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If Versus XIII Is Dead, What Killed It?

By now, everyone is aware of the depressing rumor .

But if Final Fantasy Versus XIII is indeed no more, the questions are going to mount and the biggest one might be: How and why did it die?

Blind optimism might say Square Enix is suddenly in tune with annoyed fans who have missed traditional role-playing elements. So maybe they looked at Versus XIII , saw what amounted to an action/RPG that was kinda like Kingdom Hearts in terms of gameplay, and said, "Hmm…our loyal old-school fans might not like this." …but of course, that's just plain absurd. S-E doesn't really care about old-fashioned RPG elements and besides, nobody is really entirely certain what Versus XIII was like in action.

We have some brief camera shots of the game being played at events over the past few years, but that's about it. We know it was real-time and we know it featured an open world. Beyond that, not a heck of a lot was confirmed. And with a significant lack of development information, it's difficult to pinpoint the reasons behind the cancellation unless Square Enix comes forward. But that's part of the problem; S-E is apparently willing to let this one fade out. So if they never officially cancel it, we'll never know what really killed the project. Any educated guesses?

Crazy over-budget? Got confused in terms of targeted platforms? Was it still going to be a PS3 exclusive or was Microsoft always angling to get it? Was it just in the way? Maybe at this point, the company would just rather focus on the next installment in the franchise (no, not FFXIII-3). This could go down as one of those mysterious game deaths where everyone is going-

"Wait, what happened?!"

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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12 years ago

Maybe Wata was pushing to make it multiplatform and since the game was designed for the PS3 from the get go, porting it to the Xbox was either impossible or too much of a costly task.

This is just my guess of course, but if true, it is yet another example of a game being ruined because of the Xbox.

12 years ago

oh jawknee

no my friend, it wasnt that.
multiplat is expected at this point.
a game in dev for so long has to go multiplat otherwise it will be at a loss

12 years ago

Yeah, what Mamills said. The console market has shaped up in a way that makes it very tough for devloper to ignore the 360 platform. MS has very close to half or even half NA market locked down. It's not like last gen when Sony had 70% of the console market locked down and dominated in all regions. A third party exclusive it that enviroment is much more feasible. Note how much Japanese developers like Square have coveted the NA market as well. They want a foothold in this market. That means they have to deal with the 360.

MS angling for this game is an interesting thought. They were knee deep in the JRPG market earlier this generation. They got Square and Mistwalker to kick out some 360 exclusives(The Lost Odyssey is awesome!!!) but then MS seemed to lose interest once the games didn't perform as well as expected. I doubt they would use their insane amount of finincial wealth to bring this game to 360. They accomplished their goal by cock blocking JRPGs away from the PS3 earlier this generation. Hell for a good while the 360 had more JRPGs this gen!!! Anyways, they don't need FFvs13. Maybe MS wouldn't cough up the money that Square wanted so they pulled the plug.

I don't know about the tecnicals. I imagine that this game could have been ported. It's supposed to easier to port from the PS3 to the 360 than vice versa. FF13-2 is said to be identical on both platforms. The 360 version might have to be multiple discs and even be the lesser version. hehe. Square could always pull off some of the nasty tricks we've seen lazy developers do with the PS3. Just drop the resolution and frame rates. Ship it and call it good. if I remember correctly they did that with FF13. We got the better version. Yey!!!

My guess is this is a tactical financial decision. It just isn't financially feasible to continue. You would think the game would be almost done after all these years and it would be best to finish it to recoup some of the money spent on it though. Right??It must not be as close to being finished as one would think it should be. If that's the case that's pretty hard to understand.

Note how Square never really seemed commited to this game. Devlopers would get pulled from VS to work on other games like 13-2. I always was suspicous of that. Square rarely even talked about VS either. Yeah, I would say this game never seemed to be a priority to Square for some reason.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 7/21/2012 4:30:23 AM

12 years ago

I have to admit, when I played XIII-2 I did notice the drop in graphics from the first title. The character models had far more jaggies. It was equivalent to the 360 version of XIII-1 & it did bug me a few times.

