being chased down by Gothic lesbian maids, old men who crawl after you and slow-minded, crotch-rubbing oafs who look like Sloth from The Goonies, then this is your game.

The sickening squish sounds & lustful moans during the game-over screen still haunts my dreams =(

Overall though, must-buy for horror fans. The game is a class act imo.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 7/25/2012 4:56:09 AM

12 years ago

Very vivid description my friend.

12 years ago

dam i was hoping it would be remade as a HD collection!
sorry, but playing ps2 games on a 65 inch TV is WORSE than torture!
playing wii games on a 65 inch TV is bad enough.

oh well, i guess in this state of survival horror rareness you have to take what you can get.
as the saying goes beggars cant be choosers!
lucky for me though there are heaps of PC indie survival horror games releasing lately, so im not one of the beggars.
pretty pathetic where 1 uni student, or a team of uni students can manage to make amazing horror experiences where the worlds biggest development studios with the highest paid professionals cant!
pretty pathetic!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by ___________ on 7/25/2012 5:53:10 AM

12 years ago

You can eliminate that problem if you have a 3D telly. I always put 3D mode on when i play my PS2 games & it makes the graphics look very smooth.

12 years ago

yea but then you have the issue of 3D games, IE washed out and look really dark.
i prefer the low res stretched out look.

12 years ago

That's awesome news – I've been meaning to pick that game up for the PS2 for years now. Looks excellent.

12 years ago

I am a big fan of Tecmo's Deception
and Clock Tower.
If Haunting Ground is its "spiritual successor" as somebody noted,
thats enough for me to buy it.

12 years ago

Ah, Rule of Rose. What a f**ked up game.

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