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Hitman Dev Disappointed That Only 20% Will Finish Absolution

Developer IO Interactive is saddened that, according to the general statistics, only 20% of players will actually complete Hitman: Absolution .

During an OPM interview , Absolution director Tore Blystad said they're using metrics a lot more these days, and that has revealed the sad news to them: The vast majority won't finish the new Hitman . Said Blystad:

"We are using metrics a lot more now than we did, for good and for bad. The general player will probably never even finish the game, which is very sad. Or they might only play through it once, but the game is built for the people who want to go back through every single level and get all the stuff out of it. It’s built to last, rather than be a one-off experience."

20 per cent of the players will see the last level of the game. It’s horrible to know. It makes the people working on it really really sad."

Blystad added that maybe people "can't commit to taking all those hours to finish one product, so they get tired of it." He also clarified that the 20% number isn't just for Hitman ; it's for any game. But shouldn't that give him more reason to be positive…? IO's game will be very campaign-oriented; that 20% stat is greatly affected by all the multiplayer fanatics out there who buy a bunch of shooters and never touch the single-player. It surely isn't 20% for the Uncharted games, for instance.

Or is it…?

Related Game(s): Hitman: Absolution

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12 years ago

I've never understood why someone would rent/buy a game and not finish it unless the game is just terrible.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

You and me both. Buncha slack-asses. 😉

12 years ago

i was just about to say the exact same thing. i've never undertsood why you would buy a game and not complete it.

12 years ago

One of my friend's sister's baby daddy is a total deadbeat. The guy works for Comcast and spends all his money on videgoames. He hardly ever beats a game since after owning a game for a few days or a week he's already buying another game. People like him make me wish for a license to kill.

12 years ago

Comcast has workers?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/26/2012 10:13:09 PM

12 years ago

Well ya…of course they do…lol wtf kind of comment is that!?

12 years ago

It doesn't show in their service.

12 years ago

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ya…I agree. I no longer have Comcast since the area I moved to uses Mediacom. If you think Comcast is bad try using Mediacom. I can't complain about the internet but the TV service is the worst I've ever had.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I agree and disagree about Comcast.

One time I had difficulty with my connection and they first offered to send out a technician in a "few days." Well, considering my need to work, that really wasn't an option.

So this guy stayed on the phone with me for 45 minutes at 10:30 p.m. until we got it working again. It was a pretty involved process and he wasn't about to quit. I thought that was fantastic.

Then again, when I moved in November, while the setup was fine, the billing was screwed up for months. And that's because they gave me a cable TV service I expressly said I didn't want. They put it in anyway and tried to charge me for it and I just wasn't going to let it slide.

At the same time, I very, very rarely have trouble with my cable TV or Internet connection. Take the bad with the good I guess.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/26/2012 10:54:07 PM

12 years ago

Really makes you think about how anyone can be thinking all-digital so early.

12 years ago

What's he mean by metrics?

12 years ago

Measurable statistics. Businesses come up with various metrics as a way to quantify qualitative values.

12 years ago

I see. Didn't work out so well for the productless Facebook.

12 years ago

I've finished each of the first four Hitman games, and I know I'll finish this one too.

12 years ago

Well, his words are at least encouraging to me. I always play the heck out of a 'Hitman' game until the next one arrives, and play thru all of them right before a new entry. Though I don't play 'Blood Money' that much anymore since it's been, you know, six freaking years since that was released.

12 years ago

Well I am one of the 20% and I'm sick of everything being catered towards the 80%, those of us who finish every game are not monsters, we are the real gamers.

Last edited by matt99 on 6/27/2012 12:12:05 AM

12 years ago

Really I have completed over 90% of the PS3 games on my shelf and many more that I have traded in. That's why I am currently going back to PS2 games I never got around to.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Unless the game becomes unbearably cheap, (that final battle of FFXIII-2 springs to mind), I finish my games. Unless they just get too long and start to grate on me because of technical issues, or just straight boredom (Fallout 3, I will still finish the main campaign… some day). I mean, you pay good money for the experience, so why not see it through to the bitter end. And you can be damn sure that I'll see the ending of Hitman: Absolution. As for playing it again, that will come around some day. I usually play a game once then leave it to sit, but I have been known to give a second run immediately.

Probably won't hold true of Hitman, there's still a ridiculous (and growing) backlog on my shelf and I must at least try to play them all.

