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Crytek Boss: “I Love TimeSplitters, But The Publishers Don’t”

Honestly, nobody really knows what will happen if the TimeSplitters 4 Facebook campaign is successful.

Obviously, the fans know what they want, and Crytek – the team that absorbed original TimeSplitters developer Free Radical – knows what they want, too. The only problem is that despite Crytek boss Cevat Yerli's love of the now-classic FPS franchise, publishers just haven't gone for it in the past. So if TS4 does come to fruition, it may have to be through the developer's free-to-play model, GFACE, which all future projects should utilize at Crytek.

In speaking to Videogamer , Yerli said publishers just haven't bitten at the idea of a new TimeSplitters effort.

"I wish we would develop it. We can’t develop it the way Free Radical had started it before we acquired them. When we looked at it – and again, I love TimeSplitters, I’m a huge TimeSplitters fan particularly of the multiplayer part. I love the idea, I love the brand, I love everything – but the publishers don’t. That’s reality. And I don’t want to spend our own money on the project in a retail business.

"So let me say it this way: I love the picture of a TimeSplitters running on GFACE. So if we get enough fans, being loud enough…"

The only problem is that some gamers aren't big fans of the free-to-play model, as they're concerned about the microtransaction approach, which could result in a game that is only a shadow of past entries (unless we pay, of course). What's your take on the issue?

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12 years ago

I say just "split" off a small team and make the darned thing at a low cost. Never mind the publishers, put it on the network and see if it makes money.

12 years ago

If they're going to try to self-publish (and I actually doubt that they do), they could put up a Kickstarter for it. Theres at least one game that's cleared $10M there and if the TS fan base is as large and supportive as it seems, then I don't see how Crytek couldn't beat that figure.

12 years ago

Someone in here said the honchos were against that, it was beneath them or something.

12 years ago

Just give us a HD version and add online to it! That would probably be the ONLY shooter that would get me to play online. For some reason I kick ass in it.

12 years ago

That wouldn't be to tricky. After all, TimeSplitters: Future Perfect had an online mode.

I personally would love another gamer but sadly it looks like Crytek have just taken free radical and wasted them on these Crysis games… really sad turn of events.

12 years ago

Like dmiitrie just said above, Crytek only needs to start a kickstarter fund. And then they can "blank" all those clueless publishers.

12 years ago

I was glad to read that Homefront 2 wasn't being affected by the THQ problems.

12 years ago

cervat REALLY needs to get over his ego issues and start up a kickstarter fund!
hes worried how it would look for a larger company such as theirs to do it, but for the love of god who gives a flying f*ck!?
dude, get over yourself, if you really loved timesplitters you would be doing everything possible to get it out there!

12 years ago

Balls to the free to play. Balls to the over complication of a used-to-be simple approach to games and big balls to half assed product.

12 years ago

Would they have approaced Sony with the idea of another Timesplitters? Sony is usually game for anything, will give Sony a kickass exclusive if crytek pull it off?

12 years ago

Why don't they just get a kickstarter going? I love this franchise and had a blast with my buddies MP in this game more than anything, even over Goldeneye. I know there are a lot of fans still waiting who would support it.

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