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Rainbow Moon Set For July, DLC And 45 Screenshots Revealed

For old-school role-playing buffs, this is one game that sits high on the priority list.

We learned about Rainbow Moon last year; the latest from Eastasiasoft, it boasts a mix of turn-based strategy and traditional RPG elements. The anticipated title also boasts an artistic style that has mostly been relegated to the digital realm this generation, but still remains quite charming and appealing in the eyes of many.

Now, we know the wait is almost over: It was announced today that Rainbow Moon will launch in Europe and Australia (and other SCEE regions) on July 4 for the price of €12.99/£9.99. That's the only exact date we have, but we do know that North American gamers will get the game in July, and the price tag will sit at $14.99. The developers are even prepping "free and premium DLC" for the first month; you can learn all about it – as well as view 45 new screenshots – at the game's official website . Fair warning: It may spark major nostalgia pangs.

It goes without saying that I can't wait to try this one.

Related Game(s): Rainbow Moon

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12 years ago

Is this a downloadable title? I assume so.

Either way, I hadn't heard of this title until now! I'm excited to try it out!

12 years ago

heh cant wait.. also the EU release date has actually been announced since Last Tuesday infact.. almost a whole week :p

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

You're a big fan of telling me when things were announced.

The press release arrived today, if that's all right with you.

12 years ago

im a big fan of telling you when things were announced? please feel free to refresh my memory then because this is the only time I can recall making such a statement… now I can definitely admit to being guilty of plenty of other things though.

And yes the press release did arrive today however Eastasiasoft even said themselves "things like press releases have to be reviewed and improved before we can release them, however things like our official forums, facebook or twitter need no such "due process" so we can release information through those outlets in a faster manner."

which in this case was Last Tuesday when they said through both Facebook and their official Forums that EU release was July 4th whereas SCEA is still doing QA on the US version so theres no set release date yet as Sony is holding them up but they hope to have it to the US by the 10th or 17th theyll know something for sure by the end of this week though.

12 years ago

This isn't the first time I've seen a post about this game on this website. In fact, I learned about it from here, and I've been following them on facebook for a long time.

As for me, I have no issues with a press site waiting for a press release to detail things like this.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Why are you telling me all that as if I didn't already know?

I get how this works. Been doing it for a while. Thanks.

12 years ago

well to answer your question short and simply. Because your first comment seemed to suggest that I was incorrect in my first statement and that the press release is the only "correct" source of information. so anything that was said BEFORE that was nothing but lies, speculation or rumor thus infact the release date was indeed announced TODAY and not a week ago.

12 years ago

Why must there be comments attempting to correct or troll Ben? I just don't get it. Troll and correct us posters, we hardly put any effort into what makes this site so great.

12 years ago

lol Im not trolling.. I actually like Ben (just ask highlander lol) its only if i dont talk to/bother you THEN you should be worried

12 years ago

Oh leave him alone, who amongst us didn't think it was odd that the Lords of Shadow 2 trailer was out for a week before PSXE said it was announced?

12 years ago

I never accused you of trolling duo. You were correcting Ben though and nitpicking his article instead of giving a valid comment that would lead to a discussion. It's not nice.

12 years ago

Well, for whatever reason their site is blocked by my employer's content security system…

Either way, the screen shot you provided makes it look like the artstyle is sprite based, but not. Almost like the characters are 3D chibi's instead of thwe 2D chibi style sprite based characters we see in older titles (and even some titles of this generation like Record of Agarest War). Looks interesting.

12 years ago

Wow!! For a price that cheap, I will definitely be trying out this little gem!!

RPG's really need to make a comeback. I'm sick of seeing first person and third person shooters everywhere. I haven't got Max Payne 3, and I have little interest in Aliens Colonial Marines or Borderlands 2, or even Farcry 3! And I have zero interest in Medal of Honor Warfighter and Black Ops 2. I have a military shooter on each platform I own. I'm good in that genre until the next generation of consoles.

Rainbow Moon has now been added to my wishlist. Like Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episode 2, I'm really looking forward to getting all nostalgic and playing a new game with old but gold and brilliantly solid mechanics. Just 1 more month! 🙂

12 years ago

Rune Factory
Atelier series
Hyperdimension Neptunia
Tales of…
Valkyrie Chronicles
Ar Tonelico Qoga
Record of Agarest War series
Star Ocean 4
Eternal Sonata
White Knight Chronicles 1 & 2 (yes, I still play this)
There are many others beyond this, and that's without delving into the FF games.

12 years ago

I just test played Hard Corps: Uprising, if you want nostalgia it is a total Contra homage.

12 years ago

heh highlander i didnt know they put rune factory on PS3.. but yeah Im gonna pretend i dont see star ocean 4 on that list :p

12 years ago

LOL Duo, why ever would you say that? SO4 is a decent (if buggy) game. Though it does take a lot of endurance to finish.

12 years ago

Hardcorps is amazing up until the very end. Me and my friend played it on the hardcore setting and got to the "stealth" part at the end. Lets just say that the game seems to break at that point. Up until then its awesome though, I looooooove contra.

12 years ago

Os4 decent? umm decent games dont put me to sleep

12 years ago

LOL, like I said, endurance is required to complete it. It was boring towards the end. I looked up the endings on you tube… 😛

12 years ago

Ya gotta appreciate efforts like this in this day and age.

12 years ago

I'm going to buy this, Day1 for sure.

12 years ago

Will this be playable on the Vita?

12 years ago

Currently, no.

12 years ago

That's a downer.

12 years ago

I was looking at some of the screenshots and one character had a level of 219. This is a def D1P. Ben right about the old school feel. Also like that you can swtich out the lead character.

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