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Hey “Social Media,” Keep Your Filthy Mitts Off My Games

People who know me are aware of my contempt for so-called "social media." And if you try to combine that contempt with one of my favorite hobbies…bad things are going to happen.

It's an ongoing trend and one I'm sure the young'uns like. Some games are starting to sport Facebook and Twitter integration, so you can keep your friends and family apprised of your gaming accomplishments. So in other words, if you just finish a particularly tough level, you can tell everyone who "likes" you just how awesome you really are.

Now, for the record, I have no trouble with gamers bragging about their achievements (to people who actually might care, of course). That was always part of the fun when I was a kid; going to school and just bursting with the news that you beat the next-to-last level in Rygar and really, it's only a matter of time… But that actually is social, in that human beings are actually speaking to one another. This Facebook/Twitter nonsense is just plain silly. Or rather, beyond silly. Stupid.

I mean, it doesn't really have anything to do with multiplayer, either. That's when people are playing a game together and don't need to be updated on your progress, as they're right there . So updating your Facebook page and Twitter account with news of your grand gaming prowess is only for telling people who aren't in front of you, and aren't playing the game at that time. Is that really necessary? I know we've abused these forms of communication to the point were actual face-to-face communication has become a dying art form, and everyone has to tell you about the hydrant their dog pissed on, but come on .

If I want to play a game with someone, I will. And we'll be doing it together, even if we're not in the same room. If I want to tell someone about something cool I did in a game, I will do so in the realm of real conversation. This in-between, totally superfluous and entirely unnecessary implementation of "social media" can – and should – disappear tomorrow. I think the last time I saw something about Facebook or Twitter pop up in a game, I held up my hand and screamed, "go'way, go'way, go'way!" …okay, maybe I didn't. But there was a lot of eye rolling.

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12 years ago

yah, i've got to say those stupid facebook push notifications are lame. I just see it as way a company tries to increase game exposure and social visibility. "oh, look, Jimmy just jumped across a gap on his horse in Mount & Blade. I, I, I want to play that, too."
at least that's what they hope 1 out of 100 people think. The other 99 think, "heh, wow, lame. way to let everyone know how unsocial you're being by telling everyone you're playing a game instead of hanging out on Facebook with us (or Xbox LIVE)."

Anyway, when I got my platinum trophy in Infamous 2 and paraded around and gloated no one seemed to care more than me. I tried to live that great award up to the fullest. I want a physical trophy of it's prestigious greatness for my shelf =p

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/27/2012 9:34:06 PM

12 years ago

Gaming accolades as an adult just aren't what they were when you could brag at school as a kid. Of course then there was always the kid that said you were lying and asked for a polaroid of it. Which you then had your mom take, lol.

12 years ago

Gaming back in the day was so damn unforgiving too. Mess up? Back to the start…of the GAME!

12 years ago

oh, I know. i tried Megaman 9 and megaman 10 demo last night and jeesh, Dark Souls incarnate!
I actually had fun though. It was old school hardcore. $10 was too much, though. Waiting for price drop. Plus, Megaman has probably the best soundtracks in the history of games 😉

12 years ago

Agreed Temjin, which is why I disable all such features. Not to mention if I want people to know I am gaming at 4am, I will tell them. Until then it's between me, my wife, my game and my insomnia. I don't need the stress of family and friend judging me over it.

12 years ago

I'm 18 and I use Facebook and Twitter, so I definitely fall under the young'uns category.

However, having had tons of gaming experience on the consoles (notably the PS2) prior to this generation since I was 10, I also do not want FB/Twit integrated, on a fundamental level, in my Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, Killzone, Final Fantasy, etc.

In short, I agree with your sentiments Ben.

12 years ago

After not having a FB account since 2007 I ended up activating a new one last summer. I use it to troll others and impose my beliefs on them and their family, it's fun!

I too would rather social media stay away from my games. It's bad enough to hear the trophy ding when I'm gaming.

12 years ago

I do the same thing, as well as random commentary on the stupidity of the general human race. My last Facebook post read "Why do people try to talk to you when you have earbuds in?"

12 years ago

I have seen full on battles on Facebook. They usually begin with comments regarding.. Personal beliefs and judging particular behavior.. It is hilarious at times. People post things an then act surprised when people call them out on it. Humans..

12 years ago

I don't even have a Facebook account. 😛

Trophies are good enough for me. Now, "Social Integration" in games would be OK for me, as long as there's a clear, easy OFF switch for it.

Last edited by Doppel on 6/27/2012 10:24:50 PM

12 years ago

I rolled my eyes when I saw the social media thing in the menu on FFXIII-2.

On the plus side, it can encourage interaction. It isn't what I'd call "social" but if someone sees you grabbed a trophy they can ask you for help, talk games, make an internet friend etc.

12 years ago

Yah I want my gaming achievements strictly where people care about them: in the realm of gaming. My friends on my PSN list are the ones who care about games, not the people on my Facebook (well, some of them do), so I want my social media to stay away from my gaming life. If I did something I'm really proud of, I'll talk to my friends, not update my status and sit there waiting for a response. That's just sad.

On a side note, I wish that there was a tangible reason to get trophies. I still get them, but I think it would be much cooler if the more trophies I got, the larger my penis became.