12 years ago

I have to agree with Jawknee. I can't see why this would have been in development for 6 or 7 years unless Microsoft has bribed them into porting it. That or microsoft realized they couldn't get it ported so they paid off SE to cancel the game and deal a blow to sony.

Thats huge conspiracy but knowing microsofts sketchy business practices I wouldn't put it passed them.

12 years ago

The game would sell worse than the 360 version of FF13 so they would actually lose profit from wasting resources on porting it to the 360.What good is releasing a game on a console if it does not sell?

12 years ago

You really have to wonder how many years Square-Enix has left in it.

12 years ago

It was a good game and SE didn't want to lose their streak of release crap.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Haha, winner.

12 years ago

I'd wager is has to do with $$$, you've gotta figure SE hasnt been doing so hot lately, and they're STILL trying to salvage FFXIV, which from what I've seen has really low population, and working on porting it over to the PS3 aswell.

12 years ago

It isn't dead, it's very much alive and we will hear about the game in the coming months.

12 years ago

I'm pretty sure we're all just speculating, LV. Reacting to a rumour. I am still hoping that it isn't true as Versus XIII is the only thing left in S-E that gives me some semblance of excitement.

Heck, they haven't even localized Type-0 (originally XX FIII Agito). I played the demo on my PSP and was, man, it exciting. I remember struggling with the camera but that's a minor complaint compared to most of the stuff I did not like in FF XIII.

12 years ago

I know, but I refuse to take the bait and even think of such a thing happening. SE has royally screwed me these past few years and I'm holding onto this game's existence until SE says otherwise.

12 years ago

What if they never say otherwise?

12 years ago

Mark my words, we will find out about Versus before the end of September.

12 years ago

My god, I just noticed that I typed FF XIII Agito as XX FIII. LOL

Anyway, I understand you LV. I really hope that they prove the rumours wrong this time around. Despite its current status, I'm really looking forward to playing FF Versus XIII. It's still way up there in my most wanted list.

That said, S-E's current focus on Lightning's adventures is downright worrying for me. Remember that S-E will hold the "Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Saga: New Developments Presentation" this September? Do we really need more of XIII than Versus XIII? I really like Lightning. She's one of the very few things I liked in FF XIII. But why won't S-E get Versus XIII out of the goddamned door first?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

That level of denial is unhealthy, LV. 😉

12 years ago

lv, are you willing to bet on it? are you that sure?

12 years ago

I'm going to agree with LV on this one, hey, Duke Nukem came out didn't it. 😉

12 years ago

Just saying LV, SE still don't accept The Last Renmant Ps3 version was canceled.

12 years ago

It's also unhealthy to believe every rumour spread across the internet of all places. It's not like S-E would be able to brush this closure under the carpet, so if it so we'll hear so soon. With the 25th Anniversary even coming up September 1st, I bet they have some secrets to share so everyone stop hounding with assumptions until we hear the official source..

I for one would be very upset if XIIIversus was cancelled. That 7 minute trailer a few years ago set up a mouthwatering experience. An experience I want on my console.

As I mentioned yesterday, I have been following S-E this gen when many others have quit on them, I still really like XIII and regard it to be in my top 5 this gen. XIII-2 was good, but nothing more. But if S-E do not release this game I won't even defend them, it is essential for their companies survival to release this – I am sure many will still buy XIII-3 probably me included, but their fan base has lost their patience and the cancellation of XIIIversus will be the explanation mark.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Ultima: S-E could easily brush this under the carpet. In fact, you don't hear about most games that are canceled.

12 years ago

Lack of focus on Square-Enix's part maybe. They've been announcing games left and right while not being able to deliver the games they promised many years ago. They've admitted to pulling people from the Versus XIII team to help finish XIII and XIII-2 (and heck, maybe even XIII-3). It will be a crying shame if Versus XIII really ends up being cancelled.

Why not just announce one game in a franchise, get it out to store shelves, then announce the next game in that same franchise? It's so obvious that S-E bit a lot more than it can chew this generation and it's so sad that such a storied developer is going through all such stuff.

12 years ago

I think because of FFXIII-3 if it's true.

12 years ago

Aaaaand… it's gone.

For the moment 'nuff said.

