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Anarchy Won’t Reign In North America Until Early 2013

The delays are piling up and action fans are getting a little frustrated. Well, action fans in North America, anyway. This news doesn't effect the lucky Japanese gamers.

Platinum Games' Anarchy Reigns was initially expected to launch later last year but has since been pushed several times. The latest put the anticipated title's launch date at July 5 for Japan and a vague "summer 2012" for North America and Europe. We were okay with that, but-

Now, while the Japanese date remains, Sega has "reevaluated" the launch for other territories. In a simple update that offers no explanation, the publisher tossed up the following on their Twitter page :

"The release of Anarchy Reigns has been re-evaluated. We now expect to launch in Europe and America in Q1 of 2013."

If you've forgotten, the game is an all-out, balls-to-the-wall action extravaganza that boasts multiple recognizable faces from past Platinum titles (Bayonetta included) and wicked intense online multiplayer entertainment. …or so we've heard. We won't be able to verify that until next year. Patience is a virtue.

Related Game(s): Anarchy Reigns

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12 years ago

It would be nice if they gave a reason.

12 years ago

It's going to take some time to extract Bayo and the gang and turn them into costly DLC.

12 years ago

Not to be a pain but is anyone actually frustrated that this isn't out and/or is delayed?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I'm not.

12 years ago

Actually I'm ready to quit my job and break up with my girlfriend once the game comes out, so yes, it affected me greatly. I guess I'll have to wait on those…

12 years ago

Kudos! Now you get a few more paychecks and late night rendezvous right up into 2013.

12 years ago

I hate money. I want to stick it to the system while fist-pumping the air. I want to "Occupy" stuff while playing Anarchy Reigns.

12 years ago

i guess me caring about this game just got delayed even more.

12 years ago

wonder if thats accurate or not because EB are adamant its coming on the 7th.
eh, whatever SEGA has not released a good game for decades so to be frank we could not of lost less!

gotta love SEGA though, they b*tch and whine that their games sell so poorly outside of JP and they use that to threaten and excuse not bring them over.
yet when they finally do there shoddy ports, poor games, and released in such a busy month!
the ONE time they actually get the release timing right, theres so few games coming out next month, they delay it!
how much you wanna bet this will eventually release on the same day as a big game like bioshock infinite or GTAV?
oh well SEGA, just dont play your usual this is why we dont want to port games over card.
maybe if your games were not so sh*t, poorly localized, and poorly timed they would not sell so badly!
so, so, depressing to see what was one of the biggest companies in gaming to fall so far!
from the genesis to this, my god could you get any more dramatic!?

12 years ago

I have to admit it takes balls to make a multiplayer beat em up when people really only seem to want shoot em up multiplayer games.

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