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Rumor: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Gets Dated At TGS 2012

Most rumors concerning Final Fantasy Versus XIII fall flat. Take for instance the recent one that said the long-awaited title had suddenly become Final Fantasy XV .

And because the franchise in question was basically a no-show at E3 this year, the fans remain mostly in the dark. However, E3 isn't necessarily the place for Square Enix (or other Japanese developers) to hit the gaming world with big news; they often save that for the Tokyo Game Show, which comes around in the late summer/early fall.

This year's TGS will run between September 20 and 23 and according to a tip we've received from someone who claims to have heard the news "in passing" on the E3 showroom floor, Square Enix will provide a date for Final Fantasy Versus XIII at that time. This tipster did not overhear an actual date; just the "fact" that the date will be revealed at TGS this year. The person who said it is a Square Enix executive of some note, although he wouldn't give us the name for some reason.

Anyway, as is the case with any and all tips from anonymous sources, take this with a grain of salt. Just bear in mind that it certainly seems plausible…or maybe we're just being hopeful.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

My dog licked the butt of another dog who once mated with Kojima's bitch. He told me that MGS 5 is in development. It's going to be exclusive to the PS4, which won't be a traditional console, but a pill you ingest everyday to keep your mind suspended in a perpetual gaming universe. The future is here.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

If you have a problem with rumors, I suggest signing up at every other gaming website on earth and mocking them as well.

12 years ago

Ha you tell him Ben.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

I thought PSXE aspired to higher standards of gaming "journalism" than most of the other internet gaming websites.

12 years ago

And I thought you dudes from the forums were supposed to be intelligent! XD

We all know how that one turned out! I got bored after I owned Spartan so badly. Haven't been there in a while. Too much yawning. It's funny watching a puppy try so hard to reach something. But after a few seconds of watching it try so hard, it gets boring enough that most people just give them what they want, pat them on the head, then move on.

And that's how my forum career ended. But you're still cute! I swear!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/9/2012 4:09:04 PM

12 years ago

@Sir Shak A website that just covers Sony game consoles and you think they'll not eat up any game rumor related to their console? I love this site personally because it has a bias towards Sony all the time but it's a good read and everyone eats up rumors regardless of what journalism you look at (celebrities, gaming, technology). Rumors = Page hits

12 years ago

Ding!..the gloves are off, the bell has rung, yet here we go again….

Last edited by CH1N00K on 6/9/2012 5:03:29 PM

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

Underdog, first of all, what does your comment have to do with what I said up there?

Secondly, I've been a member of this site far longer than you, so calling me "one of the people from the forum" is just plain stupid, which seems to be a virtue in your world.

Finally, are you seriously basking in the glory of "winning" an argument on the internet? Really man? I think you need to re-consider your spectrum of pride when an internet ownage is what you go around brandishing on a completely irrelevant thread, let alone the fact that you might want to consider the outside chance that the said person was just fed up of sifting through stupid bullshit in order to form a counter argument. But wait, that's not possible. After all, you are an "academic". 🙂

That kind of reporting used to be scoffed at on this site a few years ago.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

GameSpot, IGN, Kotaku, and all the biggest sites in existence report on rumors. All of them do. It's called news. In no way does posting a rumor lower any sort of "standard."

Don't like it Shak? Don't comment. You honestly believe you're somehow in the right in this case, and people don't have the right to speak up? You really think that wasn't incendiary? You posted that for the express purpose of insulting the site. No other reason.

You may notice that seems to be the hallmark of forum members who show up in the Comments. Can't figure out how you guys can stay on your high horses and keep doing that.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/9/2012 8:19:37 PM

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

Incendiary or not, this "us vs. them" attitude that you keep fostering over here is more dangerous for the quality of this site than anything I might say. And since when have you held Kotaku in high regard?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I'm not holding anyone in high regard. I'm telling you how what you put in quotes – gaming "journalism" – works everywhere. To say we used to be "above" posting rumors is not only false, it's insulting.

The only one fostering anything is you. Every time you show up in the Comments, you've got something negative to say, and it usually involves the site. The ONLY people who do this come from the forums. Period.

You want to stop the "us vs. them" thing? Then knock this behavior the hell OFF.

12 years ago

Sir Shak only comes out of the forums to the main page when he feels like being a jerk about something then quickly making it about others being a jerk to him and his group.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

Ben, have you noticed that nobody from the forum has come over here to defend my point of view, while a couple of your cronies have jumped on the opportunity and barged in. One harping about some random crap and the other personally insulting me in a 'pot calling the kettle black' kind of way. What does that tell you about the "group" that is apparently the bane of your PSXE existence and the pure one that dare not venture into the evil forum?

Now I don't need your personal approval every time I feel like expressing my opinion on a matter, neither do I need to flag my so called positive posts so that you can keep up with them. If you don't like what I have to say, ban me.

Last edited by Sir Shak on 6/10/2012 2:59:34 PM

12 years ago

Maybe because a majority of the forum elitists seldom read the articles let alone attempt to contribute to the conversations that go on below them.

You post a comment that you know will piss off Ben and those of us that enjoy the news we get from PSXE. Just go back to the forums where you're free to be an ass.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
12 years ago

Cry a bit louder, LV, can't hear you on the other side of indifference.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

What positive posts? Where? You really think I can't read the rundown history of your posts? Want me to tick them off for you?

There is no point to your comment here. None. All sites and sources post rumors. Every single one. It's called news, like it or not. And you didn't just say, "no, I don't think this is real," you made an elaborate insult of the site.