12 years ago

I'd be surprised if the game got totally buried. Maybe it's assets have been ripped apart for other projects or maybe there's just a lot of other things gobbling up S-E resources that have precedence. I dunno but I doubt we'll see the last of it.

12 years ago

It's probably scrapped and now SE is taking anything worth taking and make it into another game.
Nobody will be pleased and surprised to find this cancelled but hey, SE hasn't said anything so it's all cool for now.

12 years ago

If true, then it's just such a real shame considering the development that's already gone into it. They're a bit of a bumbling mess this generation.

12 years ago

If this is true, then Square Enix are dead to me. Sad how far SE have fallen this generation.

12 years ago

As long as this can be their importunity to start kingdom heats 3, I'm not complaining.

12 years ago

knowing SE, they'll most likely disappoint on KH3 as well. Don't think KH fans are safe. They screwed Final fantasy fans, they're capable of screwing Kindom hearts fans too.

12 years ago


12 years ago

well guys,
i havent been very active on this site for some time now.
i mean ive been viewing articles n not commenting for quite some time.
but for this one allow me to put my 2 cents in.

this is merely my opinion, but its quite obvious.

this is no surprise,
lets face it to me SE is done, FF13V was a pipe dream
they wanted to adapt to new school but didn't realize RPG fans r typically old school.

all of the original team that made the classic FF's no longer work for SE.

they messed up and went over budget completely.
and even if it did come out it wouldn't be able to be exclusive and it prob wouldn't be what you thought it would be
as i said some time back, its either gonna get cancelled or go multiplat (which isnt a bad thing) or it is gonna come out on the next gen.

now how would i know this?
well, the fact is, game companies are a business and you have to pay your ppl. a game like that in development for so long and still nothing?! cmon, u should have been expecting this. u still have to pay everyone even if the game isnt made

that being said, its sad and to me FF has been dead for some time now, (I care nothing for ff13 2 and still havent played it mainly because the story is crap and the lore its based on is confusing and the characters are stale)

now that being said FF can still be revived.
but until they get there act in gear, it wouldn't.

look to other RPGs ppl, there are far better out there.
i believe FF can make a comeback but i think they should give the franchise a much deserved rest then bring it back.

(ill admit though, it really pisses me off that they messed up this badly)

12 years ago

I highly doubt this was the reason.

vsXIII was the most highly anticipated FF title since XII. Besides, this game was never meant to be solely an RPG, it was always an action RPG just like Kingdom Hearts. Just about any and all old school FF fans were holding out for this.

It definitely had the following to earn it some serious cash.

12 years ago

Quote from Article on 'Zell's Fantasy' (A mighty good Italian FF news site.):

'Square Enix has stated that the event actually lasts from 31 August to 2 September and will cover more of the exhibition of art of which we had talked about in recent news. The first day will see a "pre-demo" (what is not given to know) and there will be an opening ceremony directed exclusively to the press and some lucky members of the Square Enix Members fan club. The following days are usually open to the public.'

So there will be a demo, possibly a playable demo of XIIIversus… you never know, so just wait until this 25th Anniversary even in September, if they don't mention anything what so ever of XIIIversus, your in your right to doubt them.

12 years ago

If the rumor is true, maybe it is caused by a paradox effect brought by the released of XIII-2 thus pulling the plug in VS to prioritize the development of FFXIII-3.

No matter how much i loved the first FFXIII, I don't want a FFXIII-3. But if somehow XIII-3 miraculously surpass the high visual quality of XIII, a new battle system and it fixes some of my questions about the story in XIII-2 then maybe i'll get it used, if not i'll just watch the cut scenes in you tube and read the plot in wikipedia.

12 years ago

I still want a XIII-3, only because XIII-2 didn't have a full conclusion. I don't want S-E to cop out and end the series on DLC either. I was pretty satisfied with the original conclusion to XIII. I didn't feel the need for another game, I wasn't displeased at getting XIII-2,but as I said now that it is left open I want the series concluded with dignity.

