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Gearbox: Borderlands 2 Is Long Enough To Be A “Hobby”

Bang for our buck. It's something we always look for.

And thankfully, it appears Borderlands 2 will have it in spades. Its replayability was already through the roof with that diverse and addictive multiplayer the majority are waiting on, but don't forget about that lengthy campaign.

And when we say "lengthy," we really mean it. According to what Gearbox VP of Marketing Steve Gibson told GamerZines , one play-through with one character will take around 58 hours. You could multiply that times 5 if you wish to play the game with each of the available character classes. Said Gibson:

"What we like to think about it is, Borderlands is a hobby. Some guide guys just did a playthrough of Borderlands 2 and they reported back to us that it takes 58 hours to play through the campaign – and that’s just one playthrough with one character.

So the depth with which people can get into that…Yeah we look at it as a hobby, and that isn’t even counting the new Badass Points system and how that’ll affect every character you do. We want it to feel like you get more for your money, we’re happy for people to pay their money once and feel that they get ongoing value."

Some people call Borderlands more of an RPG than an FPS and with numbers like that, it's easy to see why. Therefore, perhaps it's unfair to compare it to games like Call of Duty and Battlefield , but a 50-hour campaign is still impressive, regardless of the genre. Of course, it does make us wonder if that 58 hours involved doing absolutely every optional thing imaginable…if one sped right through, how far would the number drop? A fair question, correct?

Anyway, Borderlands 2 will be ready to go in September, so you had best set aside a decent chunk of time on the calendar.

Related Game(s): Borderlands 2

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12 years ago

That is bang for the buck, but so was Skyrim with 100 odd hours of play time.

I guess if the Borderlands campaign is absorbing enough it will probably feel shorter than 58 hours or so; nonetheless there is value there for the fans of this game. Overall though, length of playtime is also affected by how good the player is playing the actual game. For some it may take years 🙂

I have yet to play the first one… felt it wasn't twitchy enough for me compared to the regular shooters I play regularly such as Killzone and Battlefield…



Last edited by Qubex on 7/19/2012 10:32:51 AM

12 years ago

I read an article on Rock Paper shotgun, and they said that Borderlands 2 is super fast and ADD compared to the first one. So maybe this will live up to your twitchy standards 😀

Last edited by xenris on 7/19/2012 12:37:25 PM

12 years ago

Ok, I will try the demo then. I did play the demo of Borderlands to be honest… but I still didn't take to it that easily…

::twitches & sighs::



12 years ago

I tried to reply to you but it went ahead and posted as a new comment.. Well if you dont mind scroll down and read it. And if this one decides to go ahead and post as a new comment also then Please ignore me everyone

12 years ago

But, but… But the campaign *is* the multiplayer in Borderlands. 🙂

That length doesn't have to be a good thing though. It all depends on the missions. Like that "collect zombie skulls" mission in the Dr Zed expansion pack… Fifty skulls, or was it a hundred? Anyhow, that took a while, and quite frankly were just grinding.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/20/2012 1:23:42 AM

12 years ago

this game is going to be epic , its the fist game of jump in jump out co op i have played and love every min of it only thing that got me fustrated was when playing with a friend that took tooooooooooooo long with the vending machines lol

12 years ago

I already got 3 friends and myself ready for this game… It's gonna be awesome going through the whole thing together

12 years ago

This is my must have day 1 game this year. I enjoyed the hell out of the first one, and am counting the days until it comes out. I can't wait!

12 years ago

The more I hear the guys at gearbox talk about Borderlands 2 the more I love them. Seriously they are one of the few companies trying to cram as much content on to the disc that isn't locked behind DLC doors. Heck even if they did have a couple things locked on this disc I wouldnt care, however I doubt that judging from how full and awesome the DLC was from the original. Borderlands 2 looks to be the bang for your buck game of the year, I simply can't wait!

12 years ago

Amazing! Makes it that much more harder to wait for this gem! I hope the Platinum is the same as Borderlands where you only have to play each character to level 15. Otherwise it might be a very tough Platinum if you have to go through the game with each character!!

12 years ago

This is my top game for the fall. Really excited. Gearbox knows how to take care of their fans. I must have spent 100 hours on the first Borderlands, between two playthroughs on one character and one playthrough with a second… then bought the DLCs and probably spent another 30 hours playing them through. Now *that's* value for your money. I'm usually skeptical of DLC, as it more and more often seems like content withheld from the game and sold back to you rather than additional content meant to complement the core experience, but i never for a moment felt like Borderlands 1 was missing anything(well, except for maybe the storage chest you get from Underdome), and all of the DLC they released for it was packed with content and well worth the money(except for, again, maybe Underdome).

12 years ago

I think demos are good and bad to getting a taste of the game your Trying to check out. Normally you'll try the game out and decide to buy it or not, i cant stress the countless times I tried a 30min demo and decided the game is not to my liking. Months later when the game is long and forgotten and i find it in the bargain bin, and happen to pick it up and check it out for the second time. THAT game that at first i assumed i didnt like suddenly become one of my many all time favorite games. so my point is that sure demos give a decent taste of a game you want to check out, but sometimes that taste can be a little to short lived campared to the grasp of the whole game. This happened when i checked out borderlands… Thank god i picked it up! And now im so waiting for borderlands 2 to arrive at my welcome mat! So Qubex i totally recommend to check out borderlands for a second time. Singleplayer/splitscreen is decent but the online Co Op is were the real magic is at. And if the game is still not to your liking then please feel free to ignore any future recommendations from me ;P

12 years ago

thats one seriously short hobby!
who spends 58 hours on a hobby?
not much of a hobby if you only spend 58 hours on it!

58 for this is impressive though i was expecting somewhere around 40.
looking forward to this its looking really cool!
i just hope they have fixed the corrupt save issues the original had.
oh and the infinite spawning enemies jesus tap dancing christ that got frustrating!!!!!!!
you need to open this chest to collect the objective item.
but you cant because as soon as you do a enemy will kill you.
right……. so do i spend 100% of my time staying alive by killing a bazillion enemies, thus not completing the objective, and thus not progressing through the game?
or do i try get the item and hope i survive?
exactly what put me off the game, it forces you to do something but then makes it nigh on impossible to do so!
kinda impossible to search a chest and collect something if 100% of your time is spent defending your a$$!
they really need to make it that once you open a chest your invincible and cant take any damage.
at least that way you can enjoy looking around the crates finding cool new gear, instead of just killing everything, completely ignoring the objective and thus never progressing through the game.
kinda pointless, no?
dunno about anyone else but i play games to make progress, to eventually finish them!
not so i can sit there and kill 1000000 gazillion enemies!!!!!

12 years ago

Let's bring Borderlands 2 to the ps vita! sign the petition below if u wanna see that happen!

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