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THQ Forced To Sell Off UFC License

Two million copies sold just isn't enough anymore. At least, not in some cases.

THQ did pretty well with the Ultimate Fighting license but now, the company has sold the exclusive license to Electronic Arts because the latest franchise entry, UFC Undisputed 3 , didn't even break even, despite the fact that it sold over 2 million units.

This is what THQ told Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter and it's depressing, because the title in question was the third best-selling game of February. Furthermore, at the time, THQ noted that such sales were "better than expected." So it's a little strange that it still didn't allow the developer – THQ's San Diego studio – to break even. Obviously, the license sale means layoffs have hit THQ.

For now, the publisher will try releasing "low-cost triple-A titles," such as the upcoming South Park: The Stick of Truth , which is slated to launch in March 2013. The game doesn't require as big of a budget but again, the break-even point is 2 million sold…does this sound a little off to anyone else?

Related Game(s): UFC Undisputed 3

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Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

I bet the "low-cost" South Park title will sell a lot more than UFC: Undisputed 3 did. How ironic.

12 years ago

I think THQ's days may be numbered. They've got Saint's Row working for them and what else? They killed Red Faction. I have hopes for Homefront 2 but I doubt the sales will be massive.

12 years ago

It sad to hear that South Park is going to be a low budget game, my excitement for the game just went down 🙁

12 years ago

think about it though the south park cartoon is low budget in itself. its not high end computer graphics. if they are keeping it true to the show they do not have to get all crazy with the visuals.

12 years ago

Why would they need some crazy budget on it?

12 years ago

I'm not saying I thought it would have a skyrim high budget but kind of a mid-high one. Maybe I'm being paranoid but when I hear low budget I see a horrible movie tie in game.

12 years ago

I love the UFC games 3 is my favorite one still play it on a weekly basis, but now I'm worried EA is gonna ruin it. EA MMA sucked.

12 years ago

I play #3 a lot too. It's pretty fun. I didn't think EA MMA was that bad. IMO UFC has the better striking component than EA MMA and EA MMA has the better ground game component with transitions and submissions. I hate the transition controls sometimes in UFC and the "shining" was awful, glad they got rid of it.

12 years ago

i will be buying south park on day one.

12 years ago

this is exactly why THQ is in such financial trouble!
there almost as bad as $ony when it comes to seeing the financial potential in something!
devils third case in point, they have a new IP from one of the most beloved and best game designers in the industry!
creator of 2 of the best series ever created!
and in a genre which is deserted, and allot of people really want!
in short it should sell really well, so there trying to get rid of it!
but games like WWE which cost a bomb to make especially in licensing fees, and never really sell well they keep.
what the?
this game does not cost much to make, and will sell through the roof so lets sell it off.
this series never sells well, and always costs a bomb to make so lets continue driving ourselves into the ground.
its almost like they want to go bankrupt!

12 years ago

I know it's not exactly a fair comparison in production values, but 3D dot game heroes only sold about 440k, and Atlus was extremely happy with that.

Just sayin'.

12 years ago

I don't like UFC, and this is one of the reasons why. I probably dislike EA more so as well.

Because well, UFC made attempts and also made threats to their sports-personnel in order to hold down EA's MMA game whilst EA would make jokes (valid jokes though) on how inefficiently arcady THQ's installments were in their title.

And just like Dana White, who tries unreasonably tarnishing anyone not participating within the UFC until they join UFC (in which they instantly become the UFC's next hype machine), the same can be said with EA's agreement with Zuffa to join forces and not hold any awkward relations after their previous disputes. Well UFC 3 sales were stale and Zuffa did purchase Strikeforce. That's logical business I suppose.

But when business starts invading the realms of art, we know it all goes to sh*t. Just like all industries these days. Death to Consumerism.

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