12 years ago

I also want it to be concluded, but not in an expense of releasing a new game and cancelling Versus. Maybe just release a DVD of the conclusion of XIII-2 or even a DLC (i'll just gonna watch it in you tube just like i did in the Requiem of the Goddess). I guess i'm just tired of the same monsters and the same places of FFXIII. I just want something new. I feel like FFXIII-3 is not worth playing just to see the real conclusion in Lightning's saga.

12 years ago


you don't want SE to cop out and cash in on DLC, but you want them to create a whole new game, just to end XIII-2 properly…… LOL. That is the worse cop out ever. They should just stop.

12 years ago

$E happened!
there inconstant belief that everyone wants gears of war is what destroyed it!
they tried to change it into what they think fans want, and when they found out that was impossible, or the devs would not comply, they pulled the plug.
either that or their putting it in the draw for a future release, maybe they have had word of next gen systems and are saving this for next gen and their luminous engine?
oh now that would be SWEET!!!!!!!

12 years ago

vsXIII is exactly what the fans wanted?

12 years ago

My guess is that they "tried" something new and it didn't work out. Kind of like David Cage coming up with the new tech for Beyond Two Souls and having it fail. But for David Cage it obviously didn't fail. Maybe SE failed which wouldn't be that surprising considering. Sure is a long time to figure out if your new tech is going to be viable or not. I am sad and all FF gamers lose on this one…………if it's true.

12 years ago

What seems like happened is this. FF13 did really well on both the PS3 and did well enough of the Xbox in NA that SE was like hmmmm we want more money and microsoft was like give us versus.

Nomura was like this is a big risk porting it might not work and if it does it will require 10 discs and might cost more than it makes. So because SE has become a little B%!@$ they said well lets just not release it and microsoft paid them their losses in order to deal a big blow to Sony because they knew that this game would be freaking awesome.

Thats my conspiracy theory. In reality they have put far too much money into Versus to just can it. Unless they have wasted 7 years on the game and only have 5 minutes of game then Versus will come out and will most likely be a PS3 exclusive. However I think that its ridiculous that it has taken 7 years so I really think that it might have been to try and get it on the Xbox.

I will say that if they just can Versus, I will literally never buy anything from them again. At least not new. They will not get another penny from me.

12 years ago

Since Versus was supposed to be a PS3-only game & M$ no longer wants $E's FF's, I'm wondering if M$ paid $E super-big bucks to NOT complete Versus, just so Sony couldn't get it.

Or M$ paying SE to keep on delaying it with more stall tactics.

Anyway at this rate, I really wouldn't put it past M$ to stoop even that low!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/21/2012 12:07:06 PM

12 years ago

Exactly. I know Microsoft has gotten up to some sketchy crap in the past. But yeah I really hope this game comes out, I really can't fathom why it wouldn't unless its falling into the same situation as the Last Guardian where they don't have a real direction but I doubt Nomura wouldn't know what he wants to do.

12 years ago

Seriously Square Enix…if you're going to waste a loyal fan's time like this, how about you guys stop announcing stuff 5-6 years before it's actually NEAR COMPLETION!

Gosh…this really killed me today. This was the one game I was waiting for that would be my KHII for this generation. …now what?

GET RID OF THE MANAGEMENT in square enix already. The developers are good…Nomura had a good vision! It's people like WATA that just burns all this stuff in the end.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Most likely it was way over budget and way behind schedule. Hard to think anything else with SE announcing they'll be farming most work out to subcontractors from now on.

And with XIII-2 only selling 40% as many copies as XIII, the idea of dumping more money into a spinoff probably didn't make much sense any more.

12 years ago

Problem is Versus wasn't a spin off, it was its own game, and I know way way way more people who were excited for Versus that were ever excited for 13 even before it was released.

There are a LOT of Kingdom Hearts fans and the fact that Versus is being done by that team is what made people excited for it.

13-2 sold less because it was a crash in rush job. But even still if it sold less than they wanted who in there right mind at SE is demanding they make 13-3?

Its like they are just testing out ideas for FF15 so that the next generation they are flawless?

I don't think Versus is canceled. Knowing the internet these days it will get a huuuuge petition and possible death threats towards SE.

12 years ago

I doubt its dead really but Square really needs to get their shit together. Again if it is dead, count as a loss and move on to something else you know that it won't take 6 to 7 years to finish.

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