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Sign The TimeSplitters 4 Facebook Fan Page…Or We’ll Find You

TimeSplitters was an awesome franchise. And it's too bad that developer Free Radical went kaput after the ill-fated Haze .

But the good news is that Crytek snapped up the Free Radical guys, and they're taking notice of a TimeSplitters 4 Facebook fan page .

The goal is to get 100,000 signatures and if that happens…well, there's no guarantee that Crytek will immediately start work on a new TimeSplitters , but at least the fans would've made their point. One ex Free Radical employee, Graeme Norgate (a music composer on past TS titles), said he'd contribute a victory theme song if they hit that goal, and a senior Crytek artist says he'll toss in a character design for the series if the page gets more than 1,000 Likes. …oops wait, already happened! Better get drawin, buddy.

Okay, so it's true that a cartoony shooter like TimeSplitters might have a tough time in this new landscape of totally authentic, gritty, bloody, hard-hitting FPSs. But if the fanbase is still there, we don't have a problem…right?

Oh, and here's a Tweet from Crytek boss Cevat Yerli:

"I had 2 interviews that provoked this question, how big is the Timesplitters Community? Let me hear you!! TS2 rocks, one of my alltime favs!"

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12 years ago

Maybe it can be parlayed into a kickstarter deal, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of future games are begun and/or funded by grass roots efforts.

12 years ago

that was already discussed and declined in a interview.
cervat said their too big a company and how it would look on them to look at kickstarter.
just makes it sound like it would hurt his ego…….

12 years ago

What a baby.

12 years ago

Done…..signed the petition, then re-tweeted request directly to Crytek CEO, & also re-tweeted this thread onto my own Twitter too.

12 years ago

It has been sorely missed this generation I would really love for Timesplitters to make a come back – It's one of the only FPS's I can actually enjoy (The military ones just bore me..)

If this actually seems like it's going somewhere I'll sign – but if it's just one of those fans petitions which gets ignored – meh.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

With Crytek going F2P… Can't say I'd be interested. Maybe if it turned out as a proper retail release. Guess all I can say is "Find me Ben!" Shouldn't say that though, there's a whole LOT of trees around here ;P

12 years ago

Keep away from the pines.

12 years ago

There deffo hasn't been enough shooters this gen with a focus on just having fun. One of the (many) reasons I like Starhawk is it doesn't take itself too seriously, and its mechanics seem more weighted towards fun, than to being serious military shooter #28.

12 years ago

Fun is good.

12 years ago

im afraid i have to put this with the FFXII, crash bandicoot, syphon filter games.
IE no matter how many people scream at the top of their lungs for it its NEVER going to happen!

12 years ago

FFXII happened years ago, it wasn't bad either 😉

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/18/2012 11:56:40 AM

12 years ago

yes, yes, you knew what i meant smart a$$!

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