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Rockstar Hatches Plan To Deal With Max Payne 3 Cheaters

Okay cheaters, Rockstar would like to have a word with you.

Some players have complained about cheating in the Max Payne 3 multiplayer experience, and the developer has responded . Essentially, those utilizing "nefarious methods" to gain the edge are going to be in big trouble…and they deserve it.

The official statement reads as follows:

"Anyone found to have used hacked saves, modded games, or other exploits to gain an unfair advantage in Max Payne 3 Multiplayer, or to circumvent the leaderboards will be quarantined from all other players into a 'Cheaters Pool', where they'll only be able to compete in multiplayer matches with other confirmed miscreants. In the event we decide to absolve any of these cheaters for their past transgressions they may re-enter play with the general public, however a second offense will result in their indefinite banishment. In either case, we will be removing invalid leaderboard entries to ensure that the players at the top of the charts have earned their spots fairly."

Gotta love that part about a second offense meaning immediate and permanent banishment. If you come into contact with any MP3 cheaters, follow the instructions through the link above, and make sure you provide Rockstar with the platform, the offender's Gamertag/ID, a description of what happened and if you can, concrete evidence of the transgression by way of video or screen capture.

Filthy cheaters.

Related Game(s): Max Payne 3

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12 years ago

Never fully understood the whole cheating in an online game, the reason you play online is to meet people and see how you stack up against other players…I know it sounds cliched, but if you're using a cheat, you're really only cheating yourself, and showing that you don't have the skills to be able to play.

Although I guess I've kind of developed a different mentality. If I'm not good enough to compete with the online elite, I play a different game. 😛

12 years ago

I'm an admin on several Counter Strike servers and when it gets rather late I do like to use my admin tools to mess with people that are being jerks. It can be a lot of fun to have an edge others don't if you're just messing around.

12 years ago

The fact that someone has left you in control of anything both horrifies and terrifies me…lol

12 years ago

LOL! Well one of the servers I pay $5 a month for admin rights and the other one I've been online gaming with since 99. I'm amazing at Counter Strike but haven't played in forever…StarCraft2 takes up all my PC time.

But ya…I know what you mean, I'm 0 to 60.

12 years ago


Yeah, I don't understand it either.
You can't be true to anything, if you can't even be true to yourself. To me they're nothing more than scumbags, who probably play out everything their real life in that same screwed up manner too.

I mean why even spend $60 just to speed through a game by cheating, rather than get a real true game fulfillment?

So, even though I'm basically a SP mode player, I'm still glad to see the cheaters pay the price, & no matter what else that happens to them, that they're at least wiped out on any & all leader-boards.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/13/2012 10:32:18 PM

12 years ago

Now if they'd only hatch a fix for the plagued connection problems, they might actually have a multiplayer game worth playing. As it is they're staying quiet about when it'll be fixed. Hopefully soon.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

Where's the new avatar from?

12 years ago

I wanted a Dark Souls image so I googled one.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

Looks awesome.

12 years ago

I thought the MP of MaxPayne 3 was the best multiplayer I've played on a console for a 3rd person game. I'd suggest anyone that enjoyed the MP in Uncharted to check it out. You can still use bullet time in MP.

12 years ago

That's a great way of handling the cheaters. It seems everybody has a lag switch these days.

From my perspective everybody who plays online is cheating because they are 2,467,938 times better than me so there's no point in playing.

12 years ago

they must suk at MP3 if they need to cheat.

devs need to bring in an old system where you don't have to send
a report or vote to have a player kicked.
let the host have the option to kick

12 years ago

finally, a developer with half a brain!
so many people spend so much time trying to undo bans so people can continue playing their games, so its about bloody time someone created a cheaters pool!
they want to cheat than fine, put them in a pool with other cheaters and let them stew in their own crap.
banning them completely from playing the game helps no one!
they create ways to circumvent that and continue playing and f*cking up everyone elses good time!
cough BF3 and their useless punkbuster system!
how many times have people had their accounts banned, so they hack it and appear as a mod continuing to play the game and actually banning legitimate user accounts!

12 years ago

How about this, once a cheater is caught, only cheaters play in the cheaters pool.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 6/14/2012 11:46:01 AM

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