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FFXIV Progress Report: PS3 Version Sill Quite A Ways Off

Final Fantasy XIV isn't on the PlayStation 3 yet. But given the response the PC version received, most PS3 owners are just fine with that.

It's unfortunate that FFXIV got off to a rocky start but since that time, Square Enix has remained dedicated to fixing the issues. And in a recent IGN interview , producer and director Naoki Yoshida gave franchise fans a progress update that is relevant to both the PC and PS3 versions.

Firstly, the PS3 version will boast a different interface that is specifically tailored to that platform. Square Enix wanted to look at the "global standard" for control in MMOs, so it's no surprise they took cues from the immensely popular World of Warcraft . Now, S-E is "using that as a base" for rebooting the damaged FFXIV, so players – specifically PC players, because the development team has less experience with the mouse and keyboard setup – will be comfortable.

As for when we might see the spruced up FFXIV on PS3, that remains up in the air. However, Yoshida did give us an estimated timeline: They plan to release more details in August and then start alpha testing in September. They'll incorporate that feedback into the game and afterward, they'll roll out a beta test version on the PC and PS3. Or rather, PC "and then for PS3." Said Yoshida:

"We want to make sure this time we take a lot of time to listen to feedback from users during this beta test and implement as much of it as possible before the release. We want to make sure we have a massive amount of content at launch. We don’t want to go into launch without enough to do. So it’s going to be building up that content base and getting this feedback in. That might end up pushing the release back a little. It’s all going to depend on that."

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV

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12 years ago

As a long time FFXI player, while I am impressed with the graphics design and the crafting system that's all I can say about this game. I hope that if/when they release the ps3 version they revamp the UI so that its console-friendly because as it is on the pc with a controller its pretty horrid.

But its nice how the director mentioned that they want to do the ps3 version and the pc at the same time instead of one then the other.

12 years ago

why does it say power user next to your name?

12 years ago

…It sure doesn't reflect in his comments!

12 years ago

Wayyyyyyy back in the day, the comments section on this site wasn't as well used, and people obtained titles for posts much in the same way you would on a ranked forum.

If you look at your own user CP, you'll notice you still receive points for each comment you make.

I had an account here way back before this one. (I never used it anyways) But users that still come here from way back then still have their last title. I think Dillon has a title as well as former editors and writers (who don't really comment here anymore).

12 years ago

I started in 2008, I'm a badass.

12 years ago

I started back then too, I am also a badass. I am a badass like Duke Nukem. He can bench 600lbs and I can bench 601lbs.

12 years ago

I've been here since early 2010 with this account… which is 2 years to your 4… which still makes me a badass, but exactly half the badass you guys are…

Still badass, though.

12 years ago

interesting. i want to say that i have been coming here since about 2008. not sure if i started commenting in 08 but its been since about that time. i eventually had to start commenting after reading some of the posts, i just had to chime in.

12 years ago

Also jumped aboard in 2008, although I was lurking around here for another year before that.

12 years ago

I hope they don't take to long with the ps3 version, the ps3 is coming to the end of its life cycle and if S-E what the game to be relivent they need to get it out there before ps4 is the talk of the town. I'm not saying they should rush it that didnt work out well the last time.

12 years ago

Believe me, if this never comes out at all for a console, thank your lucky stars. XIV is just bad, and while many might say that they've fixed it, they have not, it is still a very broken game at its core, and they really cant fix that now.

I really wish SE would just let this game die and turn it into a f2p game like it should be, why people spend money on this every month is beyond me…

12 years ago

SE has been the biggest disappointment this generation. Talk about a company that goes from doing everything right to almost nothing right in the span of a few years. Hell I really liked Nier and SE didn't even develop it.

How are the top execs at SE not already all fired and banished from the company?

12 years ago

it seems to me that they really have no clue what the hell they are doing or what is really going on. they also do not seem to have a clue as to what the long time fans of their games really want.

12 years ago

My friend made a good observation earlier this week about how the Japanese receive their titles. Seems that's enough to make them happy.

12 years ago

Just can it, support the PC version, and hurry up and finish Versus or XV if that's what they're calling it now.

12 years ago

Nobody cares about this failed game. Stop giving MMOs full numbered entry status and move on.

I swear to God the Mako has fried everybodies brains and all they can do at SE is go "uuh…aaah" and drool into a cup.

12 years ago

If you had Tifa waiting on you hand and foot, you would too!

12 years ago

True story.

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
12 years ago

Ugh. Square keeps throwing good money after bad with this one. The stink of failure around this is so strong that it will be very, very hard to convince people to give the reboot a shot.

Another sad example of Square pursuing the willow-the-wisp of Western success and losing themselves deeper and deeper in the dark forest of failure.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

Here in one way or another since 2000 or was it 1999? or 98??
No idea how long ago.

12 years ago

Pffft, leave it on the PC… Not a true FF if you have to buy the game then have to pay monthly to play it. It's perfect for the PC just like all the other pay to play MMOs for it.

12 years ago

I don't understand why people are iffed about Square Enix trying to fix FF14.

Better them to accept responsibility and make Final Fantasy XIV the true successor to XI than dropping it.

Though I think they should make a next gen port soon. This console generation is almost over!

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