"Hey girl, I've got like over 80 plats."


12 years ago

The games auto-update your facebook so no worries about that!

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/27/2012 11:05:28 PM

12 years ago

Haha even worse! People will quickly unsubscribe my feed because they get flooded with gaming things. Everything about it just seems awful!

If on the other hand my friend was playing a game and on his PS3 in the middle of the screen it displays "YOUR FRIEND GOT ______ TROPHY!!! YOU DON'T HAVE IT YET!!! TRY A LITTLE HARDER NEXT TIME!!!" then I would definitely sign up for that.

12 years ago

Zen. I had some cousins flat out state.. "What the fu** is all this GAMING shit.." lol..

I would limit game posts to those who are actually interested if I could but I did have a few people ask me what Is Uncharted3 and when they inquired further they wound up actually buying a PS3. So I guess this Social integration served its purpose in that manner.

12 years ago

I don't have a FB but I just started a Twitter account a week ago for news mainly. Follow me if you guys would like but I don't mind tweeting to myself.

I don't know if its bad yet, its not like they are forcing you to update to FB/Twitter or that FB/Twitter is mandatory for games. I wouldn't say its pointless as it can be good for discussion for people that would care, just a nuisance for people that don't.

12 years ago


Facebook notifications can bite my shiny metal a$$.

I don't care what achievements or trophies others got, and after a day of switching on Facebook on 360 and PS3, my friends hated the constant updates about the games I was playing and trophies I earned. Switched it off straight away.

I play multiplayer games with friends, which is few and far between these days. Last thing we played altogether was Star Wars The Old Republic, and that was about 2 months ago.

Now I'm playing through GT 5, Forza 4 and Assassin's Creed series. Prepping for AC 3. 🙂

12 years ago

I've turned mine off on my ps3even though i have both Facebook and twitter ill update when i want to not when im forced to.

Last edited by tlpn99 on 6/28/2012 1:55:34 AM

12 years ago

Here here! I have no worries games having the option of Facebook/Twitter/Foursquare/whatever integration, but it's the first thing I turn off when I start a game up with it on there. But I'm old and crusty, so maybe I'm just being geriatric ;).

12 years ago

Hideo believes social and core games will become one in the near future.

12 years ago

I think it's fun with the PS3 posting trophy statuses. Good signs of an excellent weekend.

12 years ago

Like it or not Social Media won't be going away any time soon. I have had a FB account since the beginning, deactiviated at various points over the past 7 or 8 years for job interviews and the like, but it's a good way to troll/keep in touch with others, especially considering I now have friends all over the good ole' US of A.

The push notifications that alot of games have (most recently I remember Uncharted 3 having alot of Facebook content) is really annoying though. I have no desire to update my friends (of whom I'm sure 95% don't care) about what part of a videogame I'm in. Hell, thats probably worse than changing your status about how much you hate the DMV. But you have to realize game developers and publishers use it as a marketing tool. Basically free advertising and its pretty effective.

"Oh hey, so and so is playing that Uncharted 3 game again, maybe I should check it out", etc. With FB and Twitter still growing in members, companies will take advantage of this anyway they can. Videogames have an advantage in that most consoles today are always connected to the internet.

12 years ago

I have a facebook account that is best described as in retirement, it hasn't been updated actively in so long I can't even remember. The account I created for my in-game avatar/guild in WKC2 has seen far more activity, and that's because of the social aspects of the guild system drawing people closer together.

12 years ago

Miss my guild days. It's creates a very special kind of community. Enjoy it while it last!

12 years ago

Believe me, I am. We've grown and are even competing for the top 10 ranking now. It a lot of fun, and in a way quite educational.

12 years ago

Quite educational indeed. Most social interactions are. 😉

12 years ago

Social media integration in games is pure marketing. It is the best way to spread the word for free. I don't blame game companies who use it. I use it because I don't give a fcuk what people think. I am a gamer. Get over it. I enjoy technology in all its forms and gaming is the melting pot of all technology and all "ART" forms so whoever has a problem with that can just have a problem with it. That said, I have suggested to Sony and others to allow options on just who can view game content and posts on Social Networks for the sake of others. But I think that people can turn off incoming posts on an individual basis.

Social Media is Population Control in a sense. Facebook is fast approaching a Billion users. It has grown so much that it can implement its own government. It has alot of influence on the way that companies do business. Log in with your Facebook account is becoming an option on so many websites now. I do not use that because it is like giving free reign to said company to your Facebook.

Social Media. Love it or leave it, It is here to stay. If you use the internet you can and will be tracked. It just wont be readily available or public. You can choose not to participate but the only true way to not be a part of it is to be completely OFF THE GRID. That means ZERO electronics. How many people read the FCC notices on most electronics that are made. "this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation." If you use a phone or any device you can be tracked. If you think the technology does not exist to be tracked or monitored then you are living in the stone age. In your mind anyway.

Just to be clear: I created accounts on Facebook, Google+, Twitter for 1. Business purposes and 2. To keep track of my children and their activities as well as friends and family that are all over the world. These networks are tools. use them for what they are.

P.S. It is also fun as LimitedVertigo stated above.. To fcuk with peoples heads sometimes.

Last edited by FatherSun on 6/28/2012 11:23:52 AM

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