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What Games Are Getting Your Money This Holiday Season?

As usual, the holidays will have plenty of potentially fantastic titles available. But those gamers who aren't wealthy need a priority list.

So which games are getting your hard-earned cash when fall rolls around? A great many are bound to invest in the inevitable blockbuster that will be Call of Duty: Black Ops II , although it'll be interesting to see if it can break records as easily as its predecessor. Then again, maybe you're in the opposite camp and plan to give EA your money by picking up the highly anticipated Medal of Honor: Warfighter .

The interesting part about this year is that we won't be getting quite a few games we thought we'd see at the end of 2012. This includes Bioshock Infinite , Tomb Raider , and maybe even Grand Theft Auto V . We know we aren't getting The Last Of Us , Beyond: Two Souls or God of War: Ascension until next year, either. Then again, we do get the massive Halo 4 , and you can bet that Assassin's Creed III will be downright gigantic. Oh, and don't forget about Borderlands 2 , which hits a little early in mid-September.

Not talkin' about gifts here. Which games are on your "me" list?

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12 years ago

We'll be given MoH some lovin' but looking forward to Dishonored a lot. New IP's are fun. Not knowing really what to expect going into them, yep, I want that!

12 years ago


12 years ago

I suspect AC3 will drop in price fast, as any AC has. I'll hold off on that one for a deal. Besides, I still have to get AC:R and play through that as well. I've only rented that one so far.

The big holiday game that I may stretch and spend $60 for is Halo 4. Though, I will be looking to reviews to solidify that purchase as it's a new Halo by a new team on hardware that's seen three Halos, four counting the remake.
Outside of that I may be trying to get my hands on TTT2 by that point. VF5 and DOA5 will keep me busy for the time being.

12 years ago

I finally got Revelations yesterday from steam's summer sale.
Unfortunately the sales don't last long.
I kinda skipped right over Brotherhood though.

Beyond that, Dark Souls Prepare to Die. It doesn't seem as crazy packed a holiday season this year.

Last edited by Nerull on 7/15/2012 3:15:41 PM

12 years ago

I'll be spending mine on AC3 and the Vita with the AC bundle.

Temjin is wise to wait for the price drop, but that franchise is my favorite of the generation. (first gen it hasn't been FF)

I just won't be able to wait. lol

I also really like how Dishonored looks.

12 years ago

Ditto. I'm not sure I want the white Vita, but the only new games I'm at all likely to be buying this winter are the AC3 games.

12 years ago

Sorry…the POS PS3 browser wouldn't let me edit.

I will, as usual, be buying last year's games at a discount, starting with ME3 (now that it's been patched) and probably Skyrim.

I will also most likely play through MGS4 after the trophy+ patch.

12 years ago

I might get thumbs down on this one: NHL 13 and NBA Live 13 or NBA 2k13. Thinking behind it: I love sports and I don't have to rush through a full regular season and playoffs plus it leaves me two open spots to get the AAA game(s) I want from GF.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Why would you get thumbed down for that? Sports are kinda big in the world. 😉

12 years ago

yah I don't understand either, something tells me the person who thumbed u down is not active enough. Anyways I'm thumbing u up dude.

12 years ago

GTV……. that about it, it's another year of unintresting titles for me, the only other 1 that I MIGHT have been intrested in was RE6, but that really looks bad, and I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna wait for a price drop on that.

For PC however I'm looking forward to Guild Wars 2 and CS:GO.

12 years ago

Disinteresting, not "uninteresting".

Sorry, I'm a bit of a spelling and grammar freak. 😛

12 years ago

Depending on what he meant, couldn't either have been used?

(This is comming from a guy who commonly mixes up 'their' & 'there', among many, many others. :P)

12 years ago

Dishonored and DOA5 for me! Stealth steampunk and bounciness here I come.

12 years ago

I'll be getting AC 3 for sure, Dishonored, NFS: Most Wanted and LBP Karting are also on my list.

12 years ago

The Dark Souls DLC is basically the only thing I want this year

12 years ago

well my money is going too

Sleeping Dogs
Resident Evil 6
Need For speed Most Wanted
Naruto SHippuden ninja storm generations (bday present for someone)

Mass Effect 3 (yes Im late)

and maybe devil may cry preorder.

and for PSN games:

Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD
Counter Strike global Offensive
Dark Souls DLC
Double Dragon Neon
Shadow of a Soul

and that wraps up my 2012 game purchasing.. only for 6 more I want already announced for 2013… when is my wallet gonna get a rest -_-

12 years ago

This holiday probably not much for me. I know next month I'm definitely getting Darksiders II. I'll also be getting Blops II, ACIII, AC:Liberation, and COD for Vita.

