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Okami HD Revealed, To Support 1080p HD, PlayStation Move

Now this is a game that should really benefit from glorious high-definition.

You know you're going to want it. Thanks to Famitsu and several Japanese sources, we've learned that the artistically accomplished and critically acclaimed PS2 title, Okami , is being remade in high-def for the PS3.

The new version will be called "Okami Zekkie-ban," which translates to "Okami: Magnificent Edition," and it will boast 1080p HD, PlayStation Move support, and although it hasn't been confirmed, we're going to go out on a limb and say Trophies will be included as well. The Move is a nice touch because that can be used as a paintbrush in the game. It seems Okami HD will be ready to go on November 1 in the Land of the Rising Sun, and those who pick up a first-run copy will get a voucher code to download the digital version of "Okami: A Caricature of Beasts," a Japanese book adaptation of the game's plot.

As for North America and Europe, gamers in those territories can expect a digital version of Okami HD , which should retail for $19.99. Along with Shadow of the Colossus , we're talking about one of the prettiest games of the PS2 generation, so…yeah, this is sweet.

Related Game(s): Okami

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12 years ago

This is such good news. What a good price for one of the best games last gen, and now in glorious HD. The trailer obviously exaggerated the gap between the graphics comparison, but still, this is the perfect game to make into HD.

Running through the areas and making things bloom are gonna look so pretty. I can't wait to get to Ryoshima Coast and bask in the glory of it all while listening to the awesome in game music. Gaming news hasn't made me giddy with anticipation recently, but this announcement sure did!

I said this another post, but I was imagining a couple days ago how awesome it would be if this game got an HD facelift and what do you know! I willed it to happen. The gaming world owes me some thanks! No, not to the developers! To me, who single-handedly utilized all of my karma reserves to will it so.

12 years ago

But now your zen powers are reduced to zero, better start helping people!

12 years ago

Uh oh. I have to start doing nice things again? Dammit….

12 years ago

I remember watching my sister play Okami (she's an artist) and it looked really cool. I just never got around to playing it myself.

I will definitely get this when it comes out. I think I'll appreciate it more now than I would have then anyway.

12 years ago

IMO, Okami was the most beautifully artistic game to come out of the PS2 era.

And now that it's being HD enhanced & with 51 trophies too it's going to become even more majestic.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/20/2012 11:24:32 AM

12 years ago

F*ck yes.

12 years ago

Love this game! I think it would work really well with the Move.
I would definitely recommend it if you didn't get a chance to play on the ps2!

12 years ago

Wow, 1080p, PlayStation Move support, AND a platinum trophy?! I'm impressed. Capcom learned from their mistake with Resident Evil 4 HD.

I'm definitely picking this game up Day 1! Take my money, Capcom. But only $20 of it. Not really interested in anything else you have to offer (unless you release a Viewtiful Joe HD Collection too).

12 years ago

I like how when people talk it looks like someone is squishing their head.

12 years ago

decent. one of my biggest gaming regrets is never playing this on PS2. ( it came out when i was like 15 and i pretty much just lived off GTA back then xD) but i won't miss it a 2nd time!

12 years ago

One of my favorite games of all time. I still have my PS2 copy

12 years ago

Looks like I'm gonna have my second Capcom game for this console generation. Technically speaking, both Capcom games that I bought (or will be buying) are both HD remakes: Resident Evil 4 and Okami.

Anyway, this is an automatic buy for me. And for $19.99, that's a bargain! I would pay $60 for this because it's easily among the best games I played on the PS2.

12 years ago

Wonder if they will have this on one of those HD collection Discs…
I still prefer my PHYSICAL copies of games.
How can something that is 100% virtual achieve true Magnificence!

Banky A
Banky A
12 years ago

flippin' gangster. im so eager to get this since i never bought it on ps2. definitely my type of culture

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