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Oddworld Remake Isn’t Only About HD, It’s A Full-Fledged Reboot

At first, we thought it would only be a high-definition overhaul.

But that was fine by us. After all, you don't see many HD remakes of original PS1 titles (if any, in fact), and Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey is a true-blue masterful classic.

However, it appears developer Oddworld Inhabitants has decided to take a step beyond the simple HD update. According to the team's Facebook page , they've decided to issue a reboot rather than the same game with a prettier exterior.

"We decided to reboot it, not just an HD update to the original PS1 title, this is a NEW game. It will be getting it's first public showing LATER this year, with a release date of NEXT summer (2013)."

They did add that it's still "a remake of the original PS1 title," but they're only using the first title as a blueprint and are "starting from scratch." Wow, so what should we expect? We're dearly hoping they keep the same gameplay formula, as unpopular as that may prove to be among mainstream gamers. The original puzzle/adventure concept was just so good. Challenging, unique, and engaging.

At any rate, it's nice to see a little ambition and drive in a developer. Now, if we could only get Square Enix to adopt this mindset for PS1 remakes…

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Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

Cant wait
i loved the temples levels where you got chased by paramites and scrabs.
…oohh and slogs love slogs

12 years ago

a full reboot?? Nice. I loved the first 2 oddworlds on PS1.

12 years ago

My only problem with the original that Oddworld Inhabitants fortunately corrected in the sequel "Abe's Exoddus" is lack of quicksave. That RUINED that game for me when I tried to free all 99 Mudokons.

Other than that, it's a masterpiece. Love it. I'm anxiously awaiting Just Add Water to finish and release Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD and then start production on Abe's Oddysee HD (reboot) or whatever they call it.

12 years ago

I liked the old Oddworlds, I hope this turns out to be just as fun…

12 years ago

Never got into Oddworld.

12 years ago

Oddworld ends with you?

12 years ago

I'm very happy to see Oddworld getting back on its feet. It was so sad to watch them waste away under the heel of Microsoft and EA.

I wonder what ever happened to the Citizen Seige project they were developing?

12 years ago

figures, the one game i was really looking forward to is now not happening!
why does it have to be changed?
50 bucks says this will be a totally new IP with NOTHING to do with oddworld!
for the love of god for once can we just have a old game remade in HD?
so sick of publishers saying ok were going to do a sequel or a remake but it cant be a remake, it has to be totally different!
cough this, cough syndicate, cough XCOM, cough ape escape, cough NFS MW2, ect, ect.

i wish next gen manufactures release dev kits to anyone and let anyone create the games you want to play!
id kill to be able to play old classics just in todays lick of paint!
old appocalypse, oddworld, pandemonium, spyro, crash, gex, looney tunes, simpsons wrestling, so many awesome games out there screaming for a HD remake!
if we have to wait for proper developers to make them were going to be waiting till the last guardian releases!

12 years ago

YES YES YES!!! F*** YESSSS!!! My favourite game of all time (well its actually a 3 way tie between Abe's Oddysee/Exodus, Final Fantasy X and the Kingdom Hearts series) is receiving the treatment it so desrves, I can die happily now. I hope they do the same for Exodus afterwards. Damn, next year is gonna b the best year in gaming solely due to this title for me. Fantastic news.

12 years ago

Then again cant die yet still need to play FFX HD and hopefully someday KH3.

12 years ago

Also bit worried that they might change the formula, I want this to be a full on remake not an adaptation to today's so called 'standards' towards gameplay formulas. This should still be Abe's Oddysee damnit, with all the stealth, environmental puzzles, hidden secrets, gamespeak and charming humour intact and unchanged.

12 years ago

Follow me.
Stop! wait.

I can't wait!

Why can't Abe be in All Star Battle Royale? He got many skills…

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