12 years ago

8/10 unfinished games…? Sounds about right. So I'm one of those fools, then. Allow me to explain why.

I buy far too many games for my own good. I'll openly admit that right away. Essentially I buy every 80+ game released once the price is right, with only a few genre exceptions.

That also means there are a lot of games that strictly speaking are not perfect match with my preferences. And I really don't feel any obligation to finish a game once the fascination has wore off.

The problem here is of course that once the gameplay becomes repetitive or uninteresting, most games fall apart. The STORIES in most games are not worth struggling for. I'd then rather just watch a good movie.

There is one exception though: Games with a campaign that can be played in coop. Those we usually beat, simply cause we got such a good time in each others company that we don't really care if things are turning repetitive or the story sucks.

But if the devs want a gamer like me to finish more games, the solution is NOT to make them shorter or even easier, the solution is to make them BETTER.
Had Crysis 2, Fallout 3 or Mass Effect 2 been three times longer or twice as hard there's not a shadow of doubt I'd still finish them, to put it that way.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/27/2012 4:20:50 AM

12 years ago

I'll never forgive you until you finish Uncharted 2.

Only games I haven't beat in my collection are: Motorstorm (I know you can't really 'beat' the game, but I didn't feel as though I played it enough), FarCry2, Rachet & Clank: A Crack In Time & Resistance 1.

Motorstorm was too infuriating for me; you could be wining a 5 lap race and then at the end the 'rubber band' effect kicks in, and asswipe in a trucker knocks you off the side of the cliff – sending you down atleast 3 places.

FarCry 2 just had too much driving, and when you're getting shot at as soon as you drive a mile or so, it just gets repetitive. It's also wayyyyy to easy to roll it over/get stuck somewhere.

Rachet & Clank is a great game – that I can see – but something feels off. Probably just haven't gave it a chance yet, but yeah something just feels…off.

And Lastly Resistance. I could never get into this unless I was playing co-op, which was usually with my dad. He cut off his thumb last week on a 'circular saw' in the garage – it looks like a scene out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre xD – so I…doubt he's gunna continue co-op with me anytime soon.

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 6/27/2012 7:06:38 AM

12 years ago

Oh yuck sorry to hear about your dad! Sounds like you need to look elsewhere for a coop buddy now, yeah. Hopefully your dad is still useful for other purposes. 🙂

For me I can't even begin listing the games I've not completed. They are far, far too many.

It's easier to talk about some I did finish, and why:

Crysis 2:
The coolest pure shooter I've played in like… Forever. It totally reignited my enthusiasm for the FPS genre. I also beat the first Crysis this autumn out of sheer joy of being back in the suit. 🙂

I don't count this as a FPS. It's… A trip. A league of its own. Such a fantastic game. Atmospheric. Original. It totally sucked me in.

Mass Effect 2:
I've said enough about this game over the months. Game of the generation for me.

Fallout 3:
It's the backdrop that caught my interest, and the explorer in me who made me keep going. Also, all those weird little stories kept me hooked. OMG what an experience.

Saints Row 2+3:
Coop heaven. Nuff said.

Excellent coop play never gets old. And Borderlands really shine in coop.

Again coop is to blame. Everything gets better with a friend.

Both Dragon Ages:
I'll be honest. It was the romances just as much as the story that kept me going. I'm so… Cheesy.

There's a good handful more games I've finished.
But the rest, at least 80% of them? Unfinished, all of them. They were simply not good enough *for me* to keep my interest.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/27/2012 9:58:50 AM

12 years ago

i seriously doubt its as low as 20% for SP games!
MP obviously because most wont touch the SP at all!
starhawk for instance, i would be surprised if 10% of people who bought it finished the campaign let alone 20!
ME3 though quite the opposite, should be way higher than 20!

though it is depressing how few actually do finish games.
ill never understand it, even if i hate a game i still have to finish it!
its a obsession of mine, always have to try it all at least once.
however i hate it when games make you play them more than once to unlock everything.
i mean come on id love to play the games multiple times, but they do realise we have other things to do besides play 1 game forever right?
so many games out there that require attention, let alone other mundane tasks that sadly must be done.
i wish developers would realise that and stop making people put 50+ hours into a game just to experience everything!

12 years ago

….. they will still have these people money in their pocket weither they finish it or not .

12 years ago

"He also clarified that the 20% number isn't just for Hitman; it's for any game."

Why do I feel like that is a lie?

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