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When Will Bethesda Start Treating PlayStation Fans Better?

At this point, probably not until the next generation.

Bethesda has delivered some of the best games in existence over the past five or six years, and yes, they have been fantastic on PlayStation 3 as well. But obviously, PlayStation followers are still second-class citizens in Bethesda's mind.

We don't get expansions and downloadable content at the same rate as PC and Xbox 360 gamers (if we get that content at all), and the final products themselves tend to have more PS3-specific issues. The well-documented game-breaking error in the PS3 version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim made a great many PS3 fans hopping mad, and Bethesda didn't appear to be in any super great rush to fix it. After all, the 360 and PC versions seemed okay so who cares, right?

It's just a little frustrating at this time in the generation, when essentially all multiplatform titles are very much the same across the major consoles. There are some slight differences in the delivery of DLC but for the most part, PS3 owners get virtually the same experience as anyone else. This is not 2007, where many multiplatform games were inferior on Sony's machine; back then, a lot of those were half-assed ports and now, most developers will tell you they actually begin creating a new game on the PS3 first. How many times have we seen headlines saying a certain team has chosen the PS3 to be the lead platform?

And yet, Bethesda just never seemed to get with the program this generation. PS3 owners have had numerous complaints with their titles and – especially in comparison to the EA/BioWare response to the Mass Effect 3 fan complaints – Bethesda has done next to nothing to improve in regards to Sony's console. Yeah, we get it, you're a PC-oriented developer and the 360 is more in your wheelhouse. And it's not like Skyrim looked that much different on the PS3, or even played that much different. It's just the overall package (which for PS fans includes bugs and lack of support via fixes and extra content). We get inferior treatment.

Kinda irritating, Bethesda.

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12 years ago

It's all about understanding the PS3 IMHO. I don't think they hate the PS3. I believe they have trouble with memory and disk caching. Isn't the Rimlag fixed now? I haven't played this since I heard about the Rimlag and wanted to wait until it's fixed. I am so deep in Sly 1 and Gravity Rush now that I just don't have a chance to play.

Hey Ben, are you going to do an Amazing Spider-Man review? Really interested in this game and would like to know what you think.

12 years ago

I don't think the issues people have had with PS3 Skyrim happen to everyone as soon as some would have us believe they do. A relative of mine has spent well over a hundred hours on a character and he claims to have experienced no reduction in performance. Honestly, I think this whole thing is a bit over exaggerated and I'd suspect only maybe less than 1 percent of it's gamers would ever even play a single character long enough to even encounter such problems to begin with.

12 years ago

I believe the odds that you experienced bugs depended on how you played. As far as I understand some of the problem were related to all the items in the world and their location. It were all stored in a data table, and the items that were not at their default location had to be stored in a table in memory.

So they had to kick out other stuff from memory in order to be able to handle the potential large table in memory, or the game would need to read from disc cache all the time, and that's when lagging starts.

So that's why some experienced problems, while others didn’t. It all depended on what you did in the world, basically.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/26/2012 11:51:30 AM

12 years ago

Tem I finally talked my friend that's a big 360 gamer into getting a PS3 for all the awesome exclusives (jerk borrowed some of my games and hasn't returned them yet) anyways… he made the huge mistake of getting Skyrim for PS3 instead of 360 and I've yet to hear the end of it. It really made him pissy about the PS3 even though he should have been mad at Bethesda. But he's your typical misinformed 360 gamer that also fails to return games in a timely manner.


I too am interested in the new Spider-Man game.

12 years ago

Temjin is right. I also have upwards of 100 hours and didn't experience any of those "game breaking" issues. I actually was hoping to see a backwards flying dragon even if it did mean that I can't say I don't have these major issues, just for the sake of saying I got to see one. But never did.

But that doesn't mean I havnt had issues with Bethesda games. I can't even finish the DLC for fallout 3 because of the terrible frame rate. And I know Bethesda didn't develop New Vegas, but I havnt been able to play that for more than 10 min. So while I agree Bethesda games on PS3 are problematic, as for Skyrim it seemed to be a hit and miss thing.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/26/2012 12:40:34 PM

12 years ago

IGN and Gamespot gave Amazing Spider-Man a 7 and 7.5.

IGN says it's a fun game to play, despite the flaws. And it reminds me a lot of a better version of "web of shadows", and that's enough for me to pick it up once it hits the bargain bin.

