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Lords Of Shadow Developer Would “Love To Do Contra”

MercurySteam is currently working on two Castlevania titles: Mirror of Fate and Lords of Shadow 2 . But after they're finished, they plan to leave CV behind and possibly focus on another iconic franchise…

In speaking to VG247 , Konami EU head of development Dave Cox said he wants to "leave a legacy" with Castlevania . He doesn't want to see the series decline and would rather go out with a bang; he also doesn't want to become known as "Mr. Castlevania."

So if Lords of Shadow 2 is successful, Cox and Co. have another idea: Resurrect Contra .

"I love Contra. I'd love to do Contra. At Mercury Steam we've got an original idea that I think is really awesome. We'd love to bring that idea to market and I'm hoping that the success of Lords of Shadow 2 will allow us to do that."

Last year at E3, Konami teased the return of the old-school series, but nobody knows if they were teasing a MercurySteam product. It sounds like the idea is still very much in the heads of the developers. At any rate, if given the opportunity, it'll be interesting to see how the team tackles Contra ; would we see a first- or third-person shooter?

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12 years ago

Contra as Gears of War..
or Contra as Call of Duty…
hmm not sure how I feel about either one of those.
I liked shattered soldier (PS2)
it was a side scroller but it didn't feel out of date. The difficulty was unforgiving at times.

12 years ago

Love old school Contra games!

up up down down left right left right B A start

12 years ago

Contra is the Demon's Souls of the 80s and 90s. The original forced me into buying an NES Turbo controller.

12 years ago

Contra 3: Alien Wars was the real toughie. A friend and I beat that one together on hard. The last boss fight actually extended itself with extra forms to fight when played on harder modes. We kind of exploited something though in order to do it. We got to that level with the spaceship that endlessly drops men into the battlefield. We just positioned ourselves at the edges of the screen and place a rubberband around the controller, holding down the fire button (machine gun). We went out and shot hoops while the points would slowly build up and give us extra lives 😉

Get this, I actually still own that game. That's right, a physical copy. jealous? =p

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/28/2012 12:09:50 PM

12 years ago

Like that analogy.

12 years ago

That's a great story Tem. You're a true gamer and I'd love to go back in time and shake your childish hand.

12 years ago

that's right you wanna go back in time to shake my childish hand, 'cuz I'm sure these man hands I got now are intimidating to your twitch-click-mouse-fest paws =p

12 years ago

I'd love to see Contra get the Lords of Shadow treatment — preserve some of feel of the original games, including the pacing as best you can, and translate that to 3D. Two Rambo-esque bros flying through an alien-occupied tropical jungle at high speeds, with some necessary co-op elements, sounds like a friggin' awesome reboot. Hope we see this.

12 years ago

whatever they do after castelvania, as long as they bring over the advanced combat system their famous for ill be front line centre!
freaking loved CLOS, definitely one of the most under rated game this gen!

12 years ago

Contra is good but it would be much better if Konami will make a Suikoden game. I want Suikoden VI! ^_^

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