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Square Enix Essentially Confirms A FFVII Remake Is Impossible

For the first time in a while, a Square Enix executive has directly answered a question concerning the scant possibility of a Final Fantasy VII remake.

Unfortunately, those in the know realize that the answer is little more than an elaborate "no." During a recent Q&A session (as cited by GameSpot ), Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada said they'd deliver a remake for FFVII if…wait for it…

'deep breath' If they create a new Final Fantasy title that surpasses FFVII "in terms of quality and sales." Sadly, the hardcore fans know this leaves the company a couple outs: Even if they do make a FF that tops FFVII in sales, the "quality" part is almost entirely subjective. The only way to define it is to use a Metacritic review average or something; FFVII's average score is 92, which actually seems beatable…provided Square Enix could actually make a FF installment worthy of a higher score.

The most interesting part is that Wada said if they released a remake right now, "the series would be done for." Personally, I'd want some elaboration on that point but I'm afraid I'd actually get it. I'm not really sure how the company views this franchise anymore and at this point, I'm not sure I want to. Probably too depressing.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy VII

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12 years ago

What it probably means is that it would be so popular and make so much money that it would prove this new direction that they refuse to change was always bullsh*t. And SE doesn't make mistakes, even if they have to double down on crap decisions.

12 years ago

I would do horrible things to ensure a remake is made.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

lmfao @ Vertigo. Well said.

12 years ago

I would create a human centipede over there with Wada at the back.

12 years ago

Can I be the front!?

12 years ago

Yes you may.

12 years ago


You wouldn't have to do them alone…

12 years ago

Whats crazy is if they made a remake, it would probably surpass the original in quality and sales!!!! jerks…

12 years ago

FFVII is dear to my heart (my cold dark heart) and I believe one day we will see a remake of the game. The fact that SE would make a massive amount of money from it is enough proof for me to believe it's inevitable.

But it may be a long time before it happens. Until then I'd appreciate it if SE made FF games even half as good as FFVII.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

I truly hope you're right, I'd pay in my blood and semen just to get a remake, preferably on the PS4 so that it's as amazing as it possibly could be.

12 years ago

Oh please. As if paying in semen would be so hard for you! XD

(sry, couldn't resist!)

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/26/2012 10:41:50 PM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

Well…first I have to grow some balls. Thats not as easy as they say it is.


12 years ago

Tribulus Terresta Nas, that's what a steroid user I know uses to regrow his nads.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Not to mention that, if they make a new FF installment that gets a Metacritic score higher than 92, they'll just make a sequel for it instead of FFVII.

I get the distinct impression that Wada just doesn't understand the goldmine he's sitting on. Squeenix is having financial trouble, and instead of investing in a remake that would only require code–no story work, concept art, just programming–and would be guaranteed to sell like crazy, they want to put full production effort into titles that aren't nearly as popular to buyers or critics. That just smacks of poor business planning and, well… stupidity.

12 years ago

Maybe he does and is just holding it hostage. Now that you have me thinking, what I hear is him saying, elevate whatever crap we put out to FF7 status and maybe we'll remake 7. Almost kinda like a bribe.

12 years ago

FFVII remake:

Na na na na! Na na na na! Hey hey hey! Goodbye!

I wish I lived in Japan so I could sit outside of Square headquarters and sing this song.

12 years ago

If I was there I would drive a bus loaded with stolen copies of FFXIII through the front door of their headquarters blasting the Crystal Theme.

12 years ago

I'd never do something like that LV….

I'd be playing Jenova's theme song. It could easily double for a fast paced spy/ninja attack song.

12 years ago

Oh gawd that's a better choice! That's my ringtone!

12 years ago

lol nice! For text messages, I have the victory fanfare.

12 years ago

I had the FFVII victory fanfare of as my ringtone but I hate answering my phone so I started to dislike it and had to change it the Sherlock Holmes movie theme.

12 years ago

I change it back and forth myself. It eventually gets annoying. lol But right now, it's back.

For regular incoming calls, it's different for all contacts. I have "Muhnamana" by the Muppets for when my wife calls, original super mario bros. for my buddy Brandon, James Bond for if my parents call, and the intro to Sephiroth's theme when the inlaws call. (lol)

12 years ago

I wouldn't even play a cool song for Square. They don't deserve Jenova. They're such a joke, I would just blast the Hamster Dance while maniacally laughing and scattering copies of FFXIII that explode when you open them.

12 years ago

haha, great pick for presaging doom.

12 years ago

This news is far more telling than one might notice at first glance…

Why haven't they figured out like… "gee, we sure do have to comment on this 15 year old game a lot." An exploded twitter page… all their staff routinely asked about it… best selling PSN release for a while… warm Crisis Core reception… like… seriously.

It is really weird. And now they won't do it until another FF surpasses it? Not gonna happen!

You know, last week, some friends and I were talking about their favorite games of all time.

Want to know just how unique FFVII is????? HOW LOVED IT IS?!?!?! My one friend's top 3 favorite games were "Red Dead Redemption, Flash Point, and FINAL FREAKING FANTASY 7"!!! His favorite games this generation so far are CoD, GOW, and Uncharted. He is not into jRPG's. But FFVII still managed to be in his top 3 of all time.

No… there is nothing they could ever do with the series to get the accolades they got with FFVII -except- make another damn one.

12 years ago

I imagine the entire process is just too daunting right now for the current idiots running SE. They've proven over the years to be pretty incompetent and so maybe we should be thankful they've failed to start the project.

