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PSXE Poll Update: Not A Whole Lotta FPS Fans ‘Round Here

Don't get the wrong idea. The crowd at PSXE isn't so much anti- Call of Duty as it is anti-shooter-in-general.

Which isn't to say the readers are "against" the genre; it's just that we don't seem to have a whole lot of shooter fans, which is fine by us. We kinda like being a little different in that way. Me, I like my FPSs but because I really don't play online, I'm hardly what you would call a big-time fan.

As for the two major shooters coming out this fall, while Call of Duty: Black ops II received more than double the number of votes Medal of Honor: Warfighter got, the majority of participants said they don't plan to purchase either. This week, we'll try another "whatcha gonna buy" poll; it focuses on the two big fighting titles slated for September: Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Dead or Alive 5 . I'll assume TTT2 will win just 'cuz this is a PlayStation-oriented website and Tekken is quintessentially PlayStation. But you never know…I can sense the DoA fans out there…

P.S. We'll go back to the User Review contest (which will just keep going) in a few weeks. During the slow summer months, there isn't a whole lot coming out to inspire the amateur critics out there, and…uh…I kinda need more stuff to give away, right? 😉

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12 years ago

Doesn't surprise me, FPS and consoles don't mix well!


12 years ago

Still seems fairly popular though.

12 years ago

Mostly with 360 gamers which I've always viewed as pore…lesser than…PC gamers.

12 years ago

Pore or poor?

12 years ago

I've been drinking, take your pick 🙂

12 years ago

Blast you! Have one for me.

12 years ago

I like a good story based FPS/TPS, something deeper than "Oh,they're terrorists" or "My Country vs Your's", etc. I liked Resistance because they had a nice story to tell, as did Killzone, MGS 1-4. As long as it's not just a shooter for the sake of being a shooter it's ok. I mean yea it's fun but is it entertaining?

12 years ago

Getting both but DOA5 at launch.

12 years ago

Neither shooters interest me. The new Black Ops looks like the love child of MW and Ghost Recon and Medal of Honor reminds me of a Battlefield 3.5.

And I'll definitely be picking up DOA5. I loved DOA 2, my first game on my PS2, and you have to love a game with variable jiggle physics 😉

12 years ago

Haven't cared much for Tekken since it was a visual marvel back on arcades. DOA5 is a must own though now that it's returning to Playstation after a sad hiatus due to the previous creator's irrational predilection toward Xbox. I wouldn't mind another Volleyball game either. The PSP one doesn't quite cut it.

I'm just sad DOA doesn't have a character creator, if any game lent itself to that kind of fun it would be that one.

I'm a fighter, bounce on ladies.

12 years ago

I'm a big shooter fan. Some of the best shooters I've ever played were MoH games and the reboot was very very underrated. So im absolutely looking forward to the next entry. CoD is simply unmatched in, in your face experiences and that makes them exciting to play. Granted the online portion of CoD is the big draw, the campaigns are at least exciting.

Needless to say I'll be getting and enjoying both.

12 years ago

I would have been all for Tekken Tag 2, but it looks an utter joke! I have despised the combat system ever since they got the engine from Tekken 5. I have Tekken Tag 1 in HD, so I will never need a new Tekken again.

As for Dead or Alive, I have always enjoyed the combat system. the aesthetics may be daft but the combat system is deep and enjoyable.

12 years ago

I love FPSs! I like the ones that you have to think in instead of just having quick reflexes. If that list would have included Dust 514(even though it doesn't have an official date yet) I would have voted different, but as far as the selection that was up I had to go with neither.

12 years ago

has nothing to do with not having many shooter fans.
people are just sick to death of them because there all the same!
as richard hammond said the german big wigs, merc, bmw, and audi have become so obsessed with what each other is making they have made the exact same product!
if we had a new fresh totally different shooter, than, well, there would be sheep flocking to it like flies on rotting meat!
sadly we dont have that, and probably never will, so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

which really disappointed me.
i was really hoping this years MoH would be the same as the recent reboot.
the reboot was such a tactical slow paced patient war game, it could not of been any more different than your typical mindless shooter!
warfighter though, well, sadly its the other way around.
it couldnt be any less different to your typical mindless shooter!
seems uniqueness has become illegal in this industry!

as for which fighting game ill be buying, neither.
simply because ive never been able to get into any fighting series besides MK.
dunno why i just never have found them as much fun as i have mortal kombat.
i tried to get into soul calibre V and tekken 6 but i just got really bored of them real quick.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

Dust 514 was not on that poll and even then the game is going to be free so no need to buy any FPS games.

12 years ago

Just like the 1st person shooter voting i choose neither. Im not a fan of fighters. Just like i was a fan of either Black ops 2 or Medel of honor. all though i'll probably b picking up Black ops 2 some time next year.

12 years ago

I want both Dead or Alive 5, Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

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