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DUST 514 Mercenary Pack: Weapons, Armor, Beta Access

Well, this is mildly interesting.

When we first started talking about CCP's MMOFPS DUST 514 , the developers mentioned an initial "cover charge" that consumers would pay to download the game. However, since that time DUST 514 has become free-to-play, so if you don't wish to pay right off the bat, you don't have to.

And yet, that "cover charge" appears to be an option…in the form of the Mercenary Pack, which should be available today on the PlayStation Network. This pack offers plenty of exclusive items, such as additional armor and weapons and best of all, an all-access pass to the closed beta test being conducted throughout the summer. Interestingly enough, it also includes 4,000 Aurum, which is the game's currency. That translates to $20, the same price as that "cover charge" we were going to see, and the price of the Mercenary Pack.

So like, you can get into the beta ahead of time and you get a bunch of extra stuff others won't get (at least, not immediately). Maybe they just decided that without the $20 entry fee, they'd find another way to charge $20 for something . But hey, it's still free-to-play, so why complain?

Related Game(s): DUST 514

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12 years ago's not worth it and the game itself isn't nearly as smooth as the gameplay videos display. For those interested..I'd wait until the closed beta is over…

12 years ago

the current bet a is an OLD build.. kinda like how the battlefield 3 beta was compared to the actual release.. thats why the current dust beta sucks…. theyll be switching over to the NEW build (the one you see in the trailers) this friday… go play that one then tell us how bad it is :p

12 years ago

Actually, it should be 5000 Aurum. which is the 20 dollar Aurum value amount.

This is a REAL beta. Not a server stress test beta like what most PS3 players are accustomed to participating in. Dust is months away from being ready for an official release. Textures and frame rate fixes are part of the next Beta Build.

12 years ago

Ya but what i heard it really need is better control and less hp/armor , supposed to take too long to kill somebody so it appear it s mostly the sidestep dance going on .

Last edited by berserk on 6/26/2012 11:24:43 AM

12 years ago


I'm not sure how much I can say without breaking the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) but…

The controls are fine, it was mostly framerate and hit detection issues, which should improve with the new build. Personally, I had no problems with the shooting mechanics. As to the point about taking too long to kill someone, that wasn't an issue for me (except against the Heavy Dropsuit build, but they're supposed to have a lot of armor hp).

12 years ago

Yeah $20 is 5,000 Aurum so you can see they knocked off a thousand and put in the extras instead.


The control is fine and the only suits that need Shield/Armor buffering are the Heavies. The control to some seems like an issue but that is due to frame rate and lag issues not the actual controls.

12 years ago

oh come on hell no, the extra armour and health is the best part about the game!
its actually a fight instead of a i saw you first so i win!
the higher armour and health is the best part of the game!

12 years ago

Free to play is good for MMOs, it should stay there.

12 years ago

I'm still not sure how I feel about this game. The concept looks cool, but I don't know. I find I just don't get excited about shooter games anymore. I buy one, play through it, try a little online, and then put it on the shelf.

In all honesty, I've gotten more gameplay and enjoyment over a 10 dollar download game then I ever have with any FPS that I own to date…

I get the feeling whether they work the bugs out of this game or not, I'll probably be passing on it and most any other shooter that might come out for a little while. I know some FPS fans won't like my comment, but this is just my opinions, I feel as though lately every FPS I've bought have been very underwhelming and not worth full price…and a game that is "free to play"? I still don't buy it….

Last edited by CH1N00K on 6/26/2012 11:08:04 AM

12 years ago

Well I believe it's free to download so you might as well give it a go.

12 years ago

Ahh, is this pvp or pve? I'll only get an answer if I fork over the 20, really?

12 years ago

welcome to transaction territory.

12 years ago

There is no PvE(at this time) so there is your answer.

12 years ago

eh, not the greatest value for money but not the worst either.
cant wait till they switch over to the newer build, its starting to get REALLY boring!

12 years ago

Better be more then one map , for now the game is not good enough to have fun with only one , at least for me .Hopefully not more desert in the next one .

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