But seems we got a long way still until we get a AAA from Marvels universe. 🙁

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/26/2012 1:22:00 PM

12 years ago

I did see the backward flying dragon but I don't have the lag issues, my buddy does though. Which is bad because it was hard enough to get him off of CoD-only gaming.

LV you better hook that nincompoop up with some exclusive games.

12 years ago

World- lucky! Or maybe it wasn't that cool?!

12 years ago

It was actually hilarious! They fixed it pretty fast though.

12 years ago

Dang! I cant believe I missed it! O-well there's always Elder Scrolls 6! 😉

12 years ago

I bet you can find a video of it on youtube, it's more entertaining in person of course.

12 years ago

LV, well, crappy. Every PS3 should come bundled with something Uncharted, God of War, Infamous, Heavy Rain (for the book worm types), Journey, Gran Turismo (for the sim-driving types), Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet (for the kids and family), and NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA 2 (this should really have been listed first =p )

He knew this, right?

12 years ago


I couldn't finish the DLC for Fallout 3 GOTY either. Broken Steel was atrocious. 2-5 FPS at many times or just a flat out freeze. I even had multiple freezes at the worst times in the main campign. I was afraid to use VATS because the damn thing would lock up at times. One time I waited and VATS started targeting again after 3 minutes. Great, I thought. Wrong it froze again. Hard reset number 89 I suppose.

Temjin told me the game and DLC ran like a champ on the 360 so I bought it. What a huge difference. I didn't get a 360 until one was gifted to me on Christmas but the sheer joy of playing an actually playable version of one of my favorite games ever almost made me breakdown with tears of joy. Thank you Temjin for opening my eyes. I won't touch a PS3 version of Bethesda game ever again. There is a shiny quality to the 360 version too. Like an extra layer of polish. Things are sharper but the jaggies are less noticable. Game looks less washed out as well.

By the way I'm giving away my PS3 version of Fallout 3 GOTY to the lucky person who replied first when I made the offer. His name is Ken here and is PSN ID is related to dynamite. I'll be shipping it out as soon as he gives me his mailing address via PSN. Congrats again Ken.

I had my issues with Skyrim too like lag and game freezes. The freezes are the real ball breakers though. No chance to save after that. Get a few freezes at the wrong time and I promise you that you will have a bad taste in your mouth.

Thank you to the critics that happily bent over for Bethesda and based the broken when it shipped PS3 review off of a 360 disc. Any legitimate critic that played the unplayable at times Fallout 3 on the PS3 should have seen that as red flag from miles away. There were reports on the internet before reviews went up on sites like the Sixth Axis that said Bethesda was boycotting sending out the PS3 version for review so they had delay their PS3 review until after the retail release so they could go buy the PS3 version. Yes, they scored it lower too because of framerate issues and lag they couldn't duplicate on the 360. They even went as far to say there may be a game breaking bug in the game but they weren't positive what the cause was after only spending 3 days with the game.

The Sixth Axis is a multiplat site and could have just mailed in a "PS3 review" with a little disclaimer at the top of the review but they cared enough for PS3 fans not to do that because they saw the red flag before they even touched the PS3 versioin and were suspicous after Fallout 3's problems. They even did a podcast the following Sunday and spent the entire hour condeming Bethesda's behavior and had guests on from other sites that could not get their hands on the PS3 version either because of Bethesda's refusal to send out the PS3 version.

12 years ago

no problem, excelsior.
"runs like a champ" I think that was the very expression, too =p

anyway, yeah FO3 on 360 has 4xMSAA for extra awesome edge smoothy'ness =)

12 years ago

Me and my friends had no problems on the PS3 version except for the ones you'd expect. It actually gave me far less issues than Morrowind or Oblivion.

12 years ago

While PS3 got a bunch of negative flak and reviewers got 360 copies only, Bethesda's shoddy code is not a new thing.
WHile my brother showed me his PC version of Skyrim he told me about 140 hours in on once of his characters the game just went to crap. Among that problem, he cited Bethseda, PC side alone, to have had bugs and game breaking bugs as far back as he could remember, where waiting for patches was the norm.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/26/2012 10:19:13 AM

12 years ago

Bethesda? Bugs? Pfff no way.

12 years ago

I love a lot of Bethesda games, but their company has been quite obvious about the fact that they don't care about their ps3 customers.

