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Trophy Support Will Make You Want To Play MGS4 Again

Believe it or not, one of this generation's most accomplished and memorable titles didn't ship with Trophy support.

Me, I never needed 'em in the first place, but a lot of people have been hoping to one day see Trophies for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots . And that wait may soon be over.

According to Andriasang citing a Famitsu interview with MGS guru Hideo Kojima, Trophies will arrive for MGS4 in August. At that time, a budget version of the instant classic ("PlayStation 3 The Best") will hit Japan and Trophies will be included out of the box. All current MGS4 owners can simply download an update patch to get those Trophies. Now, obviously, this news is for Japan only right now, but we're hoping North American and European gamers get the same treatment.

This might give you incentive to play MGS4 again. …as if the hardcore fans require a whole lot of coaxing.

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

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12 years ago

That would be great. If they are putting out a greatest hits version it has to have trophies because it's technically a 'new' game. Sony has mandated trophies for years now, so it's no surprise that if they are prepping a MGS4 for a greatest hits release, they would have to retrofit trophies.

12 years ago

And the downvotes are for what exactly? explaining why trophy support has to be in the re-release? Good grief.

12 years ago

I think the down votes are for because the greatest hits version is already out. I guess they have to re-release another version, greatest hits with trophy support on the cover, idk.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 7/11/2012 11:48:39 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Guys, as I said in another thread, just ignore down votes.

99% of the time, they're from previously banned users who can't log in and hold a grudge, lurkers who are just too lazy to post, or even bots.

12 years ago

that's right patches I forgot, who the hell wants to pay for another copy if they already have one, unless if somebody stole it.

12 years ago

Only worry now is whether they'll be unique or the bland 'same old' kinda trophies. I was kinda disappointed with Uncharted's; they were just complete the story, use all the guns etc…more or less anyway.

Mind you, with Kojima at the helm (if he is), then I'm not particulary worried.

12 years ago

@Ludicrous_Liam, MGS3's trophies from the HD collection were unfortunately of the routine types. If you are a completionist, you'll get all the trophies in that game(except maybe completing the game without killing anyone).

12 years ago

Ben, since you have to be logged in (ergo have an active account) to cast a thumb up/down it can't be bots and banned users unless they've all found a loophole, and that's highly unlikely.

It's rather a consequence of thumbs down being used as a symbol for a a lot of different things; in disagreement, cause of fact errors, or simply cause they find the post irrelevant. Or, of course, a plain old dislike either of you or what you write. But it's current users.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/11/2012 3:15:41 PM

12 years ago

The down votes maybe have something to do with the fact that the greatest hits version has been out for a while now.

12 years ago

Well, whether or not the "greatest hit's" version has been out for a while, the article clearly states the following; "At that time, a budget version of the instant classic ("PlayStation 3 The Best") will hit Japan and Trophies will be included out of the box. "

I was referring to that.

Ben, I don't typically even begin to care about downvotes. What irked me is the fact that three people felt strongly enough to downvote a post that essentially points out factual information about the inclusion of trophy functionality. It irks me because it's so bloody ignorant.

12 years ago

I think the down votes are because there have been a whole slew of greatest hits releases and re-releases without trophies being added:
MGS4 is one, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Assassin's Creed, Resistance, Saints Row 2, and a ton of them have been released on PSN without any trophy support too.

I wish this wasn't the case and think Sony should push more for trophies in the old games.

12 years ago

I believe the law (such as it is) only applies to retail games.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Beam: There are plenty of banned people who just signed back up to hit the down vote a bunch of times, because they know if they post they'll be instabanned again.

Case in point…look at my post above. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/11/2012 2:59:48 PM

12 years ago

You're just a victim of the same Ben, can't you see 😀
They thumb you down for disagreeing with your explanation. It doesn't have to mean more than that.

To be painstakingly honest: After having seen how you often react in a very… upfront way to criticism many feel more comfortable to use the thumbs on your post instead of posting a comment telling you are wrong or whatever.

At least, that's how I think it might be. If many disagree with what I here said, they will now thumb me down too!

Time will tell what "the thumb of truth" say. 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/11/2012 3:42:53 PM

12 years ago

Life on forums is way easier if you just don't give a rats ash about what people upvote or downvote and just assume you're always right. Pick a small handful of people you respect and don't mind telling you you're wrong, and to phooey with the rest of them.

12 years ago

Better late than never?

12 years ago

Woo hoo, I'll play it again. The back of the box will now finally be correct.

12 years ago

lol, did the box say trophy support?

12 years ago

Just checked mine and it doesn't say anything about trophy support. Must have been the original copies.

