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Ubisoft: Tougher To Produce New IPs At The End Of A Generation

We say we're not overly anxious for the next generation to arrive. But one of the industry's biggest publishers says this elongated console cycle is hurting creativity.

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot told Gamasutra that new machines are "long overdue" and game makers are "being penalized" by this lack of new technology.

Guillemot believes that fresh technology helps boost creativity, which in turn gives rise to new IPs. He argues that as a generation goes on, it gets harder and harder to generate entirely new titles and franchises. Said Guillemot:

" It's a lot less risky for us to create new IPs and new products when we're in the beginning of a new generation. Our customers are very open to new things. Our customers are reopening their minds–and they are really going after what's best. … At the end of a console generation, they want new stuff, but they don't buy new stuff as much. They know their friends will play Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed so they go for that. So the end of a cycle is very difficult. "

It's probably true that gamers are more open to new ideas at the start of a new generation. That only makes sense. And it's also true that fresh IPs are incredibly risky and can be the death knell for smaller companies (something Ubisoft probably doesn't have to worry about). So given that, do you agree with Guillemot?

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12 years ago

I don't agree.
You don't need a new console in order to get your creative juices flowing

That is, unless of course, aliens from the planet UrANUS have already done wide-scale lobotomies to hard-wire every developer's cranial circuitry into an already mind-melded Nexbox……

Ah, I can hear them all now…..

****Snap, Crackle, & Pop*****

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/23/2012 1:01:46 PM

12 years ago

Exactly. I kind of think this is a ridiculous statement. Hell, it's contradicted by the fact that his company produced one of this year's E3's most exciting new IPs (Watch Dogs).

12 years ago

This reminds me of what S-E said a little while ago. I think the idea is trying to get a piece of the pie while the pie is still fresh and hasn't been overrun by the big dogs. But even then, games like Journey appear to have done great for being late in the gen. Also, maybe their attitude would change if they stopped being afraid and start trusting in quality.
Didn't Shadow of Colosus and GoW launch later in the PS2's life cycle? GoW, at least, has gone on to be a trans-generational multi-million selling franchise.

12 years ago

btw, my uber PC just arrived this morning. It's like next-gen day for me already =p
But I can't get to it until get this school project stuff done today.

12 years ago

You should add me on steam!!! If your into that 😛 I'm going to be getting borderlands 2 and if you get it on the PC we couuuld nerd out on that game. I have 1 friend getting it on PC so far.

Sorry I haven't been on VF5 ever lol I'm either on the PC or my PSN kicks me 🙁 What times do you usually play? Ill try and get on tonight. I'm eastern time zone.

12 years ago

thanks Xenris, I'm not a Borderlands guy, though. But I'll add you on Steam. I'm PST and I tend to only do VF5 FS at around 8:30-10:00 PST, if I'm on. It's the only time of day that usually works for me.

12 years ago

I have to say, having Itagaki as my avatar is psychologically trippy. That is to see my posts with his face as if I'm him. I feel a bit more pompous arrogant. A bit more wise and cool. Especially with indoor shades =p

12 years ago

Ahh damn, alright my steam user ID is Pulse and the picture is of a green pulse black background.

Hmmm what time would that be eastern? I can never remember these things. At the time of sending this its 305 pm here.

12 years ago

Your'e 3 hours in front of me. Hey you'd better add me as a friend. Pulse returns several pages of results, some of which look like how you described yourself =)

My Steam Id is the same as my PSN

Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/23/2012 2:18:11 PM

12 years ago

Darn I usually go to bed before then. I enjoy my sleep! Maybe on the weekend? I just played online and won my first 2 ranked matches 😀

Second fight I lost 2 in a row then came back to win…somehow and the finisher we were both backed away and I ran in for a flying kick and that did it! I was going to save the replay but I was too excited and forgot lol.

12 years ago

When I read this… and see that games like The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls, that, from what the trailers have shown, appear to be better than anything we've seen from this gen so far (which indicates to me other devs COULD be doing better with -THIS- gen)…

I can't help but wonder if a lot of the limitations multi-plat developers are complaining about have anything to do with one console more than another…

Like… I guess I hear the complaint… fine… but it's not like Ubisoft has yet matched any of the best we've seen or will see on PS3…

Not only that, but a lot of the big titles releasing over the next year are -get this- … NEW IPS! I guess I'm just not convinced.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/23/2012 1:04:40 PM

12 years ago

The irony for me with this is that Ubisoft just recently unveiled a new IP that looks amazing. Clearly they're not taking their own advice.

12 years ago

I really dont think the tech is limiting creativity. Fear is. Corporate influence is, because they try to make things that are sure sales. That and the fear of making new IPS.

Honestly from all the unique and imaginative indy games on the PC I have seen and games like freaking Journey? Anyone who says the tech is limiting creativity is a liar.

The only thing I would think might limit creativity is if they had a really cool idea for AI behavior, but that isn't somehow possible on current consoles.

12 years ago

Except that sequels are usually the only thing that get released in the initial run of releases of a generation so his logic makes absolutely no sense and holds no water. Late in the cycle SHOULD be the time for when creativity is at a peak when developers have the sky as the limit with being so used to the technology, especially with the current level of tech and bluray capacity.

12 years ago

His comment makes almost no sense. I mean sure at the beginning of a new gen gamers seem to forgive developers mistakes from the previous gen and give them another chance, but that is where it stops. Am I missing something? Look at some of the new IPs at the beginning of this gen Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk none of them sold 10 million copies(probably not even combined), even though they were good games.

It is simple common sense that working with something that has been out for awhile can get better results then something brand new. Sure new tech opens new doors but at the expense of slashing the creative side of development(in most cases). Devs have always shown how good they are towards the end of a cycle, NOT at the beginning. They learn how to use the code better, they get very creative towards the end of a cycle both in development and story and it has shown in the last 3 gens.

I also can't figure out why he used CoD and Assissins Creed in his comment as they either had no presence in the last gen or didn't even exist. He should have said something along the lines of "gamers start to stick with established franchises towards the end of a console generation".

I see what he is saying though as Skyrim sold so poorly, and the anticipation for The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls are nonexistent. /sarcasm

12 years ago

Oh man I loved Folklore. I would love another game in that world. The monsters were so colourful.

12 years ago

What an idiot.

12 years ago

Isn't it cheaper to build on the an existing and known platform than a new one? Furthermore, would that make it cheaper to take a risk and fail? I for one plan on sitting on the sidelines of the next gen for at least two years to see what kind of screwed up things the big publishers do and decide if it is time to abandon consoles or gaming altogether. Sorry, the PS3 is enough for me until 2015/6.

12 years ago

i dunno about that.
if anything it is the other way around.
when your buying new consoles theres not much out on the market and customers just want something they will get allot of use out of, IE games they know and love, IE well known franchises.
once they have been out for a while though, and everyone starts releasing games on them than its a different story, then you can start experimenting with new ideas and shorter experiences.
does he really think heavy rain would of done better if it released the day the ps3 released?
if anything your better off releasing new IPs further into a consoles lifespan than earlier.

12 years ago

I would think that later in the systems cycle would be a better time since costs would be cheaper, you know more about the system, and the install base is bigger.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x