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Sony: The Last Of Us Won’t Hit This Year

For some time, there have been rumors supporting the idea that Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us would launch later this year.

But the ambitious project won't be available until 2013, so says Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida. In speaking to VG247 , Yoshida confirmed that a couple of the games showed during Sony's E3 press conference wouldn't be on store shelves until next year.

"We are not ready to talk about 2013. But some of the games we showed like God of War and The Last of Us are not coming out this year."

We know God of War: Ascension will launch on March 12, 2013, as announced at the conference, but an exact release date for The Last Of Us is still up in the air. All we know now is that we can't expect it as a Game of the Year contender for 2012…which only means it'll be a GotY contender in 2013. I mean, does anyone doubt that for a second?

As for Uncharted 4 , that remains unannounced and at this rate, there's every chance it'll release for the PS4.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

Take as long as you need ND 🙂
I can wait

12 years ago

Noooooooooo! Major bummer, dudes. All my hotly anticipated games have been pushed back to or scheduled for 2013. Could be worse, but this holiday season doesn't seem to be shaping up like last holiday season.

12 years ago

Oh man, 2012 still got a lot of goodies in store: Far Cry 3, Dishonoured, Borderlands 2, X-Com, Assassins Creed 3, Dust 514…

12 years ago

Forgot about Dishonored. That one looks real promising. Have they announced a date for Dust 514 yet? I'm hoping to get into that beta. I was referring to Bioshock, Tomb Raider, GoW, and now TLOU though.

12 years ago

Just preordered Dishonored. Amazon has the "Back street butcher pack" which sounds pretty cool. I can't wait to skulk in the shadows and assassinate folks in a Steampunk world.

12 years ago

Bioshock Infinite, Watch Dogs, Tomb Raider, The Last Of Us, possibly GTA5… Is 2013 already shaping up to become legendary?

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/6/2012 12:55:45 PM

12 years ago

It's crazy how that is because in 2011, we, or at least some of us, thought 2012 was gonna be packed too. With 2013 as it will be, it seems this gen is not ready to slow down yet. Perhaps it might be because it's going to be the last, strong year for this generation?

We also have to remember that there are probably some more games that have yet to be announced for 2013 that might be worth some attention.

12 years ago

… OMG, and how could I forget: Crysis 3! Quite possibly my favourite FPS franchise ever!

@Daus: Indeed there should be plenty titles unannounced for 2013 yet. Add to that the fact that the above list is *higly* likely to come in 2013 without further delays, and we got yet another insane year ahead.

And with the list for 2012 ahead (I listed them further up there) I'd say 2012 is indeed great too. Lets not forget what's released so far this year either, with Mass Effect 3 and Kingdoms of Amalur (I dig that game) as my personal favs.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/6/2012 1:16:28 PM

12 years ago

The first half hasn't been as good as 2011, but still much better than in past years. And, despite the loss of the delayed games, the second half might be better than 2011.

12 years ago

so some people were saying that it is ellen page as the voice of the girl in last of us. its actually ashley johnson. she is actually a pretty well known actress. look her up you might not expect all the stuff she has been in.

12 years ago

Bear with me for a second, but this news made me think of something. If the PS4 launches end of 2013 as it's been rumored, and Uncharted 4 becomes a launch title like many think it could be, then Naughty Dog could have two top tier games in consideration for GOTY.

Not sure if it's good or bad to have two ND games duking it out for top spot, though I guess the more ND games out there the better. In the end, we all win.

12 years ago

I seriously doubt PS4 will be touching 2013. I've always said 2014 but even that is seeming too early after what we've seen.

12 years ago

I agree, I'm definately in the "they can take their time" group. But, they keep talking about not letting MS get jump on them like last time, and it looks like MS is eyeing up the end of next year. It very well could happen.

12 years ago

I'm cool with that, so what games do you guys think will be up for GOTY this year?

12 years ago

Hard to say….RE6? Dishonored if it turns out to be as good as it sounds. GTA5 would be almost as close to a lock as it gets if it comes out in 2012. Halo 4? AC3 is also possible after seeing those ship scenes.

Last edited by jimmyhandsome on 6/6/2012 2:02:44 PM

12 years ago

If GTA5 comes this year there's not really any doubt in my mind.

But if not, then Assassins Creed 3 is an obvious candidate. Quite possibly the best AC yet.

Dishonored is *hopefully* a candidate too, though I need to see more gameplay video before I got my mind up on that one. Great potential, but that last gameplay video I saw left me slightly disappointed. Let's hope I am wrong.

Like I've said before, as far as I'm concerned Dust 514 can either be a success on GOTY level or a major flop. I can't really see anything in between for that title.

12 years ago

After reading what I've read and putting that together with the gameplay for Dishonored I'm convinced it will be an amazing experience. It isn't going to be the prettiest game out there, but I think the open world and freedom to choose will be amazing. Like Bioshock with the possibility of lots of stealth and a bigger world.

12 years ago

Yeah I agree that Dishonored has huge potential, and most likely will be great. I've just learned over the years to never put all trust into the initial non-gameplay trailers. They are almost always great. 😀

But don't misunderstand me, I expect this to be a day 1 purchase.

12 years ago

I hope I'm right, I'm really sticking my neck out for this project but I hear they did something with Bioshock 2 and something for Half Life 2 that got cancelled. I think as a new IP it will probably have some technical issue but I can handle that.

It just looks like it CAN'T be bad.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 6/6/2012 5:42:55 PM

12 years ago

Wow, this year is pretty weak then on PS3 releases. Looks like it will be the year of the Wii U and PSVita for me.

12 years ago

Are there a lot of great Vita releases ahead?

12 years ago

Not that I know of. Lol

12 years ago

PS4 launch title – Sony has moved on from the PS3 – TLOS, KZ4 and Infamous3 at launch will work nicely for the next gen machine

12 years ago

Huh? There is no way the LastofUs is a PS4 game.

12 years ago

great, so now ive only got one game i want exclusive to my ps3 this year!
sly 4, and to be honest its not exactly looking like a GOTY contender!
cant believe im saying this but freaking M$ have more exclusives that interest me releasing this year than $ony do!
so sad especially since last year they practically had 1 exclusive per 2 months!

12 years ago

ND take your time I can wait, just keep making it amazing 🙂
Honestly it's been a rough year finacially for my family so i'm kinda glad not a lot is coming this year i know in the new year will be better for us and for gaming

12 years ago

I don't much care how long they take, as long as it's not a rediculous amount of time, as long as the game is exceptional(as it is looking to be). I don't need a new installment of an established franchise or an entirely new IP every year… Besides, I got about a dozen games on my watch list through the end of the year still… I'm tired of what could/should be an exceptional game turning to crap because it gets rushed out the door just to make a few bucks.

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