People on this site actually visit the main page and read the articles. They interact with the community. LV contributes more to this site in a week than you and your long history – of which you boasted to Underdog – have done in a freakin' year. Unless, of course, you count the times you show up here to bash PSXE.

There's an us vs. them, all right. There are PSXE readers who enjoy coming here, and a select group of people in the forums who bash the site continually and think they're being subtle about it, and believe they're always in the right. That sh** WILL stop, one way or the other.

No more posts from you in this thread.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/10/2012 6:48:34 PM

12 years ago

Sir Shak, if I may chime in here: There's always at least two ways to criticize.

I don't find anything wrong in your *point* here. All gossip is not news, and I'm not convinced that all the mentioned sites would have considered this as such. Actually I doubt they would, not when the "source" can't even tell who said this.

However! To start talking about butt licking dogs and bitches and bullshit about the next ps4 and so forth… You just *have* to expect how that will be taken. It's not constructive. It's not even funny. And this is not the place for drippingly ironic, non-constructive criticism. That much you should know by now, after all these years.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/11/2012 8:37:36 AM

12 years ago

ha, too easy.

For not caring what everyone says and never taking anything seriously, I sure have no problems getting forumites riled up when I want to. Batting 1.000 actually.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/11/2012 1:09:35 PM

12 years ago

I don't know how many people will see this as it is yesterday's news, but I'm still trying to figure this out..LV and Underdog, you used to post in the forums I believe, what happened? Anyways, as a result, (and some of you may laugh) but in the forums, there is a thread going on trying to resolve this issue that seems to be going on between the main site and the forums. It is basically a spot to politely and calmly discuss how we can get past this mind set that is in all honesty doing no good for anyone. As I said, I don't know if anyone will see this, but feel free to come over and join the discussion if you do.

12 years ago

I often look back at recent posts to see if there are any replies. Thanks for letting me know about something in the forums I may want to look at.

12 years ago

i bet it will. any longer and square may lose it's golden chance.

12 years ago

I'll believe it when I see it.

12 years ago

Nah, Nah. That ship has sailed… A loooong time ago… They want to keep us in the dark for what 4 years? No progress report? No.. no "yeah it's still commin but we're not gonna give any details"? Well then they can keep thier release date I dun care…. Sooo… TGS you say? Wonder when it's gonna release…

12 years ago

I'd honestly have to laugh if the release date were something like "Final Fantasy Versus XIII 2016 Q4 on next gen consoles". I mean it's been like 5 years or so since they first announced it right?

12 years ago

Unlikely, though there's a chance the game will at least show some more gameplay. I mean they would be stupid not to. But I bet everyone is slaving away on the lost cause that is FFXIV still.

As this generation draws to a close in the next 2 years I hope there is a major meeting over at Square Enix and someone decides that maybe they have been on the wrong track. And also that Wada's brain is extracted and examined for defects.

12 years ago

Just make Wada into a crash-test dummy for all those Yugo's that now reside, rusting away, in junkyards the world over.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/9/2012 7:05:24 PM

12 years ago

Coming to a game store near you, Final Fantasy Versus XIII: the Duke Nukem Chronicles. The XIII stands for how many years it will take to make this game….

Or just for fun, Versus XIII was just a front to distract everyone from the fact that SE has actually been spending all this time actually recreating FF VII, it's taken them this long to figure out how to make a world map on the PS3…and changing their name back to SquareSoft…

But in all honesty, When it comes to SE and the FF series this generation, does anyone even get excited anymore? I personally can't be bothered to finish the first FF XIII, and have not made any attempt since to bother with any other FF's that have come out since…Maybe it's my gaming habits that have changed, but FF is pretty much dead to me now, it doesn't have the same hold over me that it used to in the PS1-2 days.

Last edited by CH1N00K on 6/9/2012 3:56:33 PM

12 years ago

Sadly no, the excitement factor is over with. FFXIII was the nail, FFXIV was the hammer, and FFXIII-2 was the hand.

12 years ago

Haha, I fired off a letter to SE years ago telling them that if they werent careful with FF13 it would be the final nail in FFs coffin.

12 years ago

My Tokyo Game Show wishlist: Versus XIII, The Last Guardian, and the Kingdom Hearts HD remakes.

12 years ago

Like you said at the end I'll take it with a grain of salt. If it happens fine, but really I am just not interested in it anymore. Sure I'll want to play it, but I am not even sure it would be a day1 purchase either.

12 years ago

This is as real as Pacman getting an FPS reboot.

12 years ago

and half life 3 will also be given a release date at TGS!
so will the last guardian.
sorry guys but its more likely for us to see the zombie apocalypse before we see versus 13!

12 years ago

Hmmm….. i think after all these years, i take any versus news with a pound of salt.

12 years ago

they going to provide a date that its going to be delay for another year or 2.

12 years ago

I hope this is true. The agni prophecy trailer got me thinking that Square lost interrst this generation and are now focusing on the next Any word on kngdom Hearts 3 or the kingdom hearts collection rumor?

12 years ago

Grain of salt, indeed. Ya know… with all of the hype we're building onto Versus XIII, I am reminded of the final line in Fanboys…

"What if the movie sucks?"

(If you don't understand the reference, I implore you to watch the movie. Then… all will fall into place.)

12 years ago

I'm sure too that it will come out for 360 as well as they are all about the almighty dollar and for me I really don't care about FF anymore as Square isn't the company they used to be!

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