12 years ago

pretty sure the "greatest hits" version does.
remember how people got all excited for nothing?

12 years ago

Thank you Mr Kojima! No better way to get everyone playing MGS4 to raise even more interest in MGS5! This man is a genius! Playing MGS4 as soon as the patch hits! 🙂

12 years ago


12 years ago


12 years ago


12 years ago

lol, even I got that one and I have limited experience with MGS.

12 years ago

@World, If that was meant for me, the '?' is also one of the enemy's reactions.

Don't know about '$' though…

12 years ago

yea the $ got me to..

12 years ago

the money sign is for Kojima hahaha people are all ready talking about re-buying the game.

12 years ago

I heard the sound in my head as soon as I saw the !

12 years ago

@Jed lol yup me to. when you've played the amount of Metal Gear Solid i have it kind'a becomes automatic whenever i see one of those xD

@leatherface. haha yea true.

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/11/2012 5:38:03 PM

12 years ago

I'm more surprised we never got a "Updated" version of MGS4. MGS1, 2 and 3 all had one.

12 years ago

I am not sure what you mean? MGS4 is in a breath taking 1080p.

12 years ago

@Crusader – I think he/she means that MGS2 was re-released as Substance and MGS3 was re-released as Subsistence. MGS4 never received a "director's cut" of sorts.

12 years ago

And er, MGS4 renders at 720p. Still looks breathtaking though! xD

12 years ago


Oh, gotcha, thanks for the explanation


Hmmm, on the back of my MGS4 box it says the highest is 1080p.

12 years ago

The game is rendered in 720p. The PS3 upscales it to 1080p.

Last edited by Jawknee on 7/11/2012 1:45:18 PM

12 years ago

What the? Says 720p on the back of mine & nothing else. And usually, if the game scales to 1080p, it will say so on the box – doesn't mention that it is upscaled mind.

12 years ago

I would just accept a patch where you didn't have to go through that installing process every act…

12 years ago

mine says 1080 aswell. maybe its something to do with the uk editions. i can't really see why that would be though.

12 years ago

It upscales it Liam. MGS4 is one of the only PS3 games that defaults to 1080p res when played on a TV that supports 1080p.

12 years ago

Mgs4 runs at 1024X768 resolution with 4x Anti Aliasing then upscales everything to 720p, yes if your tv supports then it will upscale to 1920X1080, which basically looks exactly the same as 1280X720 in human eyes as the game's original render happens at 1024X768, it's an awkward resolution, but it worked like a charm, and Kojima's team managed to pull some beautiful graphics using a somewhat mute but fitting color palette and less taxing alpha effects

12 years ago

Really?! It's actually happening… Blast I literally only replayed it a few days ago. Well I am quite surprised… I really did not think this would happen, it was becoming one of them on going requests like the FFVII (Now don't start that again!)

If MGS4 gets them, I reckon I'll try hunt them down 🙂 I only have the VR Missions from MGS2 now from the HD collection, so It should arrive just in time 🙂

12 years ago

I just completed it and then started it again. Argh. I've played MGS4 like 4 times over a span of 3 years, with quite a few months between the playthroughs. I do this so I don't feel the need to rush through it, because I genuinely might've forgot what was around *that* corner.

Bearing this logic in mind, I might have to do this playthrough now, then wait a few months. Darn.

12 years ago

Yeah I have completed it 4-5 times too. It must have been at least 2 years until this week since I last played through it. It was quite refreshing and I enjoyed it still, mind you I still think the Beauty & the Beast Unit are forgettable. But other than that I have only a hand full of issues with the story.

12 years ago

haha i just completed my 5th playthough 2 weeks ago. i go though it about once a year on avenge. helps keep it fresh. xD

Last edited by TheCanadianGuy on 7/11/2012 12:39:23 PM

12 years ago

Don't worry Ultima, it probably won't happen in this country.

12 years ago

They dragged on a bit, especially because you knew how each was gunna play out (replace Drebin's storys with slightly different contexts & they were all essentially the same). The screaming was really annoying too, and I had to mute it at that point.

I still thought they were all awesome though. However I think it was lame that you're able to hide under stuff for first 3 bosses. I'm a bit of a wuss so I just hid, came out and shot 5 bullets and then went back for each of them. The first one I hid under the table; the second I hid in the top tower; & the last I hid under the tank. I manned up for psycho mantis though; I crouched at the back of the room behind the border thingy. xD

12 years ago

Ahhh! You said FFVII! Start the rumor mill! Start it up!

12 years ago

Great to hear, I'll get back to this game someday.

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