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Konami: Lords Of Shadow Success “Caught Everyone By Surprise”

With Castlevania: Lords of Shadow probably being the best 3D effort in the franchise's long history, and solid sales to boot, it's surprising to hear that the publisher didn't really anticipate such success.

In speaking to Gameranx , head of product planning and development Dave Cox said the reason the downloadable content for LoS was sorta lackluster was because they never planned for any DLC. Said Cox:

"The problem was that the game's success caught everyone by surprise. It caught senior management by surprise and they wanted us to do DLC. We never planned to do DLC, so we ended up doing DLC after the fact and in hindsight that was a mistake. It was rushed. We had to rush it to market."

But they're not going to make the same mistake with the upcoming Lords of Shadow 2 . They're certainly hoping for more success and they're also thinking about preparing some good DLC. This time around, Cox says they probably want to offer a side story or something that "enriches the original story," which should appeal more to fans.

"I think if we were going to do DLC again it would have to be planned right from the get go. And it wouldn't be something that would try to build upon an ending–it would be something that's perhaps a side story that enriches the original story. If we were going to do DLC again, it would be something much more carefully considered."

That's the kind of DLC I happen to like, by the way: Extra content that builds on the single-player element. Incredibly rare when compared to the multiplayer DLC, but still…

Related Game(s): Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

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12 years ago

I loved LOS! So for dlc to be good it needs to planned during development of the game that's interesting. Im looking forward to Mirrors of Fate and LOS 2

12 years ago

This is great. I really did admire this game. There are some moments from this one that really stand out to me as some of the most memorable I've encountered this gen. The Titan fights were awesome. The art design was probably my favorite aspect with certain levels and bosses etc. that just looked really awesome. I thought the composition of the campaign was a bit uneven with it being sort of slow to get going and creature taming being something of an afterthought. I think the best thing from here is knowing the sort of momentum Mercury Steam has for this franchise while going into the sequel. I think their confidence has been boosted and I suspect their excitement is high to deliver something awesome. Which is definetly evident from the E3 trailer. I look forward to it big time.

12 years ago

The game was a success, I have heard nothing but poor press over this title. I played the demo and wasn't entirely impressed either.

12 years ago

Big mistake on your part. You missed out on one the great experiences of this gen.

12 years ago

Strange, I always just got the impression it was just another button-masher (Which after Devil May Cry & God of War excelling in that area began to grow old.) Instead of playing like a Castlevania game. DMC4 was the last game I bought with that style of gameplay, I enjoyed it, but I got bored of it many times.

Hmmm well maybe I'll reconsider it if I see if for a reasonable price.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 6/29/2012 12:02:21 PM

12 years ago

You can button mash but it isn't fun and you won't survive later encounters.

12 years ago

What press are you referring to? It reviewed rather well and is praised for the its length.

12 years ago

its actually the only action game out there thats NOT a button masher!
the game got really good press too, obviously had 1 or 2 bad reviews but which game dident?
most reviews were spewing praise for it!
as i said the other day one of this generations most under appreciated games!

12 years ago

Probably being the best 3D effort? It flat out is the best 3D Castlevannia game ever made.

It's just a beautiful game that sports a deep and intricate battle system that is tough to master but once you do have it mastered it is so addicting. I have so much admiration and love for this underrated game. It takes you accross so many beautiful and expansive vistas featuring so much variety. Such an ambitous game from a game design level. They threw in everything including kitchen sink when it comes to beautiful and expansive levels…depth in battle system, variety of enemies, and great boss battles.

Wow, what a great game that just oozes with quality. A very lengthy game too that is a great value for gamers sporting a 20 hr campign. I agree with Temjin so much!! This game has so many stand out moments. Some of the best I have ever seen. Temjin's admiration for the art design is spot on too. What a beautiful game.

Spolier Alert(maybe).

I will just say this game has one the best endings I have seen this generation. There is a spectacular plot twist after the ending credits that flips the series on its head. Wow!!! I sure didn't see that coming.

Congradulations to Mercury Steam for making a top notch game a reviving the Castlevannia series.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 6/29/2012 11:09:26 AM

12 years ago

+1, couldn't have said it better myself, well done!

12 years ago

I really love Castlevania LoS and I hope the sequel improves on the original in many ways, but I have to disagree on the battle system being tough to master. In higher difficulties there are only a handful of moves that are actually useful and don't leave you open to be obliterated. Coming off of playing the DMC HD collection, DMC3 is just so damn fluid and everything has a purpose in some form or another. The story and the atmosphere of LoS was amazing though! Until the end! Yah, a Belmont turning out to be ************. Really?! God damn, that actually really pissed me off.

Things I wish for in the sequel to Lords of Shadow:

1) Some more throwbacks to old Castlevania games (music in particular as the God of War ripoff epic themes kind of piss me off). Although there was a good song or two in there that really drew me in to the scenery. Particularly the slower ones.

2) More useful higher end moves. Ones that I really want to actually use and not have to considerably plan to pull off for small rewards.

3) More options on the Colossi (for lack of a better word) battles. They were too linear. Often times in Shadow of the Colossus there are multiple ways to tackle the bosses, but not in LoS. Give me more options and don't force my hand.

