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Well Ubisoft, You Better Start Showing Americans Dying

Yep. Believe it or not, you better get on this, Ubisoft.

There was no way to reach the launch of Assassin's Creed III on October 30 without some waste-of-space political controversy popping up. But thankfully, damage control for the publisher in question isn't tough. Quick fix.

Some have wondered why we haven't seen Americans – or in this case, future Americans; i.e., ex-British or rebels striving for their freedom – dying in trailers for ACIII. The latest trailer, which you may have seen on TV, hasn't helped matters because once again, we only see Redcoats being killed by the main character, Connor. Most are just saying they're not concerned about who is being killed; they're more annoyed at Ubisoft's "false advertising."

In other words, the publisher has said that Connor, being half-Native and half-British, has no concrete allegiance and the player will have free reign in the game. It's not that people don't believe that, per se; they just want to see evidence of that open freedom in the trailers. So in other words, Connor should be cutting through members of both sides of the war. Therefore, if Ubisoft keeps releasing such trailers, they're going to continue to take flak for not being "true to their word" or some such nonsense.

I'm not going to make any further statements on this; I've already said my piece. I'm just saying that for Ubisoft, the answer is simple- As ridiculous as it sounds, Americans are upset that Americans aren't dying in trailers featuring the Revolutionary War. So all you gotta do is make up a trailer where Conner is slashing blue coats in great abundance and all this goes away. Don't say anything, don't make any official statement; nobody in this case is willing to listen to reason, logic, or any other perfectly rational explanation from a marketing/advertising standpoint, so don't bother. Just do what the audience bids.

And don't question it too much. When one of you head honchos is standing before the design team in relative consternation, shrugging his shoulders and going, "Well, uh…we tried to be as politically correct as humanly possibly by making up a half-Native, half-British protagonist but it seems that wasn't good enough," just accept the reality. And by the way, in that trailer, you had better count the exact number of red coats and blue coats that fall under Connor's blade or gun. It had best be the same number of deaths for each side, or you'll just have to do this is all over again.

Sorry guys. Way of the world, ya know.

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12 years ago

lol, I take it this is still doing the rounds somewhere? Beyond the odd US person getting a little misled and then perhaps disappointed they have to take out a Bluecoat, I doubt it'll be a big issue, but it makes for interesting writing. What would be really interesting would be a study of the rise of political correctness, and whether all this communication over the internet has played into it or not. I haven't paid enough attention to the people being killed in either trailer, but I suspect no-one's worried about the people Aveline is killing down in New Orleans :).

12 years ago

I think the general summer malaise in gaming makes people work hard at being upset about something.

12 years ago

Unfortunately, I see it as being full-tilt into the "Bitchin' just to bitch" this generation.

Shame we can't send those whiny a$$es back into the 1950's so they can really get a taste of what hardship really is, & see how better they have it now compared to then.

12 years ago

I would go hog wild in the 50s.

12 years ago

Either way, I'm OK with whatever Ubisoft does (except for the way they did the 2nd 1/2 of Visitazoine's secret tomb in AC2. That $#&^%$ combination of that wall running "jump up & twist sideways" combined with the sequence being timed too, has brutalized me & I don't think I'll ever be able to finish that part(although I've tried for hours & hours over almost 2 weeks now).
It really pisses me off cause I've got everything else done & actually finished the game already, but I keep going back & I still can't advance pass that part to get the last set of armor, and/or to see if finishing that part will also get me access to the vendor's last painting & weapon I still need.
Damned Carpel Tunnel Syndrome ARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!

But anyways, I did read about a promise earlier from some of the Ubisoft guys that when asked about AC3, was that they weren't going to tip their hand ahead of time about any other killings, but you'd just wait to play the game for a big surprise.

12 years ago

God if I were a dictator i'd imprison all those whiny fools and execute them on the public square as an example.

Guess the internet is not such a good thing… Crowds people together… Then you have to consider a crowds IQ is = to 1 avg person's IQ divided by the number of people in that crowd…
And that's how we get those comments!

12 years ago

I sense some disdain in this article 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago


Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/5/2012 12:29:41 AM

12 years ago

They've already said he doesn't have an affiliation with either side, and that templars are everywhere. (Templars vs. Assassins is, afterall, the real war beneath all other wars! lol) So I've just always assumed that would be the case. Honestly, if it wasn't for your articles about it, Ben, I wouldn't have even clued in that it was only Red Coats dying in these trailers.

There's no way they would lie about something like that. Another reason not to complain is the fact that it's not even an American made game. So it's not like they're trying to pat themselves on the back, or some such nonsense.

Mind you, I fully believe they only kill redcoats in their trailers on purpose. I don't think they should be reprimanded, though. I actually think it's plain old not wise from a promotion standpoint. Wouldn't you think they'd get way more attention if they actually showed both sides getting killed? Someone who knows nothing about the game would likely wonder immediately what it's about… I mean… what the heck… he's killing guys on both sides… know what I mean?

Just saying that from a marketing perspective, they'd likely get more attention if he killed both sides in these trailers. From a "fairness" look at things, I couldn't really care less.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/5/2012 8:25:47 AM

12 years ago

im more concerned that this is not a assassins creed game!
looks more like red dead redemption to me.
what happened to all the rooftop to rooftop chases, and sword fights the series is known for?
hope the glyphs are back too, i was so pissed off when i found out they removed them for revelations!
starting to look like we will NEVER get a better assassins creed than 2.

Last edited by ___________ on 7/5/2012 5:28:57 AM

12 years ago

Have you seen the trailers that show air assassinations and hand-to-hand combat?

12 years ago

There aren't a lot of tall buildings in early America so you're gonna be climbing trees and stuff when outside a city.

12 years ago

thats exactly the problem though, they really have not shown any of the cities!
they showed the animal pelt system a while ago, there were small tents set up in the middle of the forest and that is where he sold a bears skin for cash.
made it look like there IS no city!
and every single trailer has shown the use of the hidden blade, or the tomahawk.
theres none of the multiple enemies on you sword fighting the AC series is famous for!
the sitting there and waiting till a enemy attacks than countering it.
they have totally spoiled the game!

this is EXACTLY why i did not want it going to the american revolution!
it just does not suit the game!
AC is known for its architectural beauty, massive structures to climb, huge rooftops to leap around on, and its man to man sword fighting combat.
they have totally removed that!
the american revolution is famous for the uprising of modern artillery, guns, cannons, bars, wildlife, EVERYTHING AC is NOT known for!
the 2 could not be any more different!
now its you with a tomahawk versus 100 enemies with guns.
and buildings replaced with trees.
and the architectural beauty?
well i dunno about you but i dont consider lumps of brown beautiful!
taking it to the american revolution has completely spoiled it!

i SO hope im wrong because ive been a massive AC fan since the beginning!
and revelations got me so so hyped for this!
just does not look like a AC game.
this would of been the perfect setting for a red dead game, NOT a assassins creed game!

12 years ago

It's probably part of the marketing scheme which is to say "Hey this isn't just another typical AC game" but yeah I'd like to see those cities too.

12 years ago

I can't believe people actually care… Well as Naruto says "believe it!"

12 years ago

Anybody who is letting this stuff bother them and even more anybody who will consider not playing the game because of this stuff needs to grow up.

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