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The Bad Girls In Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Get 100 Bikinis

Maybe bikinis are so popular in fighters because the girls…well, move around a lot.

As revealed at Comic-Con and reported by Andriasang , Namco Bandai announced they'd be providing 100 swimsuit outfits as downloadable content for the upcoming Tekken Tag Tournament 2 .

Producer Katsuhiro Harada talked about it on his Twitter page, saying that it wasn't only females that get swimsuits; characters like Kuma and Ganryu would get the same treatment. In general, Harada wants this DLC to be available to fans who nab the game right out of the gate, and that includes those who pick up the digital version. But we're going to need official details, especially on the North American launch.

In the meantime, here's the Bad Girls trailer to spice up your Monday.

Related Game(s): Tekken Tag Tournament 2

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12 years ago


12 years ago

Is this really a pre-order incentive?

12 years ago

Better than most.

12 years ago

Sadly,I can't make an argument against that 😛

12 years ago

Oh man, this is Namco way of saying, "yeah, you don't want DOA5. You want to move your reserve over and spend your money on our game. It comes out first and it has more bikinis."

While I want DOA5 more than TTT2 I'm thinking Tecmo should reconsider the launch window. I want DOA5 to do well but I'm concerned it'll get overshadowed by all of Tekken's hype and popularity.

12 years ago

THis has got to be the reason. Tekken hasn't really been about selling it's hotness. Frankly, I've always felt Tekken's women are the least hot of the top fighting franchises =p

12 years ago

They have tried too hard with Alisa, possibly the worst thing to come to Tekken ever, A fembot which has chainsaws, jetpacks a grenade for a head… utterly ridiculous should be stuck in an anime instead.

12 years ago

I can't say I'm a fan of Alissa, personally. I do think though Tekken has always had an over the top wackiness since it's beginnings. Fighting dinosaurs/kangaroos, bears, and wrestling dudes with tiger masks sort of gave me that vibe since the early days. I see Alisa as a female version of Jack and his various iterations. But, yeah, more anime, and more over the top.

Though, in terms of sex appeal. I thought it wasn't until Tekken 6 and this TTT Hybrid has Tekken really tried to re-position it's image. In the past, Tekken's have always felt like Mishima focused games, with characters like Heihachi, Kazuya and Jin taking center stage.

12 years ago

Oh I'm all for a bit of fun on the side, GON for instance was really just an extra. Roger/Alex were very secret back in the day. But they're trying to make Alisa a main character, they made a 3D Movie I refuse to see because of the very fact. Tekken's story is all about the Mishma's everyone else is secondary.

But Tekken's tone has competely changed, it used to be a martial arts fighter with a few fun fantasy elements added like the devil gene for instance, it was fine as it was not over barring. Now however Tekken just feels like a very bad anime series, which is very hard for me to take. because I adore the original 3 games & TTT1. I don't even like the gameplay nowadays as it is all based on juggling. Now that I have TTT1 in HD I will not need another Tekken game possibly ever…

12 years ago

The insane juggling started with Tekken 3. Characters like Ogre had a 100% combo on counter hit. Other T3 characters like Nina Williams and Law had pretty massive juggles as well. T6 has some pretty insane juggles too, but many require pretty specific conditions to perform, making them real rare to see, at least from my experience. Even though tekken can be pretty juggle heavy the Tag series is the worst for it. It's the big reason why I'm not all THAT excited for TTT2. I'm fine with some degree of juggling emphasis but the tag games just go nuts with it. I like the more grounded feel to a fight over the more spastic button sequence combos from these tag types. I know TTT2 has a 1vs1 mode but that just wont be the emphasis of it's design and balance. For me TTT2 will be more about it's novelty and flair than anything else. I think. Never know I may trip out and love it =p

12 years ago

I think the juggling became apparent from Tekken 5 onwards. It's just within that game engine, I often found myself hit in the air then juggled from one side of the arena to the other. I cannot express how infuriating that is, when your down on the ground you can at least side roll, roll back or counter-attack. up in the air like that there is nothing you can do and plain isn't fun. I personally never found Tekken 3 bad for juggling of course you get people that can but then you can get some people who can manage it on Tekken 1! I think Tekken 3/Tag1 had the best physics engine A lot of the moves moved smoothly and packed a punch. from Tekken 5> everything & I mean everything went way to over the top, but I guess after Tekken 4 lacking they needed to do something…

12 years ago

I'm going to have to disagree, as most ardent tekken fans would, that Tekken 3 got real nuts with juggles. relative to prior game entries. It's just a fact and it most definitely didn't start with Tekken 5.

Go ahead and check the link and skip to 45secs in

12 years ago

This just makes me look forward to DOA5 more 🙂

12 years ago

If it doesn't have Tekken Bowling on it then I'm not interested

12 years ago

Developers are running out of content ideas more and more apparently.

12 years ago

Damn that trailer was very convincing, but I'm just going to wait for Tekken X Street Fighter. I want to get it even more now. Still getting DoA5 collector's edition =D

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