Oblivion had some horrible glitches that were patched on 360 and pc, but not on ps3. I emailed them to ask about it and they responded by telling me I could either play it with the glitches or buy it on another system.

So I have a kind of love/hate relationship with Bethesda.

12 years ago

Never. The fans buy their product regardless of the quality so I see no reason for them to get their act together. I'm one to talk though, with my abusive relationship with SE.

12 years ago

The split memory architecture of the PS3 doesn't help their massive games. Hopefully the PS4 will be diferent in that regard.

12 years ago

I love Bethesda games, and yes I've had issues with some of their games like the Fallout 3 DLC in particular. But I still – regardless that I play the games on my PS3 – get a great overall experience.

For example: I didn't have any issues with Fallout 3 like I have the DLC, and Oblivion for me actually performed better than Skyrim has, despite my lack of major issues or "game breaking" problems with it.

I won't sit here and disagree that the PS3 versions are equal, because they are not. But I also can't begin to say that I have all these different issues either. All I can say is the DLC for Fallout 3 was atrocious and embarrassing. But everything else I've been able to enjoy quote thoroughly all the way through.

But for the sake of all their fans, they really need to straighten things out. They need to take the time to get to know the PS3 or all together just plan better for it. I don't know, but something needs to be done, because it's obvious there is problems with their games on PS3 and and abundance of consumers experience those problems.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/26/2012 12:51:00 PM

12 years ago

I don't give my money to Bethesda anymore. Plenty of other great games out there to play.

12 years ago

As long as they keep delivering experiences like Fallout 3 I don't really care if I have to restart my PS3 a few times or remember to save frequently. The amount of fun I have in those games far, far outweighs that.

12 years ago

In answer, may I just say that apparently they will, when Hell freezes over.

12 years ago

i have played hundreds of hours in to skyrim, fallout new vegas and fallout 3. fallout 3 i put in at least 400 hours. new vegas is like 300. skyrim is now sitting at 258.

skyrim has givin me fewer problems then fallout 3 ever did. there were times in fallout 3 that the framerate would dip into the negatives. i figured out the game didnt freeze. it was just running a negative framerate. if you popped open the in game xmb, it would tend to fix it. one time while i was talking to some guy his head and neck started to rotate around clockwise down through his body and back up as if the neck was attached to the body by a single point of connection.

i never seem to get many of the problems that others do. i do believe that if you are having problems, erase your game install and try again.

also if you go look up on a elder scrolls skyrim wiki, they will tell you about all the bugs and pc and 360 have just as many of them.

Last edited by frylock25 on 6/26/2012 1:19:01 PM

12 years ago

I don't think they even considered giving us the ability to battle on horseback. It totally sucks because I love their games and I have to juggle that with being treated like a second class citizen.

I feel entitled to equal treatment. 🙂

12 years ago

Exactly. I'm less bothered by the number of bugs in the PS3 versions (because *all* versions are buggy) than I am by the exclusivity deals. I want the full ****ing game, Bethesda.

12 years ago

I never buy bugthesda games after buying oblivion first with that vampire bug they never fixed, then when the new edition came out, I bought that one in hope for the bugs was fixed but man I was so wrong still has same bug. That is taking the Plss on fans – I hate bugthesda they need to die.

12 years ago

I also have a personal boycott of all Bethesda games. After putting 100+ hours into Fallout 3, I had major problems, freezes, forced system resets. I will never buy another Bethesda game for PS3 again. They can't be bothered to properly fix their games for ps3 either.

RAGE was good though.

12 years ago

… But Rage were ID Software. 🙂

12 years ago

I have refrained from buying most Bethesda games. I got Fallout 3 WELL after release (this past year). And I won't get these other titles until they are super cheap either.

Why waste my money on a buggy game when my backlog includes a whole bunch of other games that AREN'T buggy that I also want to play?

12 years ago

Understandable point. Btw real quick: I picked up Fallout 3 at release but when they released the GOTY edition I got it from amazon for $30 shortly after it released so watch for that with Bethesda games and Amazon.

