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EA Will Officially Reveal Dead Space 3 Next Week At E3

Yesterday, we got some evidence to support the idea of co-op play being a staple of the Dead Space 3 experience .

But we won't have to rely on rumors for much longer. As reported by IGN , EA has confirmed that the next Dead Space installment will be officially unveiled at E3 next week. So we'll then be able to put all the speculation and hearsay behind us and just focus on standard information and details from the publisher…a bit more boring, it's true, but certainly more reliable.

As part of the unveiling, EA has promised some early footage, although we're not sure if gameplay will be included in that presentation. They're obviously not about to spill the beans before hand; EA would only say:

"We’re excited to unveil Dead Space 3 to the world at the EA press conference next week."

Well, considering Dead Space is one of the most critically acclaimed new franchises of the generation (and it essentially redefined the survival/horror genre), we'd have to say that a great many gamers are excited, too. It'll be very interesting to see what changes and improvements the developer has made…DS3 could be the freakiest, most satisfying thriller yet!

Related Game(s): Dead Space 3

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12 years ago

I'm ready to preorder

12 years ago

Day one buy. I love this series & thrilled to see it back. I hope this whole co-op feature doesn't **** up the game though like it did with RE5.

12 years ago

New enemies is needed for sure. The second just wasn't as creepy knowing the enemies and how they acted and attacked. They hopefully, assuming there is co-op, figured out a way to keep the thrills up. Because if there's co-op I'm definitely playing with a friend but Id like the same type of experience as the first and second.

This certainly is a game I'm very excited for!

12 years ago

i got dead space 1 and 2 for $5 each on steam and have yet to play them. i really want to play them i just never play games on my computer. i really should get around to playing these

12 years ago

that is a steal, u should get on it, make sure it's dark and lights are off to get the full experience.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 6/1/2012 12:40:17 PM

12 years ago

im about as excited for this as i am about watching the grass grow!
its so disappointing to see yet another great horror franchise turn into a mindless shooter!
i hope im wrong about this, but this looks like yet another RE5 to me!

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