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Guerrilla’s New Project To Be Online Multiplayer-Oriented?

Currently, the rumor is that Guerrilla Games is cranking away on Killzone 4 and a mysterious new IP.

It's unfortunate that the developer wasn't at E3 (the most glaring omission of Sony's press conference in our estimation), but at least we get a new hint thanks to a recent job listing for a Senior Game Designer (as spotted by PlayStation LifeStyle ).

The listing says they want you to apply if "you've worked on (and completed) one or more FPS/action games as a Senior Game Designer," which basically implies that the new title in question is a shooter. But then there's the part where they put a heavy emphasis on online multiplayer, saying they " really want to hear from you if you have an extensive knowledge of and affinity for Online/Multiplayer design." The implication there is interesting…it could just be talking about a standard multiplayer mode but the way it's written, it almost sounds like a MMOFPS or something that puts multiplayer before single-player.

Oh, maybe I'm just being paranoid. I hate the idea of not having a campaign, so I could be looking for fire where there is no smoke. At the very least, Guerrilla is working on something and gamers everywhere would like a peek. Soon.

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12 years ago

I hope they make KZ4 more like 2 than 3.It's one of the few games I've liked enough to play on super hard and felt KZ3 was much easier than 2.I can't blame GG because according to their trophy stat's most people didn't even finish KZ2.
After 700 hours of 2 and 100 hours of 3 I just wish they didn't make 3 so easy and the MP locked to one location.
Had a dream a while ago that KZ4 had so good graphics that it must be on PS4,it was a MP map in the mountains at night or on a moon with a very rocky terrain.If I'm wrong I'm just a random idiot but if I'm right you saw it here first.Feb 2014 is my guess.(Unrelated but I had a dream about a yellow van years ago then bought one a week later so I'm normally right about these things).

12 years ago

yah, their are some trophies in multiplayer that are time consuming, oh well, at least I got all the campaign trophies.

12 years ago

I really liked KZ2, thought it was a triumph. Now I'm debating whether or not to even FINISH Kz3 before I sell it.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/9/2012 3:36:21 PM

12 years ago

World, I think its worth keeping KZ3 as part of your collection. Technically it really is spectacular when looking at it today.

I enjoyed KZ3 a lot, in-fact I managed to complete it, whilst I haven't been able to complete KZ2. I liked the fact that KZ3 had a brighter palette too. KZ3 is part of PS3 history so my suggestion is to keep it if you can.



12 years ago

hi guys been a fan of this site for years,

love the killzone series its ashame it doesnt have the sales figures as halo but hey ho,

i think GG are gearing up for the next gen now, we will not see another killzone on the ps3 in my opinion.

12 years ago

welcome in!

12 years ago

Looks like Sony is looking to grab a special online MP audience that has grown up from CoD. They will have Dust 514 and whatever this is to go back and forth on, buying up microtransactions. Seems like a good model for the future. I hope GG can deliver something that isn't already tired and overdone. It won't be easy.

12 years ago

Good point, models based on transactional in-game virtual items seem to be doing fairly well. I just received a free guest pass for Diablo 3 which permits me to play up until Level 13. I will try it and see if it hooks me or not 🙂

I am looking forward to Dust 514, I hope it they do it well… I did apply to be part of the Beta, but haven't heard back yet. Actually I better check my Gmail account that is linked to my PSN account, I may have received something without knowing…



12 years ago

I applied too.

12 years ago

thanks bikersaint. your all famous to me, lol. i always check for the latest storeis on this site, so i thought to myself,'' i visit this site everyday'',so why not sign up as a member and add my tup pence worth.

12 years ago

It will be interesting to see if the next KZ will include Move support. I don't think it was as big of a selling feature for KZ3 as they had hoped. I thought KZ3 was fun….if you used the Move, but if you were only using the DS3, it had nowhere near the difficulty and challenge that KZ2 had.

12 years ago

i brought the sharpshooter especially for killzone, felt like arnie in cammando, pump action reload and precision aiming great stuff,

the only thing that i couldn't quite get use to was the aiming, u see with a pad when u move the stick your gun moved, with the move, u would move the gun to look around but the camera doesnt pan with it until u reach close to the end of the screen, would have been nice to have had instant pan as an option.

12 years ago

I've found with Sharpshooter games, when you set up your screen, Don't aim at the corners of your TV, but aim a little inside. This makes the Move think that you're playing on a smaller TV and your turn radius is tighter. Made a huge difference in my reaction times…don't go too small though, or you'll spend the whole game spinning in

12 years ago

I think tailoring KZ3 to fit the Move helped ruin it. I'm trying to finish the game up now but you can tell the movement is just all screwed up with the DS3.

12 years ago

I didn't have any trouble with the DS3 m'self World – it does feel a lot 'lighter' than with KZ2 (there isn't a shooter on any platform that I'm aware of that comes close to the weight of KZ2, such a shame they let it go), but it's similar to most other shooters. Just pretend you're playing CoD in space. It is a right shame they didn't stick to their guns though.

12 years ago

I didn't have any trouble using my DS3, but as Axe99 just said, the K3 weapons did seem much lighter than the K2 guns.

Which was a shame, thanks to the complaining crybaby twitcher crowd.

12 years ago

BTW, I'll be very disappointed if the next KZ were to leave out a SP campaign mode.

Please, please Guerrilla, don't even think of doing that!!!!!

12 years ago

I still had a lot more fun playing Killzone 1 multi-player and single-player. But Killzone 2 was a great game, it was massively different from 1 in a good way. 1 was still better IMO.

12 years ago

it definitely will have MP but however it being MP only is very unlikely.
ps3 has had ALLOT of MMOs these past few years, and they have fallen flat on their face!
this wont be for KZ though they announced shortly after KZ3 came out that they are working on a new IP and keeping KZ4 for later.
new IP would be the one the job listing refers too , so theres no need to worry that KZ4 would be online only especially since it will be a ps4 launch title.
$ony made some stupid decisions in the past, but their not that stupid to restrict one of their most famous franchises, and one of the few launch titles, to online only!

12 years ago

KZ3 was a better overall package than KZ2 for me. The guns sure became lighter, but it was still a much more realistic feel than any other shooters out there. The multiplayer was immense too.

More of the same GG please, with crazier graphics, gripping story and more ambitious MP maps with new vehicles <3

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