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EA Would Be Happy To Publish Another Kingdoms Of Amalur

Well, that's sadly ironic.

Now that 38 Studios is basically no more, EA comes out and says they'd be on board with a Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning sequel. Well, there's an outside chance that it's still possible.

EA Labels president Frank Gibeau told Game Informer (as cited by Videogamer ) that his company really liked what 38 Studios did with Reckoning ; it "reviewed well" and EA has always been big on acclaimed titles. Said Gibeau:

"I think it's unfortunate how everything worked out [for 38 Studios]. At the end of the day we saw a lot of creativity and vision in the team that Curt [Schilling] put together. We thought the game was terrific. It reviewed well. We built a good business there and hope there's a sequel to it someday. We'd love to be a partner for that."

The team was rumored to have started on a sequel when the big collapse occurred and although the IP remains in the possession of 38 Studios, financial difficulty makes any new projects basically impossible. At least for now…the future might be brighter.

Related Game(s): Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

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12 years ago

Sounds like with 38 Studios gone tits up, EA probably can buy the rights to the franchise at a steal. Good work EA.

Talk about kicking a company while it's down.

12 years ago

Maybe kicking a few bucks their way isn't the worst thing in the world.

12 years ago

That would be cool, the game had promise but lacked an immersive world. Maybe Bioware's Dragon Age team could do a sequel after DAIII.

12 years ago

Oh wow that would be so totally utter awesomeness, a joint venture with Bioware and the crew that coded Amalur!

Cause while I agree that the Amalur world was not immersive enough, oh man was it beautiful. Simply gorgeous imo. A dream world.
But the writing, characters, the story, all that stuff that Bioware is so insanely good at were sorely lacking in Amalur.

It would be really, really interesting to see what Bioware managed to make out of a open world/sandbox RPG.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/13/2012 1:30:01 PM

12 years ago

idc what they do to the world. Just as long as they don't f up the combat and character builds. Instead just improve upon what was already accomplished.

12 years ago

I never bought the game. But I loved the demo. I'm thinking I may pick it up now though, since all I hear (aside from the 38 studios incident)) is positive things.

12 years ago

It's a right shame what happened to KoA, but the fact that they needed to sell 3 million of a new IP to break even was insane budgeting/planning on someone's part. How many new IP sell that much? Not a whole lot, particularly at this stage of the console cycle. And when you launch less than six months after Skyrim and in the same window as ME3.

12 years ago

Good. I loved KOA. KOA is the result of gamers making a great game, but with no experience in management. I hope EA makes another.

12 years ago

I would love more. It looks interesting and we need more new things instead of EA focusing on Bioware.

The game sold well enough, just not enough for their financial mishandling.

I am going to buy it for $10 when i get home from vacation. Glorious!

12 years ago

typical EA!
yup we would love to make a sequel because we would make allot of money out of it!
but when it comes to actually spending some money so that could happen, so the team would not go belly up.
well there nowhere to be found!

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