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Proposed $27 Million Settlement For EA Football Lawsuit

It took four years but it's finally over. Well…almost.

Attorneys representing consumers of Electronic Arts football games have reached a proposed settlement, based on claims that EA "violated antitrust and consumer protection laws and overcharged consumers for the games."

The case was initially filed on Jun 5, 2008, as lawyers claimed that EA violated the aforementioned laws by establishing exclusive licensing agreements with the NFL, NCAA, and AFL. As most gamers know, those agreements gave the game giant the exclusive rights to produce football games with the teams, players, stadiums, and other assets of the professional leagues.

The proposed settlement would establish a $27 million fund for consumers who purchased a Madden NFL , NCAA Football , or AFL video game published by EA. If this deal is approved, those who picked up a sixth-generation title (PS2, Xbox, GC) may receive up to $6.79 per game, and those who purchased a seventh-generation title (PS3, 360, Wii) can get up to $1.95 per game. There's an added stipulation that EA will not sign an exclusive agreement with the AFL for five years, and will not renew its current agreement with the NCAA (which expires in 2014) for at least five years.

Said attorney Steve Berman, managing partner of Hagens Berman, the law firm that represents the consumer in this case:

"After more than four years of hard-fought litigation, we have reached a settlement that we strongly believe is fair to consumers. We look forward to moving this process forward and asking the court to approve this settlement, which we think is in the best interests of the class."

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12 years ago

Holy hell. That's big IMO. Would've been a greater victory if Madden was in there too! EA and Madden need some real competition on the gridiron. Hopefully with the next gen we can get some real time hits instead of this same ol'
canned animations from last generation.

12 years ago

im confused by your comment. madden is listed as one of the games. maybe i just dont understand what you meant

12 years ago

EA can't sign agreements for rights to the AFL or NCAA for so many years, where as there is no mention of madden or the NFL. I'm pretty sure that's what he's talking about.

12 years ago

Is the AFL really such a big deal ? I could see the lawyers talking now.

Anti-EA lawyer: And you cant sign exclusive agreements with any more sports leagues.

EA lawyers: Well thats just not fair.

Anti-EA: It wasnt for to the consumers who we're gonna make a ton of money off of.

EA: Ok well we wont for NCAA. *whispers to co-counsel "It's not like anyone else puts out that game anyway."

Anti-EA: None, that includes ALL leagues.

EA: OK look, so no NCAA and we wont for the AFL either.

Anti-EA whsipers to co-counsel "AFL…. that sounds big. I think we should take it so we can get our money now.

Anti-EA: Deal. We'll give this to the judge.
Anti-EA lawyers leave room.

EA lawyers: Yes we didnt have to give up our number one seller and gave up exclusive rights to 1. A marginal game that we only sell about 500,000 copies of and 2. A league that nobody cares about and we only ever made one game for.

EA has a huge party and Peter Moore gives his lawyers huge bonuses.

Gamers everywhere facepalm……..

12 years ago

They certainly do charge too much for em.

12 years ago

Does this mean there might be another NFL Gameday in the future? Cause that was my favorite way to play on ps2

12 years ago

Where's that link so I can sign up?

Since I have a ton & 3/4's worth of GC, Xbox, 360, PS2 & PS3 EA football games, then maybe I can at least get enough $$$ to buy a baker's dozen of 6 month old used games.

12 years ago

Lol so the punks won the lawsuit SMH what has this world come to. i hope u all enjoy the extra $8.00 dollars in total hope it worth it. I will always b Ea sports supporter thats y im glad they got the rights for UFC from the dieing THQ company hopefully EA will grab the right to WWE Games to. oh by the way espn 2k5 s**ks its overrated.

12 years ago

Thank goodness for the $6.79, now I can go purchase…. well….. maybe a hamburger ?

I wonder how much the lawers got to "reached a settlement that we strongly believe is fair to consumers."

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