I'll most likely get other games too but I'm really cutting back on what I'm buying in the future. I spend to much money on games that just sit on my shelf. I need to beat some stuff I have before buying games when they come out. Hell I'm pretty leery on buying PSN games just because I'm a Plus member. The last 15 games they gave us I already had 11 of them.

12 years ago

its gonna be a light fall season for me this year all i want really is the new assassin's (witch has become a yearly christmas gift) and Resident evil 6 but i might wait and see how that turns out.

so yea get to save my $ for next year (lord knows i'll need it next year's gonna be epic xD)

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/13/2012 11:10:43 PM

12 years ago

My list:

Transformers Fall of Cybertron
Borderlands 2
007 Legends (Might wait for reviews on this one)
DOOM 3 BFG Edition
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
ACIII and ACIII Liberation (Undecided which one will be bought first)
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Black Ops II Declassified
Whenever these come out they are D1P as well:
Last of Us
Beyond Two Souls
Sly Cooper 4 Thieves in Time
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Wow, that just looks like a lot of money! Should be fun though!

12 years ago

Not exactly a thrifty spender eh?

12 years ago

No, not for the games I am really looking forward to. Some games like Max Payne 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man I am waiting for them to drop in price.

12 years ago

Assassin's Creed 3, Ratchet and Clank HD Collection, the rest of the Walking Dead episodes, (pleasantly surprised how good those are) and if we're lucky, GTAV.

12 years ago

If Beyond 2 souls and last of us, and GOW ascension came out this year it be d1 for me unfortunately their not. I will be getting dark souls dlc my most anticipated, next cod blk ops 2 (need some nazi zombies). Thats about it. Not pumped for AC3 or RE6.

12 years ago

Assassin's Creed 3, most definitely. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is on my list concept wise, but I'm still holding out for more characters to be revealed on the roster. Oh yeah, and Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

12 years ago

Your list of things not comming out this year pretty much sums up waht I really want

But I do have ratchet and clank collection and sly 4 pre ordered ( though think those come out to early to be part of the holiday season )

12 years ago

Borderlands 2, Resident Evil 6, and eventually Dead Space 3

Metal Head
Metal Head
12 years ago

Assasins's creed 3 vita bundle,Mass Effect 3,Binary domain,Persona on Vita. I know I'am late to some games but, I can't keep up.

12 years ago

I'm not sure exactly what I want to get yet.

I'm thinking about getting XCOM: Enemy Unknown for PC when ever that will release. Still debating though of what else I want to get. I also want The Last of Us, and Beyond: Two Souls.

12 years ago

Do you have only one holiday over in the US? When I first saw the headliner I thought, "wtf is he talking about, there are no games to spend money on this summer?!", haha!

But if Dishonoured ends up being as good as its potential, then that will be *the* single player experience for me this autumn. I also got very high hopes for Far Cry 3.
And of course, as a coop gaming enthusiast Borderlands 2 is an obvious buy.

Being from Europe and owning a guitar that collects dust I gotta say I also look forward to Rocksmith (it's not released here yet)!

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/14/2012 2:07:54 AM

12 years ago

Far Cry 3 looks good but I may have to pass, considering Borderlands will take up a lot of my time on top of the other games I want. Can't wait for Borderlands 2.My buddy who I played Borderlands with is getting it for pc so now I gotta convince someone to buy it haha.

12 years ago

Oh noooo – you need a coop buddy for Borderlands 2! Does your buddy have other PC gaming friends to play with… Or is he not really your buddy? 😀

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Around here, when someone refers to "the holidays," they're only referring to one part of the year. 🙂

12 years ago

Is your version of Dishonored getting the European spelling?

12 years ago

@Ben: Lots of weird stuff going on at your side of the pond. But the funniest is of course that you on top of that refer to that one, specific holiday in plural. 😀

@World: I… I don't know. Maybe we will? Actually I was not aware of the difference in spelling until now. So it's called "Dishonored" … [aha!] … Now I know! I get the name marked as a spelling error when trying to spell it like that.

Just like your "color", then. What exactly was it that your nation have against the letter U, again? 😀

Man… You Americans.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/14/2012 3:23:18 PM

12 years ago

I dunno, but I always spell Theater as "Theatre".

12 years ago

We say "Holidays" because more or less about the same time there is Christmas then New Years Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and possibly others. We refer to the time as the Holiday Season.

