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Adding MGS4 Trophies Was An Ordeal

Yes, we're finally getting Trophies for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots .

But the game launched over four years ago. Why'd it take so long? Well, Kojima Productions Assistant Producer Sean Eyestone addressed this question in the developer's latest podcast, as cited at .

As it turns out, they just didn't have the manpower to start and complete the project, as it started and stopped multiple times. Although four years may seem like a long time, you have to remember that it's likely that these guys had higher priorities.

Said Eyestone:

"We’ve been trying to get it off the ground. It got started, stopped, started, stopped. It’s been a long process. Unfortunately, it just works out that way because of the staff we have. Unfortunately, we don’t have unlimited staff and, whenever we finished one project, they almost immediately jumped unto the next; which means we couldn’t get the programmers and the designers necessary to work on trophies because they have always been busy with things like Peace Walker or various other projects."

But we're finally gonna get those elusive Trophies, and that means a whole lot of gamers will be diving back into the greatness that was MGS4. It's arguably the greatest game of the generation, after all.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

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12 years ago

Well hopefully by the time I get through my chronological play-through of the series, the patch will be there. I'm only on Peace Walker, so I still have some time it seems.

12 years ago

I did that when the HD collection came out, make sure you play Metal Gear 1 & 2 too – judging by you pic, I presume you already have lol

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 7/17/2012 2:35:28 AM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I mentioned this in ben's week in review, but i'll go ahead and mention it again. The patch will also include a Full install option, so no more installing in between acts.

Here is a link to the podcast mentioned in the article, you guys can get more info about the patch there.

12 years ago

Whats the big deal with trophies anywho?

12 years ago

No big deal I'd say, but in this case people everywhere do seem to be looking for an excuse to play again.

12 years ago

prestige. respect. honor. employability. personal fullfillment. happiness. your gamer card is etched on your tombstone for all to look upon with awe =p

12 years ago

… etched onto a digital tombstone that is. in the future everything will be digital, even graveyards. people will be able to visit them virtually through their web browser

12 years ago

It's another way to tell how much effort someone put in a game, or if they even owned/played it. If someone has 0-5%, it usually means they played it for a short amount of time and least likely will continue it.

Plus, if someone's stuck on a certain part they could at least message a friend who obviously has a higher percentage than they have completed and ask for help.

12 years ago

hmmm, I suppose that could be a good reason but I prefer my reasons: prestige, honor, respect. Strange I haven't received any emails as of yet commending me for my efforts, but I'm sure with enough time I'll have resume worthy entries.

PS4Life1999 "wow, you're amazing. level 12 and Infamous 2 platinum"

I'd edit this part out though, "I see you have a zero percent on Prototype, are you stuck? Just attack the guys with your powers.. works every time"


Last edited by Temjin001 on 7/17/2012 3:06:26 PM

12 years ago

It's funny because I only got to the snow level with that wolf looking thing and I stopped for some reason lol. Looks like I'm finally going to see the ending pretty soon 🙂

12 years ago

The next few months will see me playing the MGS games one after the other. I have MGS4 but I haven't played it yet but I definitely will. It's just hard to play on an SDTV that I'm currently using. I also have the MSG HD Collection (on the PS3 but might get it for the Vita too) so, yeah, I'll be playing them all again.

The announcement of the trophy and full install patch just had impeccable timing. LOL

12 years ago

Still playing on a SDTV? So many good prices out there on HDTV's.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 7/16/2012 11:53:10 PM

12 years ago

I know. I could've gotten one earlier this year but the Vita got in the way. LOL But I intend to buy a 42" 3D TV later this year but I just have to work on a few more important stuff.

12 years ago

It's a shame the servers have been taken down, this would've brought many back online.

12 years ago

I`m glad the servers are offline, because that means no stupid online trophies! 🙂
I never played MGO anyway. 🙂

12 years ago

Seriously. I had taken a hiatus from MGO then got back into it only a month before they announced they were shutting down the servers. What is really annoying is all the DLC I purchased for MGO is now worthless. One of the biggest reasons I loathe this digital distribution push by developers.

12 years ago


Yea I hear you on that (read?). Anyways it's annoying because I purchased the DLC a week before the announcement of the servers going down. I was so pissed and couldn't believe it. Konami really sucks! First, the original MGO and next this one. They didn't last long enough. I get sick and tired of dlc because of this. Once the servers are down you lose those levels. At least give us an option at having LAN patched so we could still play them for when such an occurrence happens!

12 years ago

It's a shame how the series' multiplayer isn't supported for very long. MGS3's closed, MGO, and now MGS4. Hopefully Peace Walker's won't suffer the same fate soon.

12 years ago

I has been 4 years… I played it from the beginning, so it has felt like a long time. Mind you I am upset it's over. I thought it was a technical breakthrough for online gameplay, there were so many fun little things to do which you just can't do in other multiplayer games. Peace Walkers online is just another Killfest..ZzZzZz

12 years ago

I'm just glad they're finally coming. Not a huge Trophy whore but I do like to try and Platinum my favorite games.

12 years ago

They should have just contracted out the trophy project earlier, it probably would have brought in extra sales back then. Better late than never though. I'd go through Heavenly Sword again if it had some trophies applied.

12 years ago

lets hope the trophies arent as "bad" as MGS2 lol i cant imagine getting big boss ranking or beating mgs4 on hardest difficulty

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

The BB emblem isn't that hard, You just need a few key items.

Solar gun (for the Bike chase & Vamp fight)
Laughing Octopus face camo (for Act 3)
Snake Downloadable Camo (instant knock out from one punch)
& M82 (for the gekko)

If you have any questions on how to accuire these items, message me on PSN. My tag is FOX-HOUNDER_N313.

Peace 🙂

12 years ago

For me Big Boss (or likewise ranking) is the most pure form of playing any of the the MGS games.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago


I hear ya. Its one of the most rewarding experiences out there.

The Fox Hound rank in MGS3 and BB rank in 4 are two of my proudest achievements in gaming. I need to try MGS1 & 2 soon.

12 years ago

Haha yes I only just got The 'Virtually Impossible' trophy for 100% completing VR, it took 24 hours (Not in one sitting o.0) Anyone who platinum's MGS2 has Metal Gear bragging rights.

As for MGS4's trophies, as it is one of my favourite series (Second only to Final Fantasy)I'll be getting them out of principle. I hope there isn't one for BB rank, that;ll drive me mad lol.

12 years ago

I was turned off by the long in game installs and cutscenes. But with it being so long since I played MGS4 and patch including regular full game install this will definitely draw me back.

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