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Assassin’s Creed III Features Revamped Combat Mechanic

In past entries, the combat in Assassin's Creed has always centered around the counter.

Some thought this made things too easy, as did the capability of restoring health in the midst of battle. Others said it made the combat too one-dimensional. Both are justified criticisms (even if I don't necessarily agree with either), and the developers have taken pains to address these complaints and overhaul the combat in this year's Assassin's Creed III .

Creative director Alex Hutchinson has revealed a few primary points about the revamped battling:

"We rebuilt the combat from the ground up. Connor is a dual wielding specialist so all of his base combat is using two weapons at the same time. We worked very hard on the flow of combat, so your goal as a player is to continue your kill chain by using appropriate moves. We’ve also built a bunch of new archetypes for the enemies with unique behaviours which you need to change your strategy in order to defeat cleanly and quickly."

The latter doesn't really sound different, as you needed different weapons and different methods of taking down various enemies in previous entries. But the combo focus is definitely something fresh, and Hutchinson added that you won't be able to replenish health during combat; you have to wait until it's over to restore energy. Oh, and there will be no "magical health potions" this time around, either.

So be careful out there!

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12 years ago

That's awesome news about a combat rebuild, it was so stilted before. But removing the health options takes out an RPG-like element I liked. I can see how it would raise tension though.

12 years ago

While still being out of work & having no money to spare on anything anymore, I've been trying to slowly whittle down my huge backlog, so I've finally dusted off my series of AC(#1, #2, Bloodlines, Brotherhood, & Revelations).

I'm now well into AC:Brotherhood now, got 3 Borgia Towers left to burn, already destroyed 3 of Michelangelo's Borgia "Weapons of Mass Destruction", & am currently at the point of having gotten my Assassin assistants well up mid-range into their 4th levels oo.

But I've got to say that for me so far, I find that a few of the of the combat & jumping moves are real finicky throughout the WHOLE series so far(haven't played Revelations yet & just did a tiny bit of Bloodines on my PSP, so I'm not counting thoise 2) & he don't always do what I'm trying to get him to do, it sometimes feels like the controls are TOO sensitive at times…..

….like trying to do that special move of jumping up & leaping to the right inside the second half of Visitazione's secret Tomb, all while being timed(almost giving me enough fits for controller-throwing rage because most times I always wind up jumping up & then backwards instead, going right into the drink again & again & again instead)….

…Or leaping down to attack with my double blades in which 97% of time it works, but once in a while, he just leaps down in the middle of the 4 guards & does even try to kill any of them.

So, I'm hoping that they've fine-tuned those parts as well. But who knows, it could just be me still not perfecting those moves(but I doubt it since I'm already hundreds of hours into the series so far).

12 years ago

It's funny, I started the AC series as well 2 weeks ago. I definitely know what you're talking about. Free Run took me a while to get used to. It became easier once I kind of "plotted" the route I was going to take..

The one thing that bugs me is when I try to climb a tower that I know is climbable. I see something to grab on to but Ezio just doesn't grab it. I'd have to back up and try it twice for him to finally grab it. Doesn't happen a ton but can get under the skin a bit when you can't do it on command.

Last edited by slugga_status on 7/13/2012 2:15:50 PM

12 years ago


Well I don't want to spoil anything but good luck cause you'll definitely see that %$&*^# "jump up the wall & spin to the side" move I'm talking about once you've gotten to the 2nd half of "Visitazione's Secret Tomb.

For me, the worst part is that there's a bunch of those same moves all along the way & plus with the added frustration of that part also being a "timed event" too, it's actually rushing you to fail….& fail, and fail, & fail again(well over 100+ times for me, at least).

And I believe that since I finished most else in the game that isn't attached to that Tomb's completion, then I can't get Altair's Armor(or go any further with any more missions that might be attached to finishing that last tomb).

12 years ago

Hmmm, this could be cool. I can see this making ACIII very formidable in difficulty. In a good way, that's for sure. Everything I hear about this game gets me more excited. Best part 2 different games, one on Vita and one on PS3. It's going to be an ACIII Fest!

12 years ago

oh my god.this is the real sequel to assassins creed 2

12 years ago

This sounds good to me, could never get into AC due to not enjoying the combat.

12 years ago

Sounds like they are stealing ideas from batman. Gotta steal from the best.

12 years ago

exactly why im so not looking forward to this!
it just does not look like a AC game.
can we have ONE sequel this gen that is actually a sequel and not a new IP?
just one!?
first the japanese were doing it, and now the westerners are too!
its RE5, DMC4, DS3, all over again!
all we wanted was ACR with a new story and new characters in new settings!
not a totally new IP all together!

AC is the living example of why developers should not listen to "fans"!
first they f*cked AC2 because they complained the combat system in AC1 was too slow, and that the death sequences were boring.
so they removed them for AC2, 2 of the best parts of the original gone!
and now there doing the same.
can we please go back to the days where developers made the games, and not random whiners?

12 years ago

So…you're upset that AC3 will not be just another iteration of AC2…but you didn't like AC2 because it wasn't AC1.

Pretty sure you're the only person I've seen or heard of that doesn't think this game is going in a good direction.

Also, why in the world would game developers not develop games for the fans? Or, excuse me, the "random whiners." I'm pretty sure they weren't even going to make a sequel to AC1 until gamers showed the devs that there was a lot of interest in seeing more. And they must have done something right considering the number of sequels/spinoffs it's generated.

Nothing you say ever makes sense to me.

12 years ago

im upset because everything that made AC so good has been removed!
this is what always REALLY pisses me off!
DMC has changed so much, fans ripped crapcom a new hole!
lost planet changed so much, fans ripped crapcom a new hole!
bionic commando changed so much, fans ripped crapcom a new hole!
RE changed so much, fans ripped crapcom a new hole!
FF changed so much, fans ripped $E a new hole!
dead space has changed so much, fans ripped EA a new hole!
assassins creed has changed so much, and everyone praises ubisoft!
inconsistencies much?
why is ubisoft getting a free pass to completely destroy AC, when every other publisher has had the flaming pitchforks and torches bashing down their door?

12 years ago

Because the combat in AC1 is crap compared to this. Ever since Brotherhood introduced the chain killing system, I and many many other people have wanted a combat system like this in AC. Now that we have it, I and pretty much every other fan is happy. You are an idiot, dear blank line.

12 years ago

I think Assassin's Creed has improved each game, and I'm looking forward to the new combat system. I think the first game had the worst combat system, and was the worst gameplay-wise.

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