12 years ago

More than one holiday during the end if a calendar year. Also, like 5 different religions have a holiday around that time. Also, people typically have more than one day off. Lots of reasons to be plural.

12 years ago

And you'd be correct!

12 years ago

@Under, what difference does it make if it's more than one day off? Even if you are off for a 2 week holiday trip, you don't say you're off to 14 holidays? 😀

And we got several religions here too, but I don't see how that makes a difference. It's still *one* season, it's in December, sometimes split up by some working days in between the days off, but no, I don't think that's a lot of reasons to be plural at all.

If you say the holiday seasonS, the logical thing would be to assume you mean all the seasons during a year, not just the days off during one month – or one season, if you like. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/15/2012 7:51:43 AM

12 years ago

Well I'll be investing in a few. I'm not sure what's tops on my list, it was The Last of Us but that's not happening, next it would have been Bioshock that's not happening so… I don't know I guess I'd have to say either Borderlands 2 or AC3. that's saying something not only because I havnt even finished the AC series and also although I can enjoy the games I find everything about them tedious. But AC3 looks great so…

So I'll definitely be getting those 2 on top of which Transformers looks great, MoH is definitely one I'll get as well as CoD so…

12 years ago


There really is nothing coming out this year I am interested in. Assassin's Creed III may be good but I haven't even started Brotherhood yet – I may get back into the series one day.

If anything I having being finding the Wii the more exciting console as of late, it's going through a phase just like the end of the PSP's life – When S-E released The 3rd Birthday, Dissidia 2 & Final Fantasy IV: Complete Edition back last year. The Wii now has Xenoblade, The Last Story & Pandora's Tower. I'm currently playing Mistwalkers' The Last Story about 12 hours in and I have to say it has been a really refreshing experience in comparison to a lot of the RPG's on the PS3. I really think these 3 titles have made the Wii a memorable console over the control gimmick.

As for the PS3, I'm just waiting for 2013 Bioshock:Infinite, Tomb Raider, GTA V, Beyond if we're lucky. All titles I am extremely looking forward to, but it's all just a matter of time.

12 years ago

PSABR and Borderlands 2… That about sums it up 😛 Anything else I want I'll get for Christmas.

12 years ago

Assassin's Creed III is no. 1 on my list this year. Already preordered and fully paid off.

Halo 4 I've got almost paid off. Mostly getting it for multiplayer with friends. The new story might draw me in since I never got into Halo in the first place. (Once a Playstation gamer, always a Playstation gamer)

Borderlands 2 interests me, but won't get it til I've finished Borderlands 1, which might be some time with this Steam sale making my PC library even bigger!!

Resident Evil 6 could be good, but I'm gonna wait on reviews.

I'll see how well All Stars Battle Royale turns out, along with LBP Karting before I get them. I have a feeling they might be bargain bin games. Have to watch my pennies.

Call of Duty and Medal of Honor do not interest me in the slightest. I've already got a Call of Duty on every platform I own from past games, and Battlefield 3 continues to entertain me. No more FPS' for this dancing machine!! (Unless it's Killzone 4 or Half Life 3)

The majority of games I want are coming next year. Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us,South Park the Stick of Truth, GTA V, Beyond: Two Souls and God of War Acension are all games I have my eye on. Thank God I have plenty of time to save up for them!

12 years ago

hi, been coming to this site for ages but only just signed up. Just want to give a mention to lbp vita, looks potentially even better than ps3 versions due to clever use of the vita's features such as rear touch pad etc. D1p for me!

12 years ago

Welcome out from the shadows of the lurkers, Toppy!

12 years ago

only definets i have so far are halo 4, forza horizon, LBP karting, sonic and sega all stars transformed, the new kart F1 game codemasters announced today, far cry 3, MoH warfighter, and dishonoured.
rest im a bit iffy about, not too sure there what i want them to be.
especially AC3, thats looking to be the biggest disappointment in the generation!
yes bigger disappointment than DMC4, GTA4, RE5 and ME3 put together!!!!!!!!!
why oh why did ubisoft have to change it so much?
i wanted assassins creed revelations with a new character, settings and story!
not a totally new IP!

Last edited by ___________ on 7/14/2012 5:29:09 AM

12 years ago

Yakuza 5
Yakuza 1&2 HD collection
Assassins creed 3
Sly cooper :Thieves in Time

12 years ago

Black Ops 2 and Medal Of Honor Warfighter for my PS3 and Halo 4 for my 360. Might give Far Cry 3 a try too.

12 years ago

PASBR, LBP Karting, BL2, COD: BO2

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