12 years ago

My brother is very similar to your friend! He owns and still plays his copy of FF7, even though he literally doesn't own other RPGs and plays Diablo III or Black Ops most of his days.

It is indeed a very powerful game that many, MANY people consider one of the greatest EVER. It seems obvious that a remake is more wanted than a broken MMO and a sequel to a fun "Final-Fantasy-in-name-but-not-in-gameplay" game.

12 years ago

Well, I honestly think FF7 has already been surpassed by FF8, FF9, and FF10. Now, I know most of u prolly dont think this way, and that nothing could ever be better then 7, but it has already been done =P. All 3 of those games, and a great many more, all have a better story, better graphics, better gameplay, and better characters.

Dont get me wrong, I think FF7 is a good game, and what it did for the RPG genre in NA was damn near epic, but it still remains a flawed game in the end, and in all honestly shouldnt get all the mad rabid fanboys it does.

On a side note, I would wish SE would get around to a remake, as I've lost all hope with the company to put out a decent new title, it seems all they can do right these days is to remake something, or just simply re-release a game. Ooooooooooo how I miss the Square-Soft days………

12 years ago

FFVIII is terrible. Squall is the biggest whiny pu*** EVER in the history of gaming.

FFIX is charming and very oldschool but every aspect of it pales in comparison to VII.

There is a reason VII get's such a following, it's that amazing.

IMO FFVII has the greatest soundtrack, the most interesting characters, MATERIA!!!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

FFVIII is far from "terrible." The Squall and Rinoa dichotomy is one of the BEST in gaming.

I wasn't a big fan of the Junction system replacing armor, but it was an interesting mechanic all the same.

The game was pure epicness.

12 years ago

I don't think Squall whined much at all. FF took a great step by allowing us into the hero's thought process, so we were reading his stream of consciousness a lot. Having troubled and negative thoughts isn't quite the same as whining like Hope does.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/27/2012 12:35:57 PM

12 years ago

FF8 is my Fav of the series, loved the characters, it had a good story, great graphics for its time, and fun gameplay.

The Junction system did take a while to get use to, and then once you did it was kinda OP, but it was still a fun system to play with, far better then materia, imo.

Again, I dont think FF7 is BAD, but it isnt as good as most believe, and the fact that it was many of fan's first RPG experience doesnt help either I'm sure.

FFIX was a really good game aswell, again it has a nice cast of characters, amazing graphics, even better than FF8, very fun gameplay, and a good story to top it off…. infact I always found FF9's story to be similar to FF7s. It felt like an old school RPG, and I always find myself really enjoying 9 when I play threw it.

12 years ago

Quality: What a nice choice of words. He knows that the majority (or close) of FF fans believe VII is the best in the series. Any new Final Fantasy game being made would never top VII in quality as far as most fans are concerned, therefore leaving Wada with all the freedom of never making a remake but sprinkling us with false hope.

Sales: FFVII has sold something like 10 million units? They came close with XIII, but I think fans are no longer trusting of the FF name. Personally, I won't be preordering XV. It pains me to say it. Unless gameplay trailers can show me a true FF experience, I'll wait.

12 years ago

I still haven't touched FFXIII-2. I'm waiting for it to dip below 19.99

12 years ago

I'm with you on that one. Still waiting…

12 years ago

I bought the collectors edition on Day1.

I'm an idiot 🙂 I still haven't finished it and just thinking about finishing it seems like a chore to me.

12 years ago

I've actually seen it below $15 but I just can't bring myself to purchase it.

12 years ago

Same here. I think I saw a temporary price cut at Target for 29.99. Even if I bought all DLC for ff13-2, It would come up cheaper than $60 at that reduced priced. For some reason I still couldn't justify a purchase.

12 years ago

I'm waiting for the compilation package with FFXIII, FFXIII-2, FFXIII-3, FFXIII-4, and FFXIII-5, so I'll actually get the ending.

12 years ago

Wada sure the hell isn't going to greenlight it. That is almost certain.

12 years ago

There's a free outfit for Serah on the network, gotta not-so-microtransact for everything else though.

Buy a bikini for the boobless? Might be a different story if it were Tifa 😉

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/26/2012 11:04:34 PM

12 years ago

Serah is my type of girl. Looks like a kid but I might not get arrested!

12 years ago

Now hold on if anyone's your type I thought it would be Hope. Wait then you'll definitely get arrested.

12 years ago

You make a staggeringly good point LV. And Lightning's out of town.

12 years ago

Rikku's still the only one I dream about.

12 years ago

I think they will remake FFVII in HD. On the Vita. Forcing millions to buy it (myself included) to play it. Too many people already own PS3s.

12 years ago

Nope. If/when they remake FFVII it will not be designed around a portable gaming system.

12 years ago

Their other classic games (1-5 I think) were remade with improved graphics onto portable systems, weren't they? I imagine it as a possibility especially given the real power of the Vita.

If it was for a console, I think it would be released on PS4. In a couple years the next generation of consoles will be here. I don't think they would want to use their fail-safe sales rocket too early.

I just realized I'm thinking about it from a console sales point of view. Releasing it on PS3 would result in more game sales, but if it was confirmed on PS4 at launch, I would unload in pants and die.

12 years ago

All the FF games that have been released on portable consoles have had a minor facelift, not a true HD remake. Even the FFX port for the Vita is not a true remake since it's just a facelift.

There is NO WAY SE would remake FFVII as just a minor facelift, no matter how incompetent they are.

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