Anyways yes understandable point, but sometimes these games are so good it's super easy to lose focus on the issues, and in my case have pretty good luck with their games. I'm not saying they should get a pass, but in most cases you won't find an issue that keeps you from playing the game anyways. I mean over the weekend I played Skyrim 5 hours straight. I've got just at 100 hours into it and I've never had to stop playing the game because I couldn't play it for "game braking" issues. So, take that as you will. 😉

But my opinion is for the most part you'll be able to sit down and enjoy yourself with a Bethesda game.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 6/26/2012 2:37:45 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, I've heard that from a buddy of mine as well.

I guess my fear is that I know how incredibly frustrated I get when the game reaches a breakable state. I had that with a copy of Xenogears way back in the PS1 era where I couldn't get past a certain point. It drove me mad… lol

For me, I'm just really pensive about the risk factor I guess.

12 years ago

That's understandable. Have you started Fallout 3?

12 years ago

I did. I played it for a while, but never finished it. I did lots of side missions as I went. I got into the big city and did some stuff there, but I haven't gone any further yet.

12 years ago

Underdog, I had the same problem…with Heavy Rain. For the life of me, I can't get a single ending, much less all 26 (?). It's really disheartening, because I love QD's approach so much.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/27/2012 6:11:28 AM

12 years ago

Bethesdas concepts are fantastic, however there execution is amongst the worst in the industry. They still haven't figured out how to program a game properly, as many will tell you the issues with their games is not limited to the PS3, nor this generation. The PS3 just gets the least amount of attention from Bethesda magnifying the issues ten-fold.

I have enjoyed playing their games and at the same time will break their hands if I ever meet them in real life. The issues with them also didn't start with this generation, I have experienced game breaking glitches with them as far back as the PS1(Star Trek: Invasion). I refuse to buy Skyrim until they release the GoTY edition which is a standard with them, and even then I will wait for it to either have a price cut or I will just buy it used.

The day they make a game that doesn't break my system, cause me to do a hard reset multiple times, or require me to save every ten minutes is the day I will actually call myself a fan of theirs again.

12 years ago

Hire playtesters!

12 years ago

Come on do you really expect a company to do the common sense/right thing?;D

I have said this a couple times, look at the end credits of almost any game this gen and notice the absolute lack of a QA department. Sure most have a couple or maybe even as many as ten, but go back to older games before patches were available and look at how many testers and QA people they had then, sometimes hundreds. It is a sign of big business cutting costs in the wrong places.

12 years ago

Sh*t rolls down hill, as long as the big shots make their millions who cares about quality (ahem cod multiplayer cheaters)

12 years ago

BTW, the new Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim comes out for Xbox today. PC and PS3 owners have to wait a month still for it. Microsoft is annoying…

12 years ago

I don't really get the timed stuff myself… It makes me less likely to re-invest in an xbox. I don't like that kind of practice.

12 years ago

Could turn to be a bless in disguise, now they have more time to test it.

12 years ago

…but will they bother?

12 years ago

Given the choice, I'm not sure why any1 would want to play something on a console over a decent PC.

12 years ago

I agree about Skyrim in particular, but most of Bethesda's games that I've played on PS3 are Excellent. I love Fallout3 and I consider it to be one of the greatest games of the decade.
Still If anyone wants to see someone mock the fu** out of the ps3 version of Skyrim then check this out it's hilarious.

12 years ago

Don't know about you guys but when I saw Todd Howard's face on an episode of Qore, I wanted to kneelift him over and over again.

He represents your typical lazy American programmer who will bring the video game industry to a crash. Making games for the lowest common de-nominator and then porting them to the PS3 and PC is his way of giving PS3 owners the finger. Don't think the 360 is exempt when it comes to their software. Fallout: New Vegas on the 360 had a number of issues as well.

How Bethesda continues to be rewarded for their laziness is an example of what's going horribly wrong in the video game industry. Then again, they're proud to cater to a bunch of pizza-faced tween boys who would rather play video games 18 hours a day instead of thinking about their futures.

I will not buy a Bethesda game for any platform. They are a joke and too many morons refuse to realize it.

12 years ago

I miss fallout for some reason…

12 years ago

You are not alone.

12 years ago

this is one thing that REALLY irks me!
why is bugthesda the only ones who always get ripped for releasing buggy ps3 games?
PG have done the same, and bioware have always done the same too.
ME2 was one of THE BUGGIEST games ive EVER played!
dragon age 2 was not much better, nor was ME3!
bugthesda are HARDLY the only studio out there that keep giving the ps3 the short end of the stick!

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