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Battle Royale Director: “PlayStation All-Stars Is Its Own Game”

Some of you may have noticed the similarities between Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. franchise and the newly announced PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale .

Of course, those who have played Sony's effort at various shows and presentations will tell you there are definite gameplay differences. That, however, has not stopped the constant accusations that Battle Royale is nothing more than a rip-off of Nintendo's popular series.

Well, in speaking at a Q&A panel at Evolution 2012, director Omar Kendell addressed such accusations ; this was in response to an irate fan:

"PlayStation All Stars is it’s own game. I think that’s really the only way I can answer that. I understand that Smash players -some Smash players, not all Smash players do this- will sort of base how successful PlayStation All Stars as a game is on how accurately it recreates the Smash Brother’s experience. But that’s not really our goal.

Our goal is to create a unique combat experience for PlayStation All Stars that we fully admit borrows from many different kinds of games including Smash, but our goal is not solely replicate the Smash Brother’s experience. I think based on ten minutes… maybe if you played it ten more minutes you’d have a different appreciation for the game. I just really would ask that players like you approach it with an open mind."

I'm not sure anyone will argue that PlayStation All-Stars was at least partially inspired by Smash Bros. but at the same time, we also believe Sony has made a game that plays a little differently. Guess the gamers will have to be the final judges when Battle Royale drops onto store shelves on October 23. Should be entertaining.

Related Game(s): PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

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12 years ago

I watched that panel and remember that question being asked. The guy seemed a bit mad that it looked like Smash, but then irritated that it didn't play like smash. I guess you can't please everyone.

But the way, Omar responded to that pretty well. The Superbot team looks really capable and level headed, with a lot of talent.

Looking forward to this game.

12 years ago

"The guy seemed a bit mad that it looked like Smash, but then irritated that it didn't play like smash"

Smash Bros. fans are actually mad that it doesn't play more like Smash Bros. because they want such a game. They already know that the next Smash Bros. won't come out in at least 2 years. And this game would fill the void for them quite nicely… if it played more like Smash Bros.

12 years ago

Kind of like how every military FPS gets in trouble for either not playing enough like CoD or playing too much like CoD.

12 years ago

You just said what I hate about 99% of game reviews that I read.

12 years ago

Sony is getting ideas, nothing wrong with that.

12 years ago

Eh, it's a SSB clone, and a boring looking one at that, you'd have to be pretty blind to not see it.

12 years ago

play the game first, then judge.

12 years ago

I've never really been into fighters and brawlers anyways, but I do agree that it's a bit hilarious to hear people judge a game well before it's release…

Especially when people that HAVE previewed it have fairly decent things to say about it.

12 years ago

Particularly as the core gameplay mechanics (building up power for combos) is substantially different to SS:BB – but it's the internet, and there's no law against commenting without knowing what you're talking about ;).

12 years ago

The Medal of Honor To Call of Duty.
The Killzone to Halo.
The GTA to Saints Row.
The PS Move to Wiimote

There will always be these "comparisons". Weather it's really close, or not close at all.

12 years ago

I'm sorry, I like the Idea but it pretty much is Smash Bros not just because it's a complication of characters, but the gameplay mimics it as well I don't have a problem with it, but you cannot deny the roots it came from.

12 years ago

What I don't get is why they didn't go the power stones route. I will try this before I "judge" it but it is interesting why they made it look so much like SSB.

I think this game could have really set itself apart if it took a 3D part brawler approach. Taken aspects from power stones and improved on them for this generation of gamers.

I suppose 2D fighters like this are easier to pick up and play for casual gamers though which is probably why they went this direction.

I hope this plays well because it would be nice to have a really fun Smash bros clone on my PS3 I could play with my friends. Because no one wants to play VF5 or KF13 with me because they are too technical :[

12 years ago

It's a playstation smash brothers and couldn't be happier. I love smash brothers and I love having a system that I actually use to play it on. I do also think that the game will be a disappointment, but I hope that it will not be and will keep an eye on it.

12 years ago

I've always wondered why there haven't been more "clones" made anyways. SSB was so successful and original, in my opinion, it should have started a brand new brawler genre. But no one followed suit… DESPITE other systems, franchises, and publishers having loads of excellent characters.

People have been talking about how cool it would be to have a PS brawler for a while. And other famous franchises, too. While Dissidia isn't quite a brawler as it's still very much 1v1, the game still did really well. I like to think it's because people love bringing together a montage of characters they love.

This isn't a bad idea because it's a rip-off… it's actually about damn time, if you ask me.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/9/2012 9:26:34 AM

12 years ago

I think so too. That a lot of time has passed means I think they're going to do this right.

12 years ago

The only thing I might not like if it's accurate is that you can only knock guys off the stage when you use a special. Different than smash brothers but do your characters have a health bar of some sort?

12 years ago

Jeese there was a moment where I actually thought Kinji Fukasaku had risen back from the dead after reading the title.

12 years ago

Forget about it being an SSB clone for a second. What I really want is a Power Stone clone!

12 years ago


Well, you have your wish: The new fighter from Netherrealm Studios, Injustice: Gods Among US, is essentially a 2D Power Stone clone. A hideously ugly Power Stone clone, but there's no mistaking its pedigree.

As for SOny All Stars, yeah, it's a Smash Clone, but so what? It's not going to be identical, which actually worries me a bit at the moment: Sony's "race for super meter to win" schtick sounds very bad on paper, and while one of the developers assures me it works great, I remain skeptical. But we shall see.

BTW, there HAVE been Smash clones before. I know of at least four: Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble, Onimusha Blade Warriors, Konami's DreamMix TV World Fighters, and TMNT: SMash Up. I can't recall if Jump Super Stars counts or not. I think there was a Bleach one as well. Anyway, wih the possible exceptions of maybe the Super STars games, none of these have been particularly good. I guess TMNT Smash Up wasn't terrible but the cast was *awful* for that type of game. And of course, it was only for Wii.

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