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Portal 2’s Wheatley Heading Into Space

HA. So cool.

Wheatley is one of the most entertaining characters of the generation, in fact, we said the wisecracking little robot was the best new character of 2011 .

And now, he's heading off to immortality…in outer space.

As revealed at the Portal 2 Blog , an anonymous NASA tech managed to laser-engrave the image of Wheatley and the quote "In spaaaaaace!" on the Japanese HTV-3 resupply craft to the ISS. So one of our favorite little sidekicks will be heading beyond the atmosphere when the craft launches on Friday, July 27, at 10:06 EST, which you can watch on the NASA TV website , if you're so inclined.

The tricky engraver will remain anonymous, because "NASA in no way officially endorses secretly laser-engraving characters from Portal onto their spacecraft." Yeah, well, they should.

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12 years ago

Ya gotta love all the crazy stuff that goes into space, Stephen Colbert's DNA, James Doohan's remains, various greetings to extra-terrestrials.

12 years ago

Don't say that…. Portal's 'characters' are not memorable… I just do not understand why people give the characters of this series so much credit – Same with Gorgon from Half-Life, He has no personality at all, it's like playing as a bot.

Portal is alright puzzle game, but I just have never seen it as anything more… I just don't get it.

12 years ago

How can you not like the characters in Portal 2? They're excellently developed and have a great set of dialogue.

12 years ago

I didn't see them being past anything thing but quirky. There is no depth to them like everyone keeps trying to make out. Everyone has them games which you don't understand why they're so popular, this is one of mine from that category.

12 years ago

The comedian that plays Wheatley, Stephen Merchant, is a popular British comedian who is the working partner to Ricky Gervais.
What Portal 2 did extremely well is adapt Stephen Merchant's persona exactly into the game and animated Wheatley accordingly to the likes of which i have rarely seen.

Infact, i'd go so far as to say it was one of Merchant's funniest gigs yet. THAT usually never happens in a video game starring a well known actor etc.

Then you have the main antagonist, GLaDOS who had a chilling blend of comedy, patronising and violent traits in her persona. Well crafted lines combined with that monotonous, haunting A.I. delivery made her ultimately memorable hence the popularity.

It is for these reasons that Portal 2 is highly regarded when it comes to characters. A hugely, atmospheric and memorable experience.

You like games like the brilliant Shadow Of Destiney, but that game (due to limiting technology or the english dub maybe) had completely wooden delivery despite great ideas. So, this is a surprise opinion coming from you as one of the leading qualities about Shadow Of Destiney is it's atmosphere and that's something shared with the deep work of Portal. Brushing it off as an "ok puzzle game" is a mistake.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 7/23/2012 8:31:28 AM

12 years ago

Lol the characters in portal are not that great but you think the final fantasy 13 characters are? Good grief. Or wait was it FF8 characters you liked? Either way, portals characters have charm I cant say the same for a lot of final fantasy characters.

12 years ago

If he works with Ricky Gervais that would explain why he's not funny yet still popular.

12 years ago

now that is cool!
but, well, hes already in space………
that was a classic, almost as good as the cake is a lie and the orchestra of singing turrets!
i wish valve would do a portal 3, there is NOTHING out there that has the witty charm and fun of portal 2!
as cave jhonson would say when life gives you lemons dont make lemonade, get mad!
demand to see lifes manager!!!!!

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