4) Clean up the story. I know you wanted me to way "WTF?!" at the end of LoS, and you did make me do it, but you pissed me off with how you threw the entire Castlevania timeline out the window.

PS – I'm sorry I'm drunk as in Korea they just keep feeding you the stuff when you're out and about.

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 6/29/2012 11:52:18 AM

12 years ago

I loved the end, I actually predicted it part way through but dismissed the idea. Then it came true!

12 years ago

Points taken. I worded it poorly in my first post. What I should have said is I heard LOS battle system is tough to master. "It's so hard." Nope, not really. I had no problems mastering it either. It's just deeper and forces you to learn to counter and dodge. Timing is important as well. I can see how some gamers coming off say Gow 3 or Dante's Inferno could say it's so hard. Button mashing in LOS can get your a$$ handed to you pretty quickly even with low level enemies. If you don't watch what you are doing you will get obliterated.

On the higher difficulties I did have some success with different moves I had learned. There is a lot of variety in the battle system…it probably depends on thr the gamer's playing style. There are abilties that at first glance don't look so powerful but if you pair them up with counters and other attacks/combos…wow a lot of depth there if you want to use it. I enjoyed the tactical part of planning attacks even if the rewards were low…I just enjoyed the variety and tactical aspects. You are absolutely correct on having to watch what you are doing are you will get obliterated.

Hmm. More high level attacks. Sounds good BUT might take away from the challenge. I'm cool with it if they balance it out and keep the challenge high. The battle system is already so tight and deep. I don't want it dumbed down. I know that's not what you said but fear that could be a result of more high level attacks if it's not handled correctly.

hehe. They sure did create a WTF moment with the ending didn't they? I liked it though. That ending will stand out in my mind for a long time. I absolutely LOVED it!!

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 6/29/2012 1:20:06 PM

12 years ago

I really enjoyed the game as I'm a huge fan of action games (and Castlevania) so my qualms are pretty small! I personally think the next LoS game could very well be absolutely amazing if they fix up a few of the issues I mentioned.

The thing with Paladin mode (I did plat the game) is that you're forced into using the safer moves because the other moves will get you killed. I wish that the other moves were more useful in higher difficulties. Unfortunately I found myself spamming the basic combo most of the time, with some other moves thrown in there when I was absolutely certain I would not get rocked.

Of course that could be just me not having mastered the game, but it felt like the only way out! I'm eagerly looking forward to both of the next LoS games though, so let's hope they listen to my pleas.

Also one more thing. The epic music is good SOMETIMES but they really overplayed it. I want a throwback with some more gothic style songs mixed in with the epic tracks. A more diverse musical palette, like the older games, would do the scenery and beauty of the game more justice, as the scenery at times is drop dead gorgeous.

PS – I now have a headache from all that drinking. Ouch!

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 6/29/2012 7:41:41 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, a big time LoS fan right here! LoS 2 a D1P for sure. However I hope they decide to bring Mirrors of Fate to the Vita! PLEASE! LoS 2 should be fantastic. DLC to enrich the main story would be very welcome addition. I played through Reverie for LoS and I thought it was fine but lacking with no end boss. I never played Resurrection but will do so when we get close to LoS 2's release.

12 years ago

I was actually hoping they do. This will be the sole reason for me to buy a Vita.

12 years ago

A solid 3D action game with lots of atmosphere. Looking forward to seeing what they do with the sequel (and REALLY hopeful Konami puts some of those profits toward another 2D metroidvania.)

12 years ago

I thought it was a really cool experience but I also missed some of the more obvious "Castlevania" aspects that they left out. The combat cross is awesome but I hope with LOS2 there is a little more impact to the combat as it was a little wishy washy and light before.

12 years ago

Ha. Nice confidence konami.

"Yes it totally surprised our whole company that the game didn't suck ass."

12 years ago

I'm very excited. I fell in love with LoS the first minute. The score is amazing, the scenery is great, gameplay is what I just enjoy in action-adventure games. Story is even better, it's all twisted, and sad, I just feel so attached to Gabriel.

Oh, and I think I'm the only one who thinks the DLC was awesome as well. I only missed the 3D rendered cut scenes, don't really like the comic style.

12 years ago

how can you be so shocked with the games success, i mean castlevania is one of the most famous, and oldest franchises out there!
not to mention it had not received a title in quite some time!
there was so much hype for it, and it got mostly high reviews!
and this surprised them that it sold well?
its like saying wow were shocked black ops 2 shattered sales records!
i think it was pretty much a given.

so cant wait till the sequel comes out, even the 3DS title mirror of fate.
its a shame its not coming out on the vita, it would of been really cool and they could of had some cross play or bonus items for CLOS 2.
or at least bring CLOS 2 over to the vita!
come on the vita is BEGGING for a action game, and there is NO better action game than CLOS!
shocked i actually enjoyed this more than GOW3, dantes inferno, DMC 4 and enslaved put together!
only darksiders is a better action game, pretty close though but darksiders pinches it.

12 years ago

"Shocked by game's success"…this is a baffling statement by an established company and an extremely profitable franchise. Yes, they deviated from the 2d side scroller format; however, I feel it is a lame excuse for